可以講 an #ask、a #tell,係名詞
//明報英文 | 毛孟靜
To ask、to tell 大家都識得,屬小學程度、簡單不過的詞語,I will ASK him to TELL me about it.
不過,這些平易的字,常常會另有用法,別有深意。譬如說,一樣是 to ask,以下這一句,就跟一般的「問」不一樣了:Is that too much to ask?
* I just want you to be on time. Is that too much to ask? 我不過想你準時,這要求過份嗎?
而to tell,亦可解作to have an effect(產生效果):
* She's been under a lot of stress and it's starting to tell. 她一直承受頗多壓力,後遺症開始浮現。
而把ask 和 tell 變做名詞,成為an ask、a tell,又是另一個故事了。
初遇 an ask,自然而然地會以為這是潮語,不對呢,原來早已在古英語(Old English)出現。今日的an ask,基本上等於 a request,一項請求。
* I realise it's a big ask, but I hope you can do it. 我知道這是一項很大的要求,但希望你能做到。
有說,新世代的 an ask 源自金融行業的 bid and ask:bid是買家願意購入的最高限價;ask則是賣家願意出售的最低叫價。An ask在30年前左右開始流行,但至今仍然給視為口頭俚語,不能入文。
* It is a big ask for him to go and stand there for 90 minutes.要他站足90分鐘,是過份要求了。
《牛津字典》說,ask 在新時代作為名詞,通常前面會加 big、huge 或tough 一類的形容詞,意思係something that is a lot to ask of someone(對人有過份要求),或something difficult to achieve(難以滿足的要求),如同文首的Is that too much to ask?
而 a tell 的用法就比較有迹可尋。現成的形容詞是 tell-tale,代表突顯、展示及「露出馬腳」之意:
There was the tell-tale bulge of a concealed weapon in his pocket. 他口袋鼓起一角,分明就藏了一件武器。
另有 a tell in poker,是指玩撲克——又叫 show hand(「沙蟹」)——之際,神色姿態露出端倪,讓對家知道底牌。
* I never played poker, so I never learned to read a tell. 我不玩「沙蟹」,所以不會觀貌察色。
* A player gains an advantage if he understands the meaning of another player's tell. 若能從對家神態動作「讀心」,就可佔上風。
* I looked for a gesture, a tone of voice, a "tell" that would tell if he was the killer. 我尋找一個姿勢,一種聲調,一點「蛛絲馬迹 」來定奪他是否就是兇手。//
「have an effect on用法」的推薦目錄:
have an effect on用法 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳解答
New Employment Gold Card Debuting, Presented by Minister Chen Mei-ling
為表達政府對就業金卡持卡人高度重視,本會陳主委美伶親自接見並頒發新版就業金卡予澳大利亞籍寶島陽光再生能源公司執行長Mr. Frank Hojerslev,以及德國籍Mr. Johannes Wolfgang Mueller。
The Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals has come into effect on February 8, 2018. It has been 2 years since then. Among Foreign Professionals Act, the issuance of Employment Gold Card has achieved remarkable results. Employment Gold Card provides an open personal work permit for foreign special professionals. Card holders do not need a specific employer. These measures are more friendly for foreign special professionals to freely seek and take up employment in Taiwan.
In order to increase identification and anti-counterfeiting function of Employment Gold Card, the new version of Employment Gold Card is officially revised and issued today. The latest version of Employment Gold Card follows the original card design, and its color has been revised to rose-gold. In addition, English characters have been added to the professional field to strengthen their identification.
To express the government's great attention to Employment Gold Card holders, National Development Council (NDC) Minister Mei-ling Chen personally welcomed and issued the new version of Employment Gold Card to Mr. Frank Hojerslev, Australian, CEO of Formosa Solar Renewable Power Company, and Mr. Johannes Wolfgang Mueller, German.
have an effect on用法 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的精選貼文
不久前,有個國際譯者協會會長寫一諫書呼籲國際社會介入促使金正恩釋放「犯錯」的口譯員,我說這英文寫作需要修潤,對一個專業譯者組織而言,顯得有些諷刺。經查,這位會長Aurora Humarán應是西班牙文母語,英文是外語,更應找英文母語的專業編輯或譯者幫忙潤稿,免得丟面子。以下建議的修改,以「最少的、必要的修改」爲標準,使之夠合乎英文用法,夠體面,可以刊登、出版。
[1] if true inexcusable 這插入成分寫得很笨拙,必須改。要表達的意思是:if the allegations are true, they are inexcusable。目前這樣寫,即使勉強不算真的錯誤,也造成讀者的剖析困難,例如,兩位網友就提出,是不是想表達 if truly inexcusable?不是的,如果是,語意邏輯就完全錯了。顯然,true inexcusable 擺在一起,容易造成誤解,無助於讀者將之斷開為 if true | inexcusable,改的方法很簡單,又以(a)較簡潔:
a. the allegations, inexcusable if true, that...
b. the allegations — if true, inexcusable — that...
[2] charged 前面最好加一個逗點,否則這麼長的一句,在這裡容易被誤讀成是「political prison camp」遭到指控。
[3] hurt 前面不可以有逗點,這是文法錯誤:英文的主詞和動詞之間不得加逗點。
The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) is deeply concerned over the allegations【, if true inexcusable,】[1] that Interpreter Shin Hye-yong, who interpreted for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Leader Kim Jung Un at the Hanoi summit with U.S. President Donald Trump, was detained at a political prison camp【】[2] charged with undermining the Leader’s authority by, in the judgment of undisclosed sources, making a “critical interpreting mistake” when President Trump walked away from the negotiations.
As an international association devoted to the advancement of the profession and its practitioners, we are troubled by the process, charges, and detention of Ms. Shin, and invite the authorities to reconsider these actions.
Diplomatic interpreting is an invaluable tool governments use to avoid conflicts and settle differences. Actions like the ones reported by the international media in this case【,】[3] hurt peaceful dialogue, and have a chilling effect on the interpreter and diplomatic community worldwide.
Aurora Humarán
On behalf of IAPTI's Board
May 31, 2019