🌻美國生活. 不自由, 毋寧死.
上週跟美國朋友聊天, 提到打疫苗的事情.
我: 我不瞭解為什麼有些美國人不去打疫苗. 我覺得不打疫苗, 會妨礙到其他人, 尤其是會威脅到別人的生命的話, 那更不應該.
朋友: 你在這邊住了那麼久, 還不了解美國人嗎(然後給了我一個這樣的臉😏)? 我們兩百多年前就有這樣的精神了(指的是美國獨立戰爭).
朋友看我一臉困惑, 又說: 打不打疫苗, 也不能是別人告訴我們要不要打. 這應該是由我們自己來決定的.
我(恍然大悟): 所以美國人決定打疫苗, 是要讓"自己"說服自己去打. 這是美國人的"自由"精神. 這也跟"會不會威脅到他人生命"是兩回事.
接著又說: 那我還真聽話, 疫苗出來就乖乖去打了.
朋友(很高興我"得到"了): 所以你住了那麼久, 還是沒得到美國精神! (然後又給了我一個這樣的臉😏)
紐約市率先推疫苗護照 不打疫苗很多地方去不了
🌻之前研究過的電商Farfetch(FTCH)發表財報了. 不過還沒看財報結果就是.
之前中國一直在打壓各種產業, 心裡就在想會不會輪到奢侈品. 沒想到真的有這新聞:
中國政府喊話"合理調節過高的收入" 奢侈品股價全線暴跌 騰訊承諾投資500億元人民幣 以支持"共同繁榮“的號召
除了公司的年報, 財報, 財經刊物外, 我也會看劵商網站提供的報告.
比較了幾間劵商網站的基本面報告來源(p.s.網站也會提供技術面, 不過這邊只提基本面的報告):
Charles Schwab:
Argus, Briefing.com, Credit Suisse(瑞銀), Economist Intelligence, MarketEdge, Morningstar(晨星), Reuters, CFRA (Formerly S&P) and Vickers.
E*Trade (好像只有居住在美國的投資人才可以開戶):
主要有Morgan Stanley的報告; 也有TipRank分析師對個股的評價
First Trade:
New Construct, Ford Research, CFRA, The Street
美國的電視劇情都常會符合當季的氣氛. 比如說, 如果有聖誕節場景, 那通常會在冬天撥放.
所以當我前兩天看到Apple TV+影集"Ted Lasso"中, 出現聖誕節場景時, 心裡也是起了個問號.
沒想到前幾天看報紙時, 報上有這樣一篇的報導.
原來, Apple TV希望將自己定位成一個積極樂觀的頻道, 所以很多自製的內容, 都跟這有關. 而Ted Lasso中一再出現的字"Believe"(相信), 也跟這有關:
But it’s “Ted Lasso” (despite the florid cursing of character Roy Kent and some decidedly adult comedy) that epitomizes the optimism Apple tries to project in its product marketing and much of its programming. Apple TV+ launched with the tagline “Stories to believe in”; in “Ted Lasso,” “BELIEVE” is a message taped over a locker-room doorway.
而第二季第一集的主題是"害怕與失去". 男主角自己寫的台詞, 也挺有哲理. 大意是, 存在於自己生命中, 讓自己會哭(因為恐懼)的人事物, 在離開自己生命時, 也會讓自己哭. 為什麼這個曾經讓自己哭泣的人事物離開後, 自己還會哭呢(不是應該高興嗎)?
因為這樣的哭, 應該是喜極而泣, 因為了解到它讓自己成長了, 讓自己的心智到了另一個更好的境界.
Eventually Mr. Sudeikis convinced the show’s handlers that the scene set up a crucial chain of emotional events in the episode—paying off with a speech by Ted about fear and loss, and a dog he once knew: “You know, it’s funny to think about the things in your life that can make you cry knowing that they existed, can then become the same things that make you cry knowing that they’re now gone,” the coach says at a press conference. “I think those things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one.”
From: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-ted-lasso-christmas-episode-comes-to-apple-tv-in-august-why-11628773203
ford tagline 在 廣告狂人 Madman Magazine Facebook 的最讚貼文
Print ad的意義,在於傳神。
Ford德國廣告以「Don’t lose sight of your dream」為tagline,透過三幅電腦wallpaper將品牌直接與dream car掛鉤,同時又帶啟發性。從生活取材,簡單精彩。
ford tagline 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最讚貼文
#Taken3 was… ok. I wish I can say it was as good as the first but it was serviceable. Not to be Taken too seriously.
The plot is like The Fugitive (Tommy Lee Jones, Harrison Ford) except with more killing and neck-snapping.
And really, by now, you'd think Bryan Mills should know how to keep his loved ones safe. But nooooo, the movie may as well be renamed Woefully Negligent Parenting.
I think the idea of having the police after him and at the same time having to deal with bad guys was interesting. But you never really saw it resolved in an artful way.
And without a clear villain, you aren't really rooting for Bryan Mills here. Who is the bad guy? Who?!
And as Liam Neeson huffed and puffed his way through some of the running scenes, you can't help but wonder if the franchise is getting somewhat tired.
Perhaps it is apt that the movie tagline is "It ends here."
Yes, please.