[GIVEAWAY] We are giving away a la carte buffet dinner for two at the brand new all-day dining restaurant Peppermint at PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore. Dine in a garden setting and savour a healthful farm-to-table cuisine that offers the best flavours from around the world right to your plate.
How to win?
1. Like PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore and Miss Tam Chiak on Facebook.
2. Share this video
3. Tag three friends who love to eat buffet.
Closing date: 1 September 2021.
*SPECIAL* Redeem a complimentary Sustainable Barramundi from 25 August 2021 with a minimum spend of $100. For more information, visit http://panpacific.co/symphony-of-tastes
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過666的網紅Dwayne Foong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi all! In this episode I travel from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands to stay for 2 nights. However the weather was a disappointment as the weather was cl...
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farm to table facebook 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 係喎,我係鐵粉。而即係歷任啲女朋友(講到好似好多咁,雖然都真係幾多)都覺得我係Bad Taste嘅,因為港女欣就係「平庸」嘅代表,就係「港女」嘅代表。
2. 即係後來佢拍《空手道》或者《金都》啲友開始覺得佢識做戲,已經係後來嘅時,等於7月你先話意大利會捧盃咁。阿叔未開波前已經講啦!
3. 所謂先知,就係知早你少少。
4. 咁當然,有人話要去九展睇過Stephy 演唱會先係鐵粉,我冇。但無論係埃汾太,定係對上幾手女朋友,都覺得我作為一個XXXXXX 居然會聽 Stephy係好不可思議嘅。埃汾太仲好嘢,早排佢發現我有Queen嘅CD,佢十分奇怪,以為我係只聽Stephy鍾嘉欣的。
5. 應該冇乜人知,但我在01博評寫嘅第一篇文,就係寫万刀甲同Stephy 分手。
6. 主題我覺得寫得不錯,Stephy紅得起,本身就十分有違常理。你睇佢既唔靚(咁當然靚過普通網友,但我地講明星下話?),又冇身材,唱歌演戲又不甚那個。甚至比楊千嬅更加平庸(嘩,呢句真係一句得罪兩班歌迷)。但,可能就係大家貪佢真係,well,鄰家女孩。佢就係一個屯門屋村妹。你見我而家每次去大興村(多數係食完Involtini JEP行返屋企),經過佛教沈香林中學都會打卡的!
7. 真喎,呢啲先係「鄰家女孩」。而家當然唔係,但當年係。即係all due respect,你話姚焯菲,咁梗係好J(唔犯法架?)。但,「國民初戀」?邊個國?李東國定卓耀國?人地讀國際學校住豪宅喎,我就冇呢啲初戀啦,你有嘅,你「鄰家」就唔係我「鄰家」。況且,時代不同啦,正如我常講嘅一句,而家?搵處女你去Play Group啦,或者自己養一個,光源氏計劃,farm to table(一定要上床?在枱做唔得嘅?)
8. 雖然事隔多年我都覺得個主題好,但冇法,寫得唔好。但你咪理,總之就係傳說的起點。01博評算係我第一次寫文「面向公眾」,咁當然亦都畀人屌到開花,每一篇都係,每一篇都有人話咁撚垃圾都可以寫文。不過而家我仲在寫。
9. 唔止,固然我唔想誇大咩蝴蝶效應。但,真係可以講,冇01博評,就唔會有我呢個Facebook Page.真的,呢個Page係我寫完一輪博評後,覺得應該搵個地方放好啲嘢。於是變有了光。而冇呢個Facebook Page,就唔會有後來嘅Patreon.冇呢個Patreon我應該而家係減咗人工繼續rat race
10. 咁當然,即使Stephy最初冇同万刀甲分手,照計都會有01博評之後嘅文。但我嘅第一次就獻咗畀佢,你話緊要唔緊要?
11. 講遠咗,台仔單嘢,我都知唔應該咁黑心,「但我早早都話唔work」。台仔配港女嘛,好難的。你普通女仔都仲得,雖然都有啲難度。之前見啲台灣人在香港Group(真人真事,乜我冇話你知埃汾太拎台灣護照?),有個台仔講,話見個香港女朋友又住公屋又成日呻窮,仲諗住佢辛苦叫條女辭職等佢養。點知認真啲問落去,哇靠!條女人工係佢幾倍!哈哈哈(因為條女做護士的,台仔唔知香港做護士咁高人工,以為人地住公屋好窮)
12. 咁,普通港女都難。港女明星?咪玩啦。加埋仲要分開兩地,好難的。
13. 唔止係錢。咁你講錢,阿嬌老公啲所謂「身家」,你香港啲月球人星球人心諗:你老哥咁嘅水平都配溝明星?話年收入一千幾百萬(台幣喎!),連香港一個屋村醫生都不如。
14. 當然,你去到阿嬌Stephy呢啲級數,真係唔使亦唔打算使條台仔錢,擺明係真愛(正如上面個屋村護士嘅case).問題係直頭個金錢觀念都唔同。你見阿嬌都講,自己錢自己買嘢,都睇到條台仔傻眼呀。
15. 再講一次,唔係話咩邊個洗邊個錢,我99%肯定呢兩對,啲財政係互相獨立嘅。但你換個角度睇,中國人(!)講竹門對竹門 雷門對鳴門,真係有道理的。大家對金錢嘅睇法太唔同,點可能一生一世?
