FT原文:Apple wins landmark court battle with EU over €14.3bn of tax payments (https://on.ft.com/3fsjVTM)(免費link!)(*)
1. FT呢張圖真係揀得好。其實埃汾都好重視揀圖,同一單新聞,我揀邊個cap,都好多學問
2. 故事望落好似幾簡單,就係蘋果有143億歐羅嘅稅可以唔使交。但成件事起因係乜起因,又有乜影響?就要講多啲。
3. 就由支旗講起,愛爾蘭(定你以為係象牙海岸/科特迪瓦?)
4. 點解關歐盟事?因為蘋果爭嘅錢,唔係爭美國,係爭愛爾蘭。而愛爾蘭係歐盟成員。
5. 蘋果爭愛爾蘭政府稅,未交咯。但成件事最好笑係:愛爾蘭政府之前一路唔肯收!是真的!(https://bit.ly/3gZsaqT)所以你唔好以為係蘋果拖數歐盟幫愛爾蘭追!而係歐盟之前一定要愛爾蘭收返啲稅!夠唔夠奇怪?
6. 成件事嘅元兇係:愛爾蘭好低稅率,蘋果近乎冇乜點交稅。而歐盟覺得咁樣有問題,一定要愛爾蘭收返,要蘋果交返!
7. 個故事就係,其實我都寫過,好多公司都將歐洲總部設在愛爾蘭(https://fbook.cc/3CJr)。並唔係市場大,而係因為,稅低!
8. 舊文舉嘅例係飛機租賃公司。而其實更重要嘅係,一大堆科技公司,歐洲總部都設在愛爾蘭!Facebook呀,UBER呀,AirBNB呢啲公司,基本上總部放邊都冇乜所謂,咪搵最低稅嘅地方。全部盈利打晒入去,至少歐洲嘅盈利係。
9. 有幾低稅?愛爾蘭原本嘅稅率,收12.5%,已經比歐洲(甚至全世界)絶大多數地位為低。唔止,畀科技公司,甚至係低到2%。仲唔止,仲要咩研發呀之類,仲有得扣稅。所以實際上,蘋果在愛爾蘭嘅effective tax rate,低過1%
10. 咁,又關其他人乜事?就關事咯。如果愛爾蘭唔入歐盟,都仲可能吹你唔脹(但應該都唔係,仲有其他盟)。入咗歐盟嘅,咁你即係搶生意啫,人人咁高稅你咁低,咁啲公司實走晒你度,人才又去晒你度(所以記住,愛爾蘭啲人才,係因為低稅先走過去,未有呢樣嘢前,唔記得勞工質素有幾高)。其他人仲得了?
11. 講白啲,其實同合謀定價一樣。唔畀減價搶生意。不過係政府帶頭。人人都要收咁高稅,唔畀收平。
12. 個理據就話,愛爾蘭收咁低稅,就等同國家補貼。而聽聞呢,呢類東西,係禁止嘅。但凡乜乜貿易協議一定嘈呢啲。但實行起上嚟就極其複雜。美國話中資銀行平錢借畀國企係補貼,之但係聯儲局直接買債又唔係補貼?中東三寶(航空公司)啲超平油超低稅又畀人話補貼。日本津貼農產品(民主嘛,要拉農村票)又係補貼。有排拗,亦益咗好多律師。
13. 最搞笑係,其實最初歐盟判蘋果要交稅返畀愛爾蘭,美國係出嚟鬧的!就梗係唔係維護企業。而係蘋果長年將啲錢泊在海外—你交咗畀愛爾蘭政府,我咪冇得等你調返嚟時抽稅?!(順手講埋,當時係奧巴馬。反而後來侵侵上台係減咗呢啲嘢,所以啲科企有掉返錢返美國)
14. 講到尾,其實你低稅,就等同樣Beggar thy neighbor 以鄰為壑(到底有冇人用呢個中文詞?)。不過愛爾蘭當時包裝係吸引人材,就梗係好多人讚好。同樣地,美國加關稅就梗係Beggar thy neighbor,不過亦好多人讚好。
15. 而當然,愛爾蘭都係計算啫。你入歐盟,咪又要跟呢個玩法。唔順超嘅,可以脫歐的(當然我懷疑脫歐都係可以照搞你,例如你見波音同AirBus都係互鬧足幾十年)。咁你有冇見愛爾蘭話脫歐丫?留低,咪要跟規則
16. 一個關鍵係,愛爾蘭早早用歐元,而英國唔係。當然你好多戀英網友會話歐盟左膠呀歐元區崩潰咁。但事實係,2010咩歐債危機時已經咁講,事隔10年,你見咩意大利希臘,有冇放棄用歐元?有冇一個國家放棄用歐元?反而係大把國家仲爭住入歐元區
17. 順帶一提,理論上,港紙同美國脫勾,掛歐元都得架!
