【#如何更有效率地學習英文#2?】| 給 #視覺型學習者的11個英語學習秘訣 @Gary英語教室
#Gary英語教室 的YouTube 頻道第6支影片上架囉!
Are you a visual learner?
Do you know how to learn English more effectively?
Watch this video and find out.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[英文學習] English Learning FAQ 看我們如何解決同學學英文路上的疑難雜症! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Questions: 1. How do we learn English effectively? 2. What is a good way to expa...
effectively 英文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
我的「第5支 YouTube 影片」上線了!
Do you know how to learn English more effectively?
Do you know what your learning style is?
Do you know what kind of learner you are ?
Watch this video and find out.
今天就讓 Gary 老師來跟你分享我只有在大學課堂上或是「一對一量身訂作線上英語家教課程」才會做的事情,幫助你更加了解自己!
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(2) 在下面留言,練習回答影片中的問題
(3) 詢問任何有關英文學習的問題
(4) 留言跟我們分享「你希望我們拍什麼與英語學習、英語教學或是與英語溝通能力有關主題的影片?」
【#影片連結】: https://youtu.be/DuAsncsKLlc
effectively 英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
When it comes to communicating in English with an international audience, native speakers don’t always do so well.
Sometimes, such inability to accommodate non-native speakers can lead to substantial financial losses for multinational companies.
Picture this: A group of nonnative English speakers is in a room. There are people from Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria and France. They're having a great time speaking to each other in English, and communication is smooth.
•picture(v.) 想像,設想
•have a great time doing sth 做某事很開心
•smooth 順利的,流暢的
And then an American walks into the room. The American speaks quickly, using esoteric jargon ("let's take a holistic approach") and sports idioms ("you hit it out of the park!"). And the conversation trickles to a halt.
•esoteric 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的
•jargon 行話,行業術語
•a holistic approach 全面性的方法 ; 完整取向、全方位取向
•sports idioms 體育相關的成語,慣用語
•trickle to a halt 遂逐漸停止
•trickle 從…向下滴(或淌)
*hit/knock the ball out of the park 字面上的意思是「把球打出棒球場」,慣用語的意思則是「某事做的非常好,令人驚艷」。
Decades of research shows that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down. Global communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are accessible to everyone, using simple words and phrases.
•communication specialist 溝通專家
•accessible 可以理解的;易懂的
數十年的研究表明,當母語為英語的人參與非母語者之間的談話時,理解力會下降。全球溝通專家 Heather Hansen 告訴我們,這是因為母語者無法自然地以非母語者的方式來溝通:以大家都能接受的方式交談——使用簡單的詞彙與片語。
And yet, as Hansen points out, this more accessible way of speaking is often called "bad English." There are whole industries devoted to "correcting" English that doesn't sound like it came from a native British or American speaker. …It turns out that these definitions of "good" and "bad" English may be counterproductive if our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible.
•point sth out 指出
•turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
•counterproductive 産生相反效果的;産生相反作用的;事與願違的,適得其反的
惟正如 Hansen 所指出,這種所謂更容易理解的說話方式,通常被稱為「破英語」。也有行業致力於「糾正」那些聽起來不像英國或美國母語者的英語。⋯⋯事實證明,如果我們的目標是盡可能地有效交流,那麼這些對「好」英語與「壞」英語的定義可能會適得其反。
A balance needs to be struck. There is also a clear difference between helping students improve their English in a classroom and being overly judgmental in a business meeting (or on the Internet ><).
However, if the goal is to communicate effectively with an international audience, native speakers could be more accommodating. At least, that's the view taken by the articles below.
*accommodating 樂於助人的;與人方便的;通融的
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3x2lr7X
effectively 英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的精選貼文
[英文學習] English Learning FAQ
1. How do we learn English effectively?
2. What is a good way to expand our vocabulary?
3. How do we improve our listening and speaking abilities?
4. How can I prepare for the GEPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS?
5. Should we focus on grammar when we are learning English?
6. Can we use American TV shows to learn English?
4.24 Original FB Stream: https://goo.gl/T5dKai
「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程連結: https://bit.ly/2teELDq
effectively 英文 在 Jackz Youtube 的最佳貼文
每個人細個都經歷過打針,但估唔到打針都有得唱出黎,又係 #HealthyMetal 教父 #陳以誠,今次仲要係英文歌,你又聽過未!
陳醫生前後出版過近30次專輯,擔當兒歌歌手時有近20首歌曲登上兒歌金曲榜,其中的「八千步」、「登革熱」、「為我加油」、「十隻青蛙」、「選擇勇敢」、「暴雨後彩虹」都在 #兒歌金曲 榜首。(Wikipedia, 2017)
Take Shots With No Tears by Dr. Chan Yee Shing
英文歌詞 Lyrics:
Auntie Doctor, Uncle Doctor,
You've got a needle, tiny shot.
You've got me giggling, you've got me babbling,
You make me stronger with a shot.
Auntie Doctor, Uncle Doctor,
I'll be healthy and happy.
You support me, always cheer me,
I shall take shots with no tears.
Safely, effectively,
The vaccine protects with memory.
With every shot it builds a strong defence,
Helps prevent all from IPD.
Daddy, Mommy, Uncles, Aunties,
Granddad, Grandma and Nannies.
You support me, always cheer me,
You should take shots with no tears.
(Doesn't hurt! It's not scary!)
Auntie Doctor, Uncle Doctor,
You are healthy, you give your best.
You've got me giggling, you've got me babbling,
You say "prevention is the best".
Doctors doctors, nurses nurses,
You need to stay healthy and strong.
You support me, always cheer me,
You should take shots with no tears.
Safely, effectively,
The vaccine protects with memory.
With every shot it builds a strong defence,
Helps prevent all from IPD.
Daddy, Mommy, Uncles, Aunties,
Granddad, Grandma and Nannies.
You support me, always cheer me,
You should take shots with no tears.
Daddy, Mommy, Uncles, Aunties,
Granddad, Grandma and Nannies.
Let's be healthy, let's be happy,
Let's all take shots with no tears.
Source: 視像醫療資訊網站
陳以誠醫生 - 打針不怕痛 (錄音室-中文版MV):