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What a race we had this afternoon with action up and down the field, with overall race honours going to #38 Yiu Lung, racing for Team Sporsky who narrowly beat #90 Ip Tak Meng to the flag. Class honours go to #66 Ng Kin Veng, San Lek Racing Team in S2000 and #75 Mike Cheng, Team Sporsky who won 1.6T class.
Photo's of the start, class winners cars, podiums and full results are included.
Congratulations to everyone for an exciting Race 1, we are all looking forward to the season finale tomorrow morning!!!
亞洲房車巡迴賽第9回合,獨立組別由 Team Sporsky的#38 車車手饒龍奪得,險勝亞軍新力車隊90号車葉德明。S2000組別及1.6T組別冠軍分別由新力車隊66号車手吳健榮及Tea Sporky 75号車車手鄭健文取得。
in tomorrow afternoon中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[文法重點] 使役動詞
Please understand the difference between let, make, have, get!
1. let: to allow someone to do something (允許; 讓)
2. make: to force someone to do something (迫使)*
*"Make" differs from most other causative verbs, and from most other verbs that take "to" complement clauses (to v...), in that it omits the "to" in active clauses, although to must be included in the passive.
-The nurse made me swallow the medicine. - 主動語態, 不加 "to"
-I was made to swallow the medicine (by the nurse). - 被動語態, 加 "to"
3. have: to give someone the responsibility to do something (使; 叫)
4. get: to convince someone to do something (使得; 命令)
使役動詞特殊用法 (let/have/get/make + someone + v) 記起來就沒事,但依經驗顯示,真正會造成學習的
困難在於有些動詞的對應中文意思和「使役動詞」很類似,故容易和上述的「使役動詞」混在一起。這些動詞有 want (要 ...;叫 ...) 及 ask (要求 ...)。這兩個動詞後的第二個動詞,並不是用「原形動詞」,而是和其它的大多數的動詞一樣,是要加 to 的「不定詞」。參照底下的例句:
-The teacher wanted John to get his book in the office.
-Father wants me to wash the car tomorrow afternoon.
-Mr. Wang asked them to sit there yesterday.
另一個容易造成混淆須注意事項: make 和 have 除了當「使役動詞」使用外,它們還有其它的意思;make 最常見者為「製造、製作」;have 還有「有、舉行、吃、喝」等的意思;have to 的中文對應意思是「必須」等:
-Mother is making breakfast in the kitchen. 媽媽正在廚房做早餐。
-This car is made in Japan. 這部車是日本製的。
-Helen had some cola at my home. Helen 在我家喝了一些可樂。
-When will Jack have his birthday? Jack 什麼時候要舉行他的慶生會?
-We have to go to Jimmy's home to pick him up first. 我們必須先到 Jimmy 家去接他。
另外一個麻煩的動詞是 help,其後的第二個動詞可直接用「原形動詞」,也可以和其它的大多數的動詞一樣,加 to 形成「不定詞」。