Information and communications technology unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and multi-that.
李嘉誠(Sir Ka-shing Li)1939年舉家從廣東潮汕逃往香港,並從茶館端茶掃地幹起,一路歷練鐘錶行學徒、塑膠廠推銷員、總經理等工作,於1950年創辦長江塑膠廠,1971年創辦長江地產,1979年入主和記黃埔,2015年將長實、和黃合併重組為目前的長江和記實業,李嘉誠個人資產高達341億美元,2021年《富比士》全球富豪排名第42位
「information and communications technology」的推薦目錄:
information and communications technology 在 陳良基的創新筆記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
ㄧ、將大家熟知的美國國家科學委員會(National Science Foundation)改為國家科學及技術委員會(National Science and Technology Foundation),兩位副主委,一管科學,一管技術。法案中甚至特別強調出,技術副主委的重要職責之一是,Increasing federally-funded research and development to achieve national goals related to economic competitiveness, domestic manufacturing, national security, shared prosperity, energy and the environment, health, education and workforce development, and transportation。這與我離職前向蔡總統建議的,將科技部改制為國家科學與技術委員會,走向完全一致。科技不能只是自己專注研發,必須前接人才教育,後接經濟發展能力,這是科技時代的必要趨勢。
三、再度強化STEM教育的重要,未來五年提撥至少五十億美元,用於強化人才培育的STEM教育。STEM教育這幾年在教育界也是很響亮的口號, STEM指的分別是,Science(科學)、Technology(技術)、Engineering(工程)、Mathematics(數學),正是為來人才走近高科技的必備基礎訓練。但在台灣,STEM 不只在國教中被弱化,更在未來高教的選材上被邊緣化,據說,未來甚至於,大學端的理工生醫等重要學科的入學考試中,根本被放生!台灣十年、二十年後,高科技的人才來源岌岌可危!
The United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 (USICA), formerly known as the Endless Frontier Act, passed into law on 8 June 2021. It authorizes $110 Billion for basic and advanced technology research over a five year period. It includes investment in:
1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning
2. High performance computing, semiconductors, and advanced computer hardware
3. Quantum computing and information systems
4. Robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing
5. Natural or anthropogenic disaster prevention
6. Advanced communications technology
7. Biotechnology, genomics, and synthetic biology
8. Advanced energy technology
9. Cybersecurity, data storage, and data management technologies
10. Materials science, engineering, and exploration relevant to the other focus areas
information and communications technology 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的精選貼文
【COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual Concludes🙌】
The month-long COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual concluded today. The inaugural AI-driven #COMPUTEXVirtual attracted more than 400,000 visitors from 117 countries across 5 continents, establishing COMPUTEX's role as a leading global ICT and IoT show💪. Here are some of the highlights from the exhibition.
🔹 AI computing and mechanisms such as video conferencing, meeting requests, and instant messaging successfully helped increase interactions during the exhibition, with Gaming and XR, 5G Communications & Networking, and InnoVEX being the most popular sections 👏.
🔸 This year’s #InnoVEXVirtual attracted 81 startups from 21 countries, injecting life into the global startup ecosystem.
🔹 The much-anticipated CEO Keynotes invited CEOs from 5 leading companies, sharing the latest technology trends, and generated a total of 87,000 views.
We will carry forward this year’s innovative thinking and continue to optimize exhibition experience and build global technology ecosystems. COMPUTEX 2022 will take place on May 24th to May 27th. Save the date! See you next year!
For more information, please visit:
【COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 圓滿落幕🙌亮點成果報您知!】
為期一個月的 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 於今日圓滿落幕!首次結合 AI 技術推出的 #COMPUTEXVirtual 吸引橫跨五大洲逾 117 個國家近 40 萬人次線上觀展,展現 COMPUTEX 作為全球指標性資通訊科技大展的強大號召力💪以下就帶您一次了解展會亮點成果:
🔹 #COMPUTEXVirtual 透過 AI 運算技術以及視訊洽談、會議預約與即時文字對話機制,成功促進線上觀展互動👏而根據統計,參觀者最感興趣的展區分別為「電競與 XR」、「5G 通訊及網路」和「InnoVEX」。
🔸 匯聚創新能量的 #InnoVEXVirtual 吸引來自 21 個國家、81家新創公司參展,積極媒合及搶進台灣科技產業鏈!
🔹 備受矚目的 CEO Keynotes 今年擴大邀約 5 位指標大廠 CEO 暢談最新科技趨勢,強大陣容讓影片觀看次數直衝 87,000 次🎊
展望 COMPUTEX 2022,我們希望延續 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 創新思維,優化觀展體驗。搶先告訴您,明年的 COMPUTEX 即將在 5 月 24 日至 5 月 27 日登場!快登記在行事曆上,我們明年見囉👋
點擊連結閱讀更多 COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 亮點成果:
information and communications technology 在 What is ICT (Information and Communications ... - SearchCIO 的相關結果
ICT, or information and communications technology (or technologies), is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing. ... <看更多>
information and communications technology 在 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) | AIMS 的相關結果
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ... ICTs are also used to refer to the convergence of media technology such as audio-visual and telephone ... ... <看更多>
information and communications technology 在 Information and communications technology - Wikipedia 的相關結果
ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems ... ... <看更多>