A friend asked me the other day..
‘Mark why don’t you take any nice pictures anymore…🤣’
When taking this picture today in this rather lovely pond…I suddenly realized I had forgotten how to pose 😄
A few years ago I could pull out a pout on cue and pretend I was Cara Delevingne😅 ..but nowadays I just love making videos and entertaining you guys (hopefully)
I have always hated the word ‘influencer’ because taking 100’s of pictures & selfies and then posting them on my page doesn’t really make a difference or have an impact on anyone in my opinion!
That’s why I have always preferred the word Content Creator or Entertainer!
Because all I’ve ever wanted to do is to put a smile on people’s faces and to entertain! (Hopefully 🙏)
I would rather spend 5 hours editing a video than spend 5 hours editing the sky & removing dark circles under my eyes..which you guys can clearly see by now that I have a lot of 🤣🤣
People will quote that ‘a picture can say a thousand words…’
Unfortunately I need at least 30 seconds to do that 🤣🤣🤣
Hope you all had a great week and keep doing what you love to do 🥰
entertain a word 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
The origins of ‘fool’
Wednesday is April 1, when people in many countries worldwide celebrate the custom ( ) of “April Fool’s Day.” On this day, they play pranks ( ) on each other, the pranksters gleefully ( ) calling those hapless ( ) enough to fall for ( ) the joke an “April Fool.”
Nobody really knows for certain ( ) when, where or why the custom started. We have more certainty over the origins of the word “fool” itself, although some details remain unclear.
The word, which refers to ( ) a silly, stupid, or ignorant ( ) person, is thought to originate ( ) in the early 13th century, deriving ( ) from Old French fol, meaning a madman or insane person. The French word, in turn, comes from the Latin follis, meaning a leather bag or a bellows ( ) and, by extension later on, an empty-headed ( ) person.
Fool also referred to a rogue ( ) or a sinful ( ), wicked ( ) or lecherous ( ) person — around 1300, a “fool woman” meant a prostitute ( ), for example — and also a court ( ) jester ( ), a person whose purpose was to entertain ( ) the king and court, whether because they were pretending to be buffoonish ( ) or whether they actually were like that.
One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a buffoon.
It is unclear which sense came first, that of the idiot or the jester.
下週三是四月一日,許多國家的人在這天都有過「愚人節」的慣例,互相捉弄,惡作劇的人樂不可支地把那些不幸被騙倒的人稱作「April Fool」(四月的愚人)。
「fool」亦指惡棍或有罪、惡毒或淫蕩的人──例如在西元一三○○年左右,「fool woman」指的是妓女,亦指弄臣,也就是在宮廷中負責娛樂國王和朝臣的人,無論這些弄臣是故意裝瘋賣傻,還是本來就如小丑般滑稽。
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entertain a word 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[the judgement standards that you should have when you use money]
About 3 days ago, I started a campaign to present the movie ticket of the movie ′′ a in town ′′ to all the applicants, and there was already over 4 million applications.
With This, there is a voice that says ′′ Dentsu amazing ′′ and ′′ Toho crazy ′′ and ′′ Yoshimoto serious," but if you let me say it for the honor of nishino, it's not dentsu-San and toho-San It's not a plan that a big company such as yoshimoto kogyo is pushing, but ′′ Ryo Nishino ′′ is doing it personally.
I'll say it again so I can't forget, but this is ′′ Nishino's streamline
The Streamline is ′′ ticket teenager x 40000 people ′′ at the moment.
Try to calculate it properly.
By the way, I'm still hiring today, so (desperation! ), I think it's still going to increase from here, but I think it's a pretty good amount to pay personally.
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Today, I would like to think about whether this shopping is ′′ expensive ′′ or ′′ cheap
I'm working like this, so I'm sure to have a budget problem.
When you do a solo exhibition, the basics, the first budget is about two around the corner, so the company is often dying, but there is a rule of money that you see that you are going to be able to do such an activity.
′′ when you use money well, the amount you can move will be bigger ′′
That's what it means.
So, for juniors who have a project (that is, people who are in position to have to perform a project in the budget)," don't save money. I'm going to use it positively
The goal is that the project they handle is bigger, and they have a big influence, and they make fun of a lot of people, and help a lot of people, so the budget that can move is better.
Based on such a thing, this time's flame streamline project ′′ the campaign to present the movie ticket of the movie ′′ a town ′′ to all the applicants ′′ was expensive or cheap...... but," I don't know a bit
I still don't know what to do lol
It might be a high shopping, and it might be a cheap shopping, and it's about to fall in both of them,"
One thing for sure is," it's going to fall in either way,"
I think this is really important, isn't it ′′ shopping that doesn't fall in either,"
In Modern times, I think this is the most waste.
Here we come, crowdfunding has finally become general.
In other words, something like ′′ Spirit ′′ has become easier to buy.
For the world, to entertain everyone, I put money out with ′′ barn!" and ′′ dead!" and I'm charming," I feel like I'm going to have a good time," I'm not going to be able to do it anymore," The one who will give me a favor is coming out.
It's easier to come out.
Of course it's a charming coating, but when you fall fancy, you can buy the relationship here, so the shopping is not expensive.
Meanwhile, the choice that doesn't fall in either is like a safety plan, and it's a bit expensive because it's cutting off the opportunity to put out the help around.
It's going to be a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of
With Nori like ′′ Independent people are correct
Actually, it's a lot of risk in the current era, and now I think about it, and the people who want to help around me are stronger than the people who fight alone.
Budgets come together, knowledge and wisdom gather.
′′ Education ′′ is pretty deadly that the workings of online mutual assistance are not built in.
I meet all kinds of people at work, but the knowledge of people living alone is hopeless.
It's pretty bad that there's only one person who can put information in my brain.
It's not just knowledge, it's also a problem of money, but the ′′ one who makes you want to put out a favor ′′ is now overwhelmingly strong.
I'll bring back the story. And I'll put it together in one word.
As a standard of judgement when using money, besides ′′ high ′′ and ′′ cheap "" I think it's better to have the standard of ′′ how to use this to make a favor,"
Ryo Nishino (King Kong)
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