Nutritious & delicious ~ Salt Baked Chicken With Dang Gui aka Angelica Sinensis 当归盐焗鸡 ~
Cooked this nutritious Salt Baked Chicken for the family using simple ingredients, seasoned with GoodSalt, a low sodium iodized salt that tastes like regular salt. Glad that everyone loves it without noticing the change in the salt content!
The sodium content in GoodSalt is replaced by essential minerals such as Potassium, Magnesium, Lysine and Iodine. These powerful combinations of minerals help to regulate blood pressure, support brain cell development and maintain cardiac health. It’s a healthier choice in daily cooking by replacing regular salt, gram to gram.
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Recipe link 食谱/做法:
#goodsalt #goodsaltnow #supportlocal #healthysg #singaporefood #dingoozatfood