我係晴報嘅酒專欄 - 「全新法國香檳王P2」剛剛參加了法國著名香檳王Dom Pérignon Plenitude 2 2002年登陸香港的發佈會(Plenitude 2 簡稱P2),並與其首席香檳釀酒師(Chef de Cave) Vincent Chaperon一同品嘗這陳年逾15年的限量香檳。Cheers! 🎉🥂
My wine column in 晴報 Sky Post newspaper - “The Newly Launched ‘King of Champagne’ P2” Attended the new launch of renowned champagne Dom Perignon Plenitude 2 2002 (aka P2 in short form) & tasted this limited champagne with over 15 years on lees with the Chef de Cave Vincent Chaperon. Cheers!🎉🥂
#wine #champagne #champagnetasting #domperignon #domperignonP2 #domperignonplenitude2 #skypost #ecriturehk #foodandwine #晴報 #香檳 #詩詩酒樂園 #ccwinevoyage #mhdhk Moet Hennessy: Estates & Wines Asia Ecriture