聊的是由大家票選出來的「介紹我的國家All about your country」
1. 24/7
(直接念twenty-four seven, it means “24 hours a day, seven days a week”全年無休的意思囉!)
We have convenience stores and fruit stands that are open for business 24/7. Isn’t it great?
2. Crowded
I hate crowded MRT carriages, crowded department stores and crowded tourist sites. The thing I hate the most is waiting in line!
3. City that never sleeps
Taipei is a city that never sleeps. But it has nothing to do with me because I sleep early.
4. Safe
How can I not mention being safe?! I don’t need to worry about losing my wallet or iPhone because from my past experiences, I always got them back.
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020 Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone. 今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel 就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費,...
in your convenience意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這篇文章把Whole Foods(股票代號WFM, 美國最大天然有機食品連鎖超商)的企業策略困境與軍事上的策略做了連結, 挺有意思的.
Cognitive psychologists and experts on human decision making have come up with all sorts of elaborate definitions of complex problems, but the best one I’ve heard — and the simplest — came from legendary U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper, who described complex problems as “kind of like playing a game of chess in which all the pieces are connected with rubber bands.” In other words, if you move one piece, all the others shift as well. Try to attack your opponent’s queen, and your own is pulled into the crosshairs of his rook. Try to protect your queen, and your king is left wide open.
That is exactly what Whole Foods is contending with today.
The company is under immense pressure from Wall Street to match the rapid growth that newer, lower-cost entrants into the organic space have achieved in recent years. Think Wal-Mart Stores and Kroger. Whole Foods might be able to do that by dramatically slashing its prices, as some investors have advocated, but that would also mean dramatically reducing the quality of its products. Doing that would risk alienating Whole Foods’ core customers who are more concerned about quality and choice than they are about cost and convenience. Then there are those activist investors who are simply pushing for a sale.
in your convenience意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答
#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone.
今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel
就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費, 即是21.5港元 Internet cafe, 300 yen membership fee, which is 21.5 HKD
過夜一晚, 我選擇住了九個小時, 2145 Yen連税, 即是174HKD Overnight, I chose to stay for nine hours, 2145 Yen with tax, which is 174HKD
加起來200HKD有找, 住在札幌狸小路市中心一晚 Stay one night in downtown Sapporo Tanukikoji for less than 200HKD
其實我機場附近是有酒店住的,不過我在狸小路如果行到得太夜返酒店 In fact, I stayed in hotel near the airport, but I traveled quite late at Tanukikoji
在狸小路一帶, 其實最少有五、六間網吧可以給大家選擇 In Tanukikoji, there are actually at least five or six Internet cafes for you to choose from.
我上了三間, 最後選擇了一間在狸小路4丁目入面 I went to 3 internet cafes, and finally chose one at the 4th street of Tanukikoji.
24小時開放的驚安之殿堂隔離, 半夜肚餓還可以留下有幾間便利店 Next to 24-hour open Donki n a few convenience stores downstairs of this internet cafe
網絡咖啡室,簡稱網咖,在90年代興起,在日本已經非常普遍, Internet cafes have emerged in the 1990s and have become very common in Japan.
香港人身嬌肉貴, 好少會到網吧過夜, 不過我覺得這些都是日本生活體驗之一 HK pals are rarely overnight in Internet cafes, but I think these are one of the Japanese life experiences
狸小路酒店收費最平三百多HKD都有 There are hotels charge 300plus in HKD at Tanukikoji
不過網吧收費還要平一半 However, Internet cafe charges are still half price cheaper
而且它有最少三個小時的收費,假如你女人去附近shopping And it has a charge of at least 3 hours, if your woman goes shopping nearby
男士們就可以上來這間網吧休息一下,一邊等 Men can come to this internet cafe and rest while waiting
所以不一定要來這裏過夜的, 但是網吧24小時營業, So not a must to stay overnight, but Internet cafes are open 24 hours,
任何時間想去都可以, 不用做booking, 話上就上 No need to book in advance, u can come here at anytime
我拍片回來給大家看看, 等大家窮遊的時候又多一個選擇 I just want to show u more option for budget travel
這種網吧的形式, 幾乎全日本都是這樣做法 This format of Internet cafe is widely used in almost all in Japan.
我廿幾歲的時候, 曾經上過台灣網吧過夜 I overnight an internet cafe in Taiwan when I was 20 something
亦去過其他國家的網吧, 但是沒有過夜 Also visited Internet cafes in other countries, but did not stay overnight
食落真是非常之好味喎, 入面除了有一塊豚肉之外 Very yummy with the pork inside
還有相當多的醬料, 味道一流 Taste is superb with different sauces inside
這裏上網嘅速度, 亦都好快, 睡不著可以睇片打機都得 The internet speed here is also very fast. If you can't sleep, many things to entertain.
