安田レイの一発撮りパフォーマンス映像「安田レイ - Brand New Day feat. H ZETTRIO / THE FIRST TAKE」が公開されました!
H ZETTRIOとのコラボレーションで、代表曲「Brand New Day」をここだけの特別なアレンジにて披露しています。
Brand New Day feat. H ZETTRIO / THE FIRST TAKE
first day hulu 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
Apa yang mommy faham tentang kiraan gerak anak dalam perut?
Biasanya kalau kandungan dah masuk 26-28 weeks, nurse akan terangkan kat kita bagaimana mengira gerakan baby.. biasanya anak pertama lah yang kita excited sesangat untuk kira.. baby gerak sikit dalam perut pun dah teruja dan terus kira itu salah satu dari gerakan anak..
Sebenarnya cara kita mengira yang salah.. sesetengah pendapat mendakwa pergerakan anak tidak termasuk tendangan tidak boleh dikira.. sebenarnya ramai yang confuse tentang hal ni..
Especially pada para ibu-ibu yang sibuk dalam kerja seharian.. gerakan anak tidak dapat dirasa.. Carta gerakan anak perlulah direkodkan dari jam 9am-9pm. Tempoh 12 jam itulah kita perlu mencatit gerakan anak kita.
Tolong buang sikap suka sambil lewa tentang perkara ini ya mommies.. janganlah kita hanya sekadar mengingat anak kita pagi dah gerak berapa kali, petang berapa kali tanpa ada catatan..
Elakkan dari menipu diri sendiri dengan sekadar mencatat waktu sesuka hati untuk mengelakkan diri dari disoal nurse di klinik kesihatan. Sewajarnya kita perlu risau dan takut nyawa yang kita kandung berbulan-bulan lamanya ini.. tak sayang ke uolsss
Haaa apa kata bagi memudahkan mommy mengira pergerakan bayi, mommy boleh ikut step ni.. tak amik masa lama pun.. dalam 12 jam tu korang amik masa 10 minit setiap jam untuk kira.. walau sesibuk mana pun kita, luangkan masa bersama dengan yang tersayang dalam tummy mommy ni..
1) Kalau mommy di rumah baring mengiring ke kanan.. tarik nafas dan pastikan korang dalam keadaan tenang.. dalam 2 minit ke kanan, naikkan bantal sedikit tinggi dan bercakap dengan bayi dalam perut ni.. Sure dia menendang.
2) Kalau mommy di office pula.. duduk menyandar pada kerusi.. tarik nafas perlahan dan tenangkan diri.. tengok dalam 2 minit, kalau tiada tendangan atau gerakan.. korang pasang earphone dan dengar muzik yang menenangkan.. InSyaallah dia akan berzumba dalam perut korang.. hehe
3) Ok last sekali.. bila mommy outstation atau ada kerja diluar pejabat.. korang singgah mana-mana kedai beli aiskrim dan duduk makan dalam kereta.. turunkan sikit seat kereta.. tak sampai 2 minit dia akan berenang-renang dalam perut korang.. tak caya? Cubalaaa..
Selalunya bayi akan lebih aktif selepas anda makan atau minum.. tapi kalau mommy dalam keadaan letih, sibuk atau tidur.. bayi akan pasif siki.
Mesti anda rasa agak leceh sikit kan nak bawa ke hulu hilir buku color pink tu kan? Cara paling efektif, setiap kali tendangan tu tandakan dalam phone anda beserta waktunya sekali.. nanti ada masa terluang boleh la merekodkan dengan aman..
Jika anda mendapati baby kurang gerak 10 kali dalam tempoh 12 jam tu, segeralah korang berjumpa doktor ya.. dikuatiri bayi korang lemas, terbelit tali pusat atau jantungnya lemah.. Haaa masa tu jangan korang meroyan pulak ya.. sebab tu kiraan gerakan bayi itu penting ya mommies.
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What do mommy understands about the countdown of the child's move in the stomach?
Usually, if the content has been in 26-28 weeks, the nurse will explain to us how to count the baby's movement.. usually the first child is the one who is excited to count.. the baby moves a little in the stomach is already excited and then counts that one of them child movement..
Actually the way we count the wrong one.. some opinions claim the movement of the child doesn't include kicks can't be counted.. actually many are confused about this..
Especially to the mothers who are busy working all day.. the child's movement cannot be felt.. The child's movement chart needs to be recorded from 9 am-9 pm. That 12 hour period we need to paint our child's movement.
Please remove your attitude while lewa about this ya mommies.. don't we just remember our child in the morning how many times have we moved, how many times in the evening without any notes..
Avoid lying to yourself by just noting your time to avoid being asked by a nurse at a health clinic. It's normal that we have to worry and fear the lives that we've been biological for months.. don't you love me all
Haaa why don't you make it easier for mommy to count baby movement, mommy can follow this step.. it doesn't take long.. in 12 hours you take 10 minutes per hour to count.. no matter how busy it is We spend time with our loved ones in this mommy's tummy..
1) If mommy is at home laying down on the right.. take a breath and make sure you are calm.. in 2 minutes to the right, raise your pillow a little higher and talk to the baby in the stomach.. She's sure kicking.
2) If mommy's in the office.. sit leaning on the chair.. take a slow breath and calm yourself.. look at it in 2 minutes, if there's no kick or movement.. you'll install your earphones and listen to the music calming.. InsyaAllah he will be zumba in your stomach.. hehe
3) Ok last time.. when mommy is outstation or office work.. you stop by any shop to buy ice cream and eat in the car.. lower the car seat.. not even 2 minutes He's going to swim in your stomach.. don't believe it? Try it..
Usually baby will be more active after you eat or drink.. but if mommy is tired, busy or sleeping.. baby will be passive.
You must feel a little bit troublesome, right? The most effective way is, every time the kick is marked on your phone with the time.. if you have free time you can record it safely..
If you find a baby who is less moving 10 times in that 12 hours, you'll see a doctor immediately.. your baby is afraid that you're drowning, twisted the center rope or the heart is weak.. Haaa at that time don't you'll be That's why the countdown of baby movements is important, mommies.
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first day hulu 在 Tiara Jacquelina Facebook 的精選貼文
This is our newest addition to the family, Dooby Doo. How adorable he, sitting inside a songkok😍
We found him dekat kubur Mesjid Hulu Kelang, when we visited Mohsin's grave on the first day of Hari Raya - he was quivering, cold, hungry and so weak, near death. Our daughter Mila pleaded with us to bring him home, so we could nurse him to good health again... and the rest is of course history.
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