Allah sebenarnya nak suruh kita reflect diri kita. Check amalan kita, perbuatan kita. Muhasabah diri. Semoga Kita dapat perbaiki diri hari ke hari. Share dan Tag rakan anda moga bermanfaat.
Speaker : @byalifteega
Ilmu Tambahan :
1) Kalau kita nak rasa mudah dalam ujian yang Allah bagi, kita tengok ujian orang lain yang lagi hebat. Kesusahan orang lain yang lebih berat. Bila kita tengok kita akan slowly terima dan syukur.
2) Bantu orang, kalau kita tengok kawan kita yang dalam kesusahan. Kita tolong dia. InsyaAllah kata Nabi s.a.w “barangsiapa yang melepaskan seorang muslim dari kesulitan, Allah mudahkan urusan dia, dan melepaskan dia dari kesulitan di hari qiyamah..” jom kita bantu orang lain.
3) Muhasabah diri kita. Kerana setiap ujian tu Allah nak lihat bagaimana kita respon. Adakah kita perbaiki diri atau kita menyalahi takdir Allah. Allah sebenarnya rindu dengan rintihan, tangisan hamba dia. Maka Itu Allah uji kita supaya kita kembali pada Allah. Cuba kita diuji mesti kita akan automatik ingat balik pada Allah. Itu lah dia hikmahnya.
Semoga bermanfaat ya semua. Jom kongsikan pada yang lain. Moga kita gunakan medium socmed sebagai platform berdakwah. Ajak manusia kearah kebaikan.
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′′ CALM ′′
Allah actually wants us to reflect on ourselves. Check our practices, our actions. Self reflection. Hopefully we can improve ourselves day to day. Share and Tag your friends may it be beneficial.
Speaker: @byalifteega
Additional Science:
1) If we want to feel easy in the test that Allah gives, we will see other people's tests that are greater. The difficulties of others are heavier. When we see, we will slowly accept and be grateful.
2) Help people, if we see our friends in trouble. We help him. InsyaAllah said Prophet s.a.w ′′ whoever releases a Muslim from difficulties, Allah will ease his affairs, and release him from difficulties in qiyamah day.." let's help others.
3) Reflection of ourselves. Because every test Allah wants to see how we respond. Are we improving ourselves or are we wronging God's destiny. Allah actually misses the cries, the tears of his servant. So that's why Allah tests us so that we return to Allah. If we try to be tested, we will automatically remember Allah. That's the lesson.
Hopefully it will be useful. Let's share it with others. May we use medium socmed as a preaching platform. Invite humans towards goodness.
#alifteega #teega #dakwah #muhasabah #jomuhasabah #perbaikidiri #hijrah #ubah #tarbiyah #quotes #katakatamutiara #spreaddakwah #nasihat #teguran #sampaikan #manfaatTranslated