到你check out之後, 亦可以行一行驚安之殿堂 After you check out, you can also go to the Donki next door
我就在驚安買了一對鞋墊, 非常之舒服透氣 I bought these insoles in Donki very comfortable and breathable.
因為我還有好多地方要去, 大家睇完我條片之後 As I had many places to go that day
以後去北海道, 就可以更加精明消費 Going to Hokkaido in the future can make smarter consumption after watching my video
網吧的運作收費模式, 全日本通用 Internet cafe operating formats are similar throughout Japan
昨天我跟一班junior傾計, 有個junior話 Yesterday I talked with my juniors, one said:
援交女part time girlfriend post上網 Part time girlfriend post online
話一是给錢、一是给口罩找數, 一篤一個口罩 Customers can either pay in cash or in surgical(anti virus) mask
我當然不知是什麼意思啦, 不過我平日都有睇新聞 I don't clearly know how they charge. But I've heard from news somehow
我就問番佢, 咁顏射幾多個口罩呀?成班junior笑到死下死下 Then I asked him back for how many masks do they charge bukkake? The juniors LMAO.
非常時期要注意個人衛生, 召妓這麼埋身肉搏的活動 Attention should be paid to personal hygiene during recent times.
大家都時要注意健康啦, 我在這裏講這些,都是開下玩笑輕鬆下啫 Everyone must pay attention to your well-being, I am just joking for saying BS here for relax.
睇咗當去咗, 又可以和朋友同事親戚多個話題 DO u enjoy my video tour? Share with people u know for more topics.
記得按通知制, 睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Remember to press the notification bell, leave an emoji to show support before u leave
功德無量, 我們下一條片再見,88 Thx a million n with that said until next time.88!

in your convenience意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
#東京淺草雷門Ozeki超市 #營養標籤指引 #陪著你嘔 #KaminarimonGate #ozekiAsakusa #日式超市 #淺草平價旅館 #東京淺草酒店推薦 #日本超市採購推薦清單
Hello大家好,我係呀Tsar, 今日介紹東京淺草的超市食品,因為淺草時東京旅客必到的地方,這裏除了雷門給大家打卡之外, 週邊還有很多平價旅館喎平價超市,今日就介紹這間雷門斜對面的平價超市 Ozeki,
,面積雖不算大, 但產品多樣化和便宜,如果你的行程安排得密密麻麻, 這間超市你一定不能錯過,今日先介紹五件必買食品, 還會分享如何閱讀營養標籤, Are u ready?第一必買, Sonton 朱古力麵包醬, 如果不懂看日文,你可先買回家, 用條脷去試試味,「公」欲善其事, 必識用條脷, 男人就最本事啦, 練到條脷識轉彎,搞到你老婆官人我要, 食過返尋味,
官人我再要, 我意思指搽朱古力醬多士...............
又諗衰嘢, 你班西門吹雪!這個甜味很自然, 跟麵包絕配
另一隻搽麵包醬, 我推介這個芝麻醬
平時煮餸落幾滴麻油已經很香, 三育黑芝麻醬
香甜濃郁, 柔滑順喉, 食黑芝麻有助烏黑頭髮補鈣
在這裏, 我想跟大家分享如何閱讀營養標籤
1是能量, 7種指定標示的營養素
看營養標籤有三個步驟, 第一次要留意標籤上的食物參考量
每一次食用份量serving size, 再看每個包裝所含食用份量no. of serving per container/Package
例如, serving size五塊餅乾(50g) , serving per package 是3
換言之, 你吃完這個食物, 可以分三次, 每次大概是五塊餅乾
如果你一次過食曬, 受傷等於五乘三的營養
A牌子餅乾, 每食用份量50 g, 含有八克脂肪
D牌子每食用份量35.5 g, 含有7g 脂肪
首先, 你應該根據相同食物份量(e.g 100g食物)
換算兩者的脂肪含量, 在作出比較
左手面條formula, 100g/50gx 8g脂肪 =16g脂肪
右手邊D牌子餅乾, 100g/35.5gx 7g脂肪 =20g脂肪
即時相同食物份量, 大家都是100克的餅乾
如果想食得冇咁肥, 就選擇A牌子
第二個步驟, 要看能量、營養素含量和食物參考量
1+7 , 1是能量, 攝取過多, 除了容易肥, 還會增加心臟病風險
食物能量單位以(千卡)或(千焦), 1千卡大約相等4.2千焦, 有時兩項都會標示
另外總脂肪、飽和脂肪、反式脂肪和糖, 每日攝取量亦有quota
2000千卡的營養膳食為例, 這些營養素每日是有上限的:
總脂肪 ≤ 60g、飽和脂肪 ≤20g、反式脂肪≤ 2.2g 、糖≤50g
至於鈉 ≤ 2000mg 毫克, 蛋白質大約60g, 碳水化合物要夠300g
其他營養素、膳食纖維 ≥ 25g, 鈣≥ 800mg、維他命C≥ 100mg、膽固醇≤300mg
計算由食物攝取的能量和營養素, 有助您精明選擇較健康的飲食
e.g A牌子per serving (5塊餅乾, 有8克脂肪, 218千克能量)
如果食十塊餅乾, 就變double, 即時攝取了436千卡的能量和16克脂肪
相反, 如果你只吃一塊餅乾, 就是218千卡除5一塊餅乾
根據每日總脂肪少於或等於60克脂肪, 你還有quota, 明白嗎?
