Pic - Our 9th Anniversary
When I met Dr Halina way back in 2003 , she was a student of mine at HUKM answering my every questions . That’s when the interest and attraction sets in ...
I was just a young doctor doing my Masters in Orthopaedic at the time at the age of 30 - Haha that’s young to me ...
But I wasn’t just looking for beauty with brains .
I wanted more than that ...
I knew what I wanted ...
I was looking for someone who has all the attributes - her faith , family , intellectuality and certainly beauty comes into play too .
My Dad told me that if you wanted to marry a woman , date her mother and you will know everything about her . She will be exactly like her mother in every aspect and was my Dad right ...
I’d had married earlier then with Dr Halina if it was not for the Angkasawan Programme .
The training & selection to Space itself cost me
an extra 5 years and another 2 years upon coming back to fulfil my duties as an astronaut .
I have always felt 32 is a good age for a man to settle down and 28 for women .
But Allah knows best .
Alhamdulillah on the 10.10.10 married at the age of 38 to Dr Halina 30 years old .
It also coincides with my 12th anniversary to Space - 10.10.07
And my late Dad words of wisdom - to find a wife with a gap of 10 years if possible . Haha
And now with 4 children Bella , Tasha , Adam & Noah and InsyaAllah with more to come , I’m truly content , fulfilled and blessed .
Hoping it will lasts forever - Amiinn
Happy Anniversary my love ...
The Mother of my Children ...
Continue being patient , for believing in me and being the pillar of my strength ....
Love you till Jannah
Just sharing ...
Salam Everyone ...
Love As Always ...
PS - TQ Everyone for all your DM messages 😘
PSS - A short breakfast date this morning before leaving to Alor Gajah for my talks in the afternoon ...
PSSS- I don’t usually open up talking about love publicly but today is an exception ...
doctor who 12th 在 美劇癮 歐美娛樂資訊平台 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#美漫 #DrWho #神秘博士
2016年TITAN COMICS推出了Dr Who的
大事件「Supremacy of the Cybermen」
出場人物包括9th-12th Doctor及其同伴
全輯5期故事 已於上月推出漫畫合訂本
小編只觀看了第1期 佈局讓人緊張
第一屆 唉~美獎分獎典禮2016-17 - 美劇癮SP 015 goo.gl/2fyuJ9
入坑攻略 goo.gl/2bHHss
美劇癮Youtube Channel goo.gl/NQYaSO
美劇癮 iTunes goo.gl/TtndyN
doctor who 12th 在 KOSZINE Facebook 的最讚貼文
[博士] Doctor Who 第八季片場側拍流出 ! 12任Peter叔完全帥度破表 ~~ 修長的身材、精緻的西裝、悶騷的紅內襯.... 還有和Clara在一起和諧的父子感與身高差,堪稱完美啊!! (小11就留給宋江女士了)
影片: http://www.bilibili.tv/video/av936524/
"I’m not in the phone, I’m standing right here." QQ
" I know youre sacred, but he will be too; and he’ll need you "
【Clara接到來自11th Doctor的語音留言: 聽完留言Clara就擁抱了12th Doctor。】