Yesterday the KOL** were led into a small secret room to take photos with the #USSHuntsman celebrities!!! 😱 Super close proximity to them #jizzinmyOTTgown
Actually I was in a corner of the red carpet where the stars stopped to take photos with us but the only picture I managed was a shitty half faced shot with @chastainiac - actually it's a full face shot I guess coz she was cut in half and I was cut in half 😒 Photo with @chrishemsworth was blur #knnbccb
Luckily afterwards we had this private session!! Eh but don't know who the two girls are beside me or the person I cut off in orange. 😳 @mr_brown and his wife look ecstatic though lol 😂 Luckily I tried to be poker-faced so I look cooler than him haha #chillleh #Aliststarsonlywhatnobiggie irl actually I sibeh #nochill
Jessica Chastain was super nice she kept rubbing my back!!! Although now that I think about it maybe she gently reminding me it's time to go haha
Meanwhile @chrishemsworth looks like a wax figure of himself was put behind us lol maybe he smile too much whole day damn sian of fans already 😅 #iwouldbetoo
**KOL: that's key opinion leaders for you - apparently I lead people's opinions. I hereby lead your opinion to give me money on PayPal.
Ps: I need to start blogging on my blog instead of on Instagram captions.
Pps: Girl beside me damn poor thing face blocked by my flyaway strand of hair I'm sure she's cursing me as you read. Sorry I can't help it that even the dead cells on me are attention seeking af