第三步驟, 參考營養素參考值百分比(%NRV)
有些產品沒有數這個數字, Not a MUST, but nice to know.
數值由0至100%不等。 對於需要限制攝取的營養素
例如總脂肪、飽和脂肪、糖和鈉, 應該選擇營養數值百分比偏低的產品
如果健康營養素, e.g. 膳食纖維....這個數值越大越好。
第二必買, 這個鹽麴調味料, 日本人善用鹽麴作醃漬蔬菜和魚的調味料已經有很長久歷史
鹽麴內含菌營養價值豐富維他命b群, 除了對食物能夠提鮮
美容產品也用得到, 難怪很少見到皮膚差的日本人
下次醃食物, 可以取代鹽, 難怪日本人拍AV
卷席全球, 因為他們真的對鹹味好有研究!
第三必買, 是天長食品公司出品的無添加、無色素的麻油
低溫壓榨一番, 一番搾意思是最多能夠保持最初的營養價值
含豐富的omega-3, 保養眼睛環保持記憶力有明顯幫助
可以調味沙律, 我平日煲飯, 洗完米加兩滴麻油、一小撮鹽才去煲飯
煲出來的飯特別香滑, 金絲雀、金絲雀、金色美麗似鳳
做女人要貴養, 貴不一定是錢, 要很花時間去研究
你識食得健康, 人自然會美麗, 氣質由麻油經皮膚滲透出來
第四必買, 萬字牌豆乳火鍋湯底, 帶有豆乳香的甜味
用豆漿和高湯調成的火鍋湯底, 香濃鮮甜, 食完不會上火
滋潤美容, 深受日本女性歡迎, 我這個月就已經有兩餐火鍋飯局了
遲些影幾張相放在youtube社群給大家分享, 當我沒有時間剪片
都會在社群分享一下我生活點滴, 大家可以去看看
第五必買, 兩款零食, 男人用來送啤酒睇波就最適合
你一於買這個零食塞住他的口, 你一邊做facial坐在他旁邊陪伴睇波
服務他少少零食, 當他是大爺一樣, 間中攞隻腳撩佢,
練習下撩陰腿, 輕力嗰隻, 並非打跆拳道那種
那樣他就會給你搞到硬曬, 成個人硬曬!哪裏硬曬?!
夫妻相處之道, 貴乎陪伴
陪著你嘔, 一生一世也不分, 天天都嘔, 認真好瞓
過青山、過香港, 來嘔! 嘔到我冇晒新衫
我倆繼續互相撩陰, 跟手入房搞嘢
下條片見, 記得留表情符號支持, 88!
Hello, everyone. I am introducing Asakusa supermarket in Tokyo today. Because Asakusa is a MUST go for Tokyo travellers. There are many cheap hotels and supermarkets around Kaminarimon Gate. Ozeki is a cheap supermarket opposite to Kaminarimon Gate. The products are diversified and cheap even it is not a huge size of this supermarket. If your schedule is tight, this supermarket is a good choice. Let me 1st introduce 5 best buy items and share how to read nutrition labels. Are u ready? The 1st best buy is Sonton chocolate paste. If you can't read Japanese, u can buy it home first, try it with your tongue. If you want to do something good, you must know how to use it. Men know it well for using tongue. Some of your tongue can even twist and turn that make your wife want it more and more. I mean the bread with chocolate paste u made to her.