16. BTW,葉念琛昨晚中咗丹麥大炒威爾斯 40倍波膽。唔知係咪一個啟示。我點知?都話我係鐵粉。《人約離婚後》我入場睇咗三次,《失戀日》我都入場睇咗三次。雖然我睇葉念琛都不停畀人話我Bad Taste,但我信歷史會還佢一個公道!
17. 唔使好多年,香港國際電影節嘅焦點影人就會係佢。「葉念琛:MK活地亞倫」。至少肯定早過「羅守耀的暴力美學」
18. 如果真係同万刀申復合呢,就真係真人版《失戀日》呀!戲如人生呀。
19. 唔好意思,查小欣上身,咁真係人家家事關我叉事,我又唔係人地條蟲。但即係,N咁多評論都係咁架啦。香港邊撚個唔係專家樣樣多多意見?由克里米亞局勢到秘魯選總統,由香港樓市到NFT,邊個唔係多多意見?正所謂意見像屎眼,人人都有個,幾多人就臭嘅。你有人睇嘅,你咪講飽佢,而唔使講咩「屌你講埋啲咁嘅垃圾都咁多人睇」。正如你睇啲次級聯賽啲友都覺得「咁廢都十萬八萬個月,我落場好過」—until你落
20. Last but not least,下面個「筍盤閃現」…….嘩,AI真係好可怕!
21. 你諗下,最初我寫01博評,搞咗成晚先寫到2000字。而家呢篇2000字嘅文我只係寫咗半個鐘,呢啲咪進步。
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【#Like飲食】美味之源,最緊要新鮮!點至做到最新鮮?即摘即煮夠新鮮未?主打都市健康田園風嘅野玩田店最近進駐尖沙咀iSquare,除堅持採用優質健康食材入饌外,更在餐廳內種植多款「微菜苗」,菜苗成熟後便會採摘及處理,加入菜式中,實踐「Farm to Table」原則,讓人品嚐到新鮮滋味。
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farm to table facebook 在 Dwayne Foong Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hi all!
In this episode I travel from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands to stay for 2 nights. However the weather was a disappointment as the weather was cloudy for most of the time, especially during the golden hour! Hence no sweet golden hour footage in this video.
I went exploring the Boh Tea centre Sungai Palas, Lavender farm, exploring the tea valley, and flew the drone over the golf club.
Again, the edit did not go with the initial planned shots. As I watch more content from other filmmakers, the style that I want to pursue eventually shifted from one to the other. I am still in very early stage of filmmaking, I do hope I can find my own direction in this YouTube space.
Please enjoy this video!
// Follow Me //
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dwaynefoong
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dwaynefoong
WEBSITE: http://www.dwaynefoong.com
// Gears used in this video //
Disclaimer: These Amazon affiliate links will reward me with a 2% to 5% commission when you make a purchase. It helps to support my website and channel. You will not be charged an extra fee.
MAIN CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2EesaCW
28MM-84MM LENS: https://amzn.to/2DJ3yAD
24MM LENS: https://amzn.to/2M23z5d
SMALL TRAVEL MICROPHONE: https://amzn.to/2JSseN5
VARIABLE ND FILTER: https://amzn.to/2MW4CYi
FLEXIBLE TABLE TRIPOD: https://amzn.to/2LqYrHs
4K CAPABLE MEMORY CARD: https://amzn.to/2xONnlB
MAIN DRONE: https://amzn.to/2EeaFm4
DRONE ND/PL FILTER: https://amzn.to/2Iihuac
4K CAPABLE MEMORY CARD: https://amzn.to/2GstUe6

farm to table facebook 在 Dwayne Foong Youtube 的最讚貼文
I was thinking of doing another "How much does it cost" style video for Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. However with the lukewarm response of my previous two videos, Pattaya & Bangkok, I thought I would make this a cinematic travel film instead.
(Pattaya video: https://youtu.be/3uk-WID0ZAQ)
(Bangkok video: https://youtu.be/3skcu1fqEl4)
My inspiration came from watching Kraig Adams, with slow music and camera movement on one end, disrupt the rhythm then followed by another slow sequence.
I enjoyed making this piece but I must say that I did not shoot this with the intention to make it cinematic. There are quite a bit of footage with did not make it because it just cannot fit in.
It is my second year in film making, which I have only made about 10-15 piece of video. There is so much to learn but more importantly going out and make mistakes is better than not doing at all (fear of making mistakes).
Thank you for watching.
// Gears used in this video //
MAIN CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2EesaCW
SECOND CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2kSduyI
28MM-84MM LENS: https://amzn.to/2DJ3yAD
15MM LENS: https://amzn.to/2tHIhm1
24MM LENS: https://amzn.to/2M23z5d
MICROPHONE: https://amzn.to/2JSseN5
ND FILTER: https://amzn.to/2MW4CYi
FLEXIBLE TABLE TRIPOD: https://amzn.to/2LqYrHs
4K CAPABLE MEMORY CARD: https://amzn.to/2xONnlB
MAIN DRONE: https://amzn.to/2EeaFm4
DRONE ND/PL FILTER: https://amzn.to/2Iihuac
4K CAPABLE MEMORY CARD: https://amzn.to/2GstUe6
// Follow Me //
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dwaynefoong
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dwaynefoong
WEBSITE: http://www.dwaynefoong.com

farm to table facebook 在 Day Day Cook Youtube 的精選貼文
【澳洲有咩玩?墨爾本篇】 #識玩一定係咁玩 #嘆遊墨爾本
《打工仔慢遊澳洲 - 第五集》帶你去養殖場食新鮮青口,飲埋青口啤酒,示範你睇咩叫勇者無懼!途中教大家煮返個「番茄白酒燴青口」,再到國家公園附近酒店探訪隱藏喺餐廳後嘅秘密花園,farm to table 食最最最新鮮嘅食材!
主持:日日煮播 Sarah Eat Good Feel Good HK , 人氣 YouTuber Emi Wong
#Melbourne #iLikeAustralia
Australia 澳洲盡是不同 (Tourism Australia)
Visit Melbourne
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