『陳彥名Aric Chen全球粉絲見面會』活動資訊:
活動場地:派大星 Event Space
活動地址:台北市松山區八德路三段12巷16弄3號地下一樓 (台視後方)
預購日期:2018/01/06 中午12:00
票 價:NT600元 (限80名,1人限額4張)
購票網址:https://goo.gl/5h5Wsz (12:00才開賣唷)
This year I had a lot of “first,” like first time filming a movie, first time filming a sitcom, first time attending the Golden Horse Award and first time meeting all of you. A lot of you might know me from “Dark Blue MoonLight” but I will not cheat like my character “HaiQing” So I decided to hold my first fan meeting a couple days before Valentines Day, so I can celebrate with all of you. You must be a ticket holder to enter. During the fan meeting, I will be signing tickets, merchandise but also playing lots of games with fans. The ticket for this fan meeting hold a special meaning, so all who can get your hands on the ticket will be surpised.
Date of Fan Meeting: 2018/02/03
Time of Fan Meeting : 19:00
Doors will open at 18:00
Location of Fan Meeting : 派大星 Event Space
Address: 台北市松山區八德路三段12巷16弄3號地下一樓 (台視後方)
Tickets will go on sale : 2018/01/06 12:00 Noon
Price of Ticket: 600 NTD (limited 80 fans)
Where to buy : 大像購物網 https://goo.gl/5h5Wsz
Sponsored : Macchiato Digital Imaging, TonTon Entertainment Company