歡迎來到台灣 我是林柏妤 我熱愛旅行 也喜歡在台灣趴趴走。
豐富的人文歷史! 奇岩怪石! 該怎麼進行這趟旅程呢? 跟著我走就對了!
Welcome to Taiwan I am Poyu Lin. I love to travel. love wandering around Taiwan.
In Taiwan’s Northeast, there’s a beautiful Gold Coast where you can find.
Unmatched sea views! A rich culture and history. Unique rock formations!
What’s the best way to enjoy this trip? Just follow me! I’m at Fulong Station, in Gongliao.Renting a bike! Getting ready to depart!
And I’m here with a local who’s a good friend of mine, Mr. Yen! Let’s go!
He says that if I follow the small road next to the railroad tracks, I’ll arrive at today’s first highlight, Old Caoling Tunnel. Peter,It feels like an ancient tunnel.
Yes, Did you know that? This tunnel is nearly 100 years old, The rail line begins in 1924,Back then, Is to connect to Taipei with Yilan, the tunnel used for the train, Because one-way inconvenient,after that planning to build nowadays Caoling Tunnel
At 2167 meters long, “Old Caoling Tunnel” was Taiwan’s first railroad tunnel to be turned into a tunnel for bikes. It’s been redesigned as a sort of railroad museum, and the track pattern on the ground, the period lighting, and the traditional sound all make it feel like you’re traveling back in time. It’s so nice and cool in there!
Poyu,We have arrived in Yilan. Coming out of the tunnel, your eyes are suddenly met with a view of this long, windswept coastline. It feels like a huge relief!
Parking your bike and walking to the coast, you can also take in the unique coastal terrain left over by nature and the process of mountain formation. So beautiful!
At this point of the trip, I realize that biking is really the best speed for traveling the Gold Coast.
Pushing onward, we will soon come face-to-face with Taiwan’s easternmost point.
Peter, Why is this called three Sandiaojiao? Chinese is called Sandiaojiao, Is translated from San Diego,This lighthouse is a very important landmark, so called the “Eye of Taiwan”. Aside from the lighthouse, there is also a civil aviation radar station and a host of other buildings and art installations, all in white, which are all beautiful from any angle.This is a century-old stone house,See, these stones are draw on local resources.Do you want to enjoy the sea breeze while taking in beautiful sea views? Then I can recommend a bike ride along Northeast Coast!
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在台灣熱銷的Ford Focus系列部分車型迎來小改款,Ford Focus ST-Line Lommel X與Ford Focus Active 任性版配備了原Ford Focus ST Wagon專屬的「旭日之刃」智慧型多光束LED頭燈,會自動依照環境與車輛的現場情況來進行大燈的調整和遮蔽,在夜晚的可視性以及安全性大大的增加。另一項改款重點則是Focus ST-Line Lommel X搭配了進口旋壓鑄造輪圈,光是一顆輪圈就少了2公斤之譜,在操控及輕量的部分都達到了充分的效果,究竟嘉偉哥對於此次的小改款有什麼看法呢?讓我們一起來期待這次的影片。
New Ford Focus ST-Line Lommel X內裝以ST-Line專屬運動碳纖維紋路內裝飾板、闇黑頂篷、專屬平底真皮運動化方向盤及8向電動調整專屬運動跑車座椅等配置布局座艙,展現如同ST樣貌的動感氛圍。更多高科技含量的內裝配備還包含:標配8吋懸浮式全彩LCD觸控螢幕、結合SYNC®3娛樂通訊整合系統(內建中文聲控系統),並支援Apple CarPlay™及Android Auto 智慧手機連結,以及緊急通訊救援系統等便捷功能,HUD智慧型抬頭顯示器則為駕駛帶來目不離路的從容駕馭姿態。
New Ford Focus ST-Line Lommel X 搭載EcoBoost®182渦輪增壓汽油引擎,配置同級唯一SelectShift™八速手自排變速箱,可輸出最大馬力182ps與24.5kgm扭力峰值,並承襲歐洲性能鋼砲New Ford Focus ST的熱血基因,搭載Lommel專屬賽道級懸吊系統、煞車系統(含紅色卡鉗、前後加大碟盤),以及車身降低10mm的調校設定,提供更為精進的轉向精準度、靈敏度、車身穩定度,賦予駕駛者與Ford Focus ST系出同源的駕馭感受。
更多影片在Go車誌官網: http://www.buycartv.com/
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ROY KNOX - Blue Eyed Demon [Official Instrumental]
Markvard - Show Me
DayFox - Always You
Call It Love – Peyruis
Sunset With You – Roa

