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「 在這週裡有因為情緒和壓力,影響到了我的身心多少? 」
這些情緒可以是開心的 動人的 感謝的
emotionalhealing 在 Sheila Sim沈琳宸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Can't believe it's Sept already!
What an interesting year 2020 has been. Felt like a lot has happened, yet nothing much happened. Felt like I've achieved a lot, but I've actually done very little.
I'm officially 1 month away from seeing #babyWooLaLa. So excited to meet her, at the same time fear of the unknown is arising. The last time i mentioned i was stressed with the arrival of #babyWooLaLa, so many people were worried for me. Even my dad called to make sure I was ok.
I laughed.
Come, let me explain to you, as i have explained to my dad.
I'm expecting my first child, I'm bringing a new being into this world! To feel stress or fear of the unknown, i believe is completely normal and totally valid.
Maybe the word STRESS is a very negative emotion to many people. So, a lot of people freaked out when i said i was stressed. Haha, it was funny and almost a little dramatic to me. But thank you for the care and concern! To me, 'stress' is just an emotion, like happiness, joy or sadness. It is present to serve a purpose. Stress can actually be healthy, helping me to focus, improve brain performance and keep my mind alert. It helps me to stop procrastinating, do ample research, to prepare in advance, etc. Stress can also mean adventure and excitement, which in this case, definitely is!!
So glad I've done all the healing work prior to the arrival of my first child. But that's another long story to be told another time. So peeps, don't u guys worry abt me. I've never been in a better state of mind!
#sheilaloveherlife #sheilalovesherlovenest #happinessiseasy #SSpregnancyjourney #pregnancy #pregnantstyle #ootd #sspositivepsychology #ssfoodforthoughts #pumasg #emotionalhealing
emotionalhealing 在 Sheila Sim沈琳宸 Facebook 的最讚貼文
'I love all of me.'
This may sound like a highly narcissistic remark to many.
Not to me. Because I struggled for a long time to love all of me. As a child, i wasn't a good looking kid. Even some of my family members thought so, and they'd verbalized it. Like most chinese family of that generation, they assumed children wouldn't know better and wouldn't be affected it. Wrong. I struggled for a long time w self-confidence even after i started modeling. I struggled with self-worth and self-esteem issues, which led me to fall in love too easily, not to mention, with the wrong people, often also for the wrong reasons. I'd fall in love quickly with someone just by knowing the person has slight interest in me.
As a result, i did many things i was not proud of.
Standing here today as a married woman and mother-to-be at 36 years old. I'm so proud to say, I LOVE ALL OF ME! My unglorious past, that unappreciated little girl that i was, my insecurities, my imperfections, all of it!
It took me a long time to get here. It took a lot of self-work, self-awareness, self-realization, meditation, therapy, shattered heart, blood and tears! But I consider myself so lucky; because for some, they never got the chance to arrive at this stage in their entire lifetime.
Marilyn Monroe said, "All little girls should be told they are pretty." while I absolutely agree, i think a better version would be "All children should be told they are beautiful." Because it is highly detrimental for children who grows up without self-worth and self-esteem.
So the next time when you make a mindless/nasty/negative comment to a little child, thinking that it's just an innocent remark and it shouldn't bother him or her, think again. I always say, 'If you have nothing better to say, then don't say anything at all.' TYVM.
#sheilaloveherlife #ssfoodforthoughts #emotionalhealing #divinetiming #foodforthoughts #SSpregnancyjourney #29weeks #consciousawakening #whatyousaytoyourself #iloveme