18. 講多兩句,其實全世界其他政府,都會針對呢啲低稅地方。基本上tax heaven 就畀人當係洗黑錢天堂,無非亦係為咗$。除咗公司外,富豪亦都可以避稅,去第個國家做公民。早排仲有單嘢,某富豪因為封城,在某國留得太耐,結果要交足稅。
19. 做銀行做稅務嘅,會知咩係CRS Common Reporting Standard,亦係為免你走稅。因為而家(至少早幾十年係)全球化,你要走嚟走去太易。
20. 亦都所以,如果真係好小心呢,去咩台灣嗰啲,我就建議你唔好開匯豐 星展 花旗 之類嘅戶口。原因?台灣收稅都唔少,利息要收稅,好似仲有資本增值稅。你在香港啲東西,畀銀行見到,可能幫你報去台灣。所以識玩就搵啲最十九嘅銀行,咩彰化銀行 土地銀行 嗰啲就perfect.咪撚貪台灣星展啲台妹靚呀
21. 你睇,又塞錢又你袋,真係幫你慳返唔少錢。快啲去訂片啦。今次好似冇乜人訂!問嗰時又個個話一炮過!唔係200蚊嫌貴嘛?但時間長一個開喎。
22. 最後講股價,你見嗰143億歐羅嘅稅唔使交,咁蘋果講緊一季嘅盈利都係咁上下數,無啦啦多返一季盈利,都幾好。不過你見股價都只係升少少,一來呢舊數係one off。二來科技股近日都弱。三來之前股價都升咗唔少了,一度挑戰400蚊但未成功(399.8就跌返落嚟)。而家講緊係17000億美金市值嘅公司—有幾誇張?舊年咁上下時間,先寫緊 four comma club( https://fbook.cc/3CJq),10000億市值(1 trillion,1,000,000,000,000,咪四個comma),嗰刻只得微軟一間係會員,但其實蘋果更早入會,只係嗰刻跌出咗。
(*)拿,真係賣大包手快有手慢冇。FT當然要錢訂,埃汾都有訂,但當然唔少人覺得貴,或者又驚畀咗錢未必有好多時間睇。明白嘅。作為訂戶呢,FT容許埃汾一個月免費share 20篇文,咁我可能留返幾篇畀公司同事。其他得閒我就會貼呢度.不過,掃興在,條link只可以開三次!所以只有最快嗰三位先可以(咁你可以一條友開三次咁仆街嘅)。另外,嗰個月用晒免費link,我就唔會再免費link三隻字,免得你入到去又見到係科水(但當然,如果有3個人快手過你就冇計,所以記得mon實)
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同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅婷婷的世界 Ting Ting's World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,有中文字幕!但是要自己開字幕 :-) Join us on our weekly hike to Kaohsiung's Monkey Mountain - Chai Shan! This video explains how to climb Kaohsiung's Monkey Mountai...
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Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of a landmark rally that kicked off the city’s anti-government movement in Hong Kong. Police arrested dozens and fired pepper spray to disperse hundreds of protesters.
Read more: bit.ly/2ziB5Dt
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[教育時評] Los Angeles Central Library (洛杉磯中央圖書館)
Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? No worries! No matter whether you are single or not, go to the library and read some books. Maybe you will meet someone there!
The historic Central Library Goodhue building was constructed in 1926 and is a Downtown Los Angeles landmark. It received the National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation's highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community.
1. historic 歷史上著名(或重要)的,有歷史意義的
2. historical 歷史的;有關歷史的
3. a landmark 一個地標
4. the highest honor (that is) given 被授予最高榮譽
5. a service to the community 對社區的服務
The Los Angeles Public Library was selected for its success in meeting the needs of Angelenos and providing a level of social, educational, and cultural services unmatched by any other public institution in the city. The award recognizes the library's programs that help people on their path to citizenship, earn their high school diploma, manage personal finances and access health and well-being services and resources.
