染发可以改变一个人的气质, 也可以显示自己的个性.
最近在Desa Park City新开的一家韩国理发店染了近期在韩国流行的"玫瑰光发色".
很喜欢这个颜色, 看起来自然也时尚, 最主要的是可以让肤色有显白效果哦!
想要换个韩式发型的朋友门, 不用大老远飞到韩国, 在Siwon Korean Hair Salon也有欧巴给你来个韩式美发服务耶!
详文: http://www.hiphippopo.com/…/siwon-korean-hair-salon-plaza-a…
I would like to share my new hair colour that I just did at ean salon, a Korean salon that operated by experienced Korean hair stylist.
I'm so happy with the result and really mad love with my new hair "rosy brown"!
It looks very natural yet stylish, and the most important thing is it brighten my skin tone!
More deeds: http://www.hiphippopo.com/…/siwon-korean-hair-salon-plaza-a…
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新年前剪完髮,今日又搵韓藉髮型師 Yully 幫我修一修。傾開計講到我喜歡某C字頭韓國女歌手,原來她的阿姨住在香港,是Yully的客人!真有緣(Ok我有少少夾硬黎😅)#hair #hairsalon #hairstylist #koreanhairstylist #kellysbeautycafe #wanchai #beauty #haircut #fastblowdry #korea #seoul