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New Ford Focus ST Wagon具備銳利修長的車身設計,相對於五門掀背版本之New Ford Focus ST車長再增加約280mm,來到4,667mm之譜,簡潔精練的優美線條貫穿車身,映射絕美光影變化,靜則優雅動人、動則帥氣過人,富含先進科技的AFS頭燈主動式轉向照明輔助系統,搭配專屬「旭日之刃型LED日行燈」,帶出更為醒目的辨識度與出色的照明效果。
New Ford Focus ST Wagon搭載豐富配備,讓日常乘用更為精彩,包含:標配8吋懸浮式全彩LCD觸控螢幕,搭載SYNC®3及原廠中文衛星導航系統,駕駛者亦可透過儀表板中的4.2吋全彩LCD液晶智慧多功能儀表板查看車輛資訊。此外,標配全景式大型電動天窗系統、四門伸縮型防護邊條、丹麥皇室御用B&O重低音環艙音響、Qi無線充電座、HUD智慧型抬頭顯示器等配備,在濃厚性能氛圍中,提供兼具科技便利與舒適宜人的車艙環境。
New Ford Focus ST Wagon搭載雙渦流渦輪增壓2.3L EcoBoost®280引擎,導入多項頂尖科技,在6,000rpm時可輸出280ps最大馬力,並在低轉速區間3,000rpm時即可爆發最大42.3kg-m峰值扭力,其中更導入與Ford GT相同之偏時點火系統(Anti-lag system),使車輛在進彎減速降檔與鬆開油門的空窗期,可透過主動延長節氣門開啟時間,有效抑制渦輪遲滯發生,讓車輛持續擁有源源不絕的動力。同時,與Ford Performance專屬性能調校7速手自排變速箱配置搭配,造就0-100km/h加速6.1秒的亮眼佳績,安全極速達250Km/h,狂放性能實力比肩豪華性能車。
更多影片在Go車誌官網: http://www.buycartv.com/

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以傳承Ford Focus ST設定的跑格及操控調校,導入New Ford Focus 四門 ST-Line Lommel德式運動房車,在房車車格的基礎下,配備ST-Look專屬設計。在外觀部分採用ST-Line專屬霧黑型水箱護罩,搭配ST-Line專屬空力套件(含前後下擾流板/側裙/擾流尾翼)與單邊雙出尾管,以及車尾Lommel專屬銘版,足踏18吋ST-Line專屬雙色切削鋁圈,結合Michelin Pilot Sport 4高性能跑胎,不僅帶來動感吸睛的視覺饗宴,穩定抓地力更提供了進階駕馭的條件。
New Ford Focus 四門 ST-Line Lommel德式運動房車內裝以ST-Line專屬運動碳纖維紋路內裝飾板、闇黑頂篷、專屬平底真皮運動化方向盤及8向電動調整專屬運動跑車座椅等配置布局座艙,展現如同ST樣貌的動感氛圍。更多高科技含量的內裝配備還包含:標配8吋懸浮式全彩LCD觸控螢幕、結合SYNC®3娛樂通訊整合系統(內建中文聲控系統),並支援Apple CarPlay™及Android Auto 智慧手機連結,以及緊急通訊救援系統等便捷功能,HUD智慧型抬頭顯示器則為駕駛帶來目不離路的從容駕馭姿態。
New Ford Focus四門ST-Line Lommel德式運動房車搭載EcoBoost®182渦輪增壓汽油引擎,配置同級唯一SelectShift™八速手自排變速箱,可輸出最大馬力182ps與24.5kgm扭力峰值,並承襲歐洲性能鋼砲New Ford Focus ST的熱血基因,搭載Lommel專屬賽道級懸吊系統、煞車系統(含紅色卡鉗、前後加大碟盤),以及車身降低10mm的調校設定,提供更為精進的轉向精準度、靈敏度、車身穩定度,賦予駕駛者與Ford Focus ST系出同源的駕馭感受。
更多影片在Go車誌官網: http://www.buycartv.com/
Song: DayFox - In The Now
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:https://youtu.be/SF2iotNMOZk
Song: Markvard - Vacation
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:https://youtu.be/ljryt9kQGH0
Song: Atch - Freedom
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:https://youtu.be/oe5EiOx4huM
Song: INOSSI - Revive
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:https://youtu.be/JcsU6Nhk-Uc
Song: LiQWYD - Sweet
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:https://youtu.be/B8Tzvayzz1w
00:00 車輛介紹
04:15 外觀差異
08:39 動力規格
10:34 內裝配備
14:34 試駕心得
21:03 特別感謝

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BiCYCLE CLUB 國際中文版,源自日本發行35年、臺灣發行13年,日本排名第一自行車專門雜誌。 內容:深入淺出的騎乘技術、 ... Get Directions. 8 people checked in here. ... <看更多>