6. be selected for its success 因其成功而入選
7. meet the needs 滿足需求
8. social, educational, and cultural service 社會、教育和文化服務
9. be unmatched by 無法比擬的
10. public institution 公共機構
11. path to citizenship 公民之路
12. high school diploma 高中文憑
13. manage personal finances 管理個人財務
14. access well-being services and resources 獲得福祉服務與資源
The original Los Angeles Central Library with designed with influences of ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival architecture. The central tower is topped with a tiled mosaic pyramid with suns on the sides with a hand holding a torch representing the "Light of Learning" at the apex. Other elements include sphinxes, snakes, and celestial mosaics.
15. ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival architecture 古代埃及和地中海復興式建築
16. central tower 中央高塔
17. mosaic pyramid 鑲有馬賽克瓷磚的金字塔
18. at the apex 在頂端
19. sphinxes and snakes 獅身人面像與蛇
The interior of the library is decorated with various figures, statues, chandeliers, and grilles, notably a four-part mural by illustrator Dean Cornwell depicting stages of the History of California which was completed around 1933.[18] The building is a designated Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument, and is on the National Register of Historic Places.
20. be decorated with 以…裝飾
21. figures, statues, chandeliers, and grilles 畫像,雕像,枝形吊燈與護欄
22. a mural 壁畫
23. depict 描繪
24. be designated as 被指定為
圖書館的內部以各種畫像,雕像,枝形吊燈與護欄裝飾,特別是畫家Dean Cornwell繪製的四組壁畫,這組1933年左右完成的壁畫描繪了加利福尼亞歷史的各個階段。該建築被指定為洛杉磯歷史文化古蹟,也是登錄國家歷史古蹟。
Oodi Helsinki Central Library (赫爾辛基頌歌中央圖書館): http://bit.ly/2HjpN2g
Vancouver Public Library (溫哥華公共圖書館): http://bit.ly/2tOiJYe
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
landmark中文 在 婷婷的世界 Ting Ting's World Youtube 的最讚貼文
有中文字幕!但是要自己開字幕 :-)
Join us on our weekly hike to Kaohsiung's Monkey Mountain - Chai Shan! This video explains how to climb Kaohsiung's Monkey Mountain, Monkey Mountain trailhead location and how to get there, what you will need to bring and even where you can have a delicious traditional Chinese breakfast after your climb.
Don't forget to subscribe for more Taiwan fun!
There are two main trailheads to climb Monkey Mountain: Shou Shan (near the zoo) and Chai Shan (further north). I prefer Chai Shan, and I'll show you here how to climb yourself!
Time: 1.5 - 3 hour round trip (depending on climbing speed and how many photos you take!)
Bring: Water, bug repellent, walking shoes, comfortable clothing
Optional: sweat towel (May to October), bandaids
Do not bring: food of any kind, plastic bags or wrappers (or the monkeys will be attracted to you - please note food is prohibited on the mountain for this reason)
Getting there
- Public transport: use google maps transit directions for bus routes (navigate to the 7-11 at the link below). Please note these often do not run before 7 am.
- Walking: the trailhead is about a half hour walk from Aozidi MRT station.
- Taxi/Uber: Show one of the addresses below to your driver (I recommend asking him to take you to the 7 Eleven as it's a major landmark and walking from there). The fare from Aozhidi MRT station (taxi rank at exit 2) is approximately nt120.
- Public bicycle
---City bike: You can use your credit card to rent these, but you keep paying until they are returned to a station. The closest station is at this 7 Eleven, a 10 minute walk from the mountain.
--- O-bike: Download the o-bike app to find an available bike. Once you arrive at the mountain, you can leave the bike there and it will likely still be there for you to re-rent when you come back down (and there are often extra available O-bikes at the trailhead or nearby).
Addresses and map links
Chai Shan 7 Eleven (google maps link)
Address in Chinese:
柴山 7 Eleven
Chai Shan trailhead (google maps link) (2 minute walk from 7 Eleven)
Address in Chinese:
Kuan Lai Shun breakfast restaurant
Open 4:30 am - 1:00 pm
If Kuan Lai Shun is closed on the day you visit, the dumplings at the restaurant next door are good - or go down the alley behind Kuan Lai Shun and into the traditional market for a few more options.
Theme: www.bensound.com
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中文视频 Chinese language clip
Went for a visit at the historical landmark of Sandakan.
Basically, it is the first concrete building in Sandakan whereby people worship to God.
Beautifully standing still at Sandakan town further up on the hill.
landmark中文 在 瘦妮Sonnie Koenig Youtube 的最讚貼文
Berlin Fernsehturm is a famous landmark in Berlin Mitte, and it's right beside Alexandarplatz.
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Giveaway 贈禮活動 (English Version 英文版):
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Sound effects: iLife
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