A while ago, Dignity Kitchen got in touch with me and I decided to do some research on them. They are Singapore's first hawker training school for disabled and disadvantaged people. The founder, Mr Koh Seng Choon, at one point had incurred a $700,000 personal debt in the process of starting up this kitchen which had an aim;
To build and return the dignity to the disadvantaged and disabled through vocation with passion.
Pretty damn amazing. Well. Mooncake season is upon us! And this year they are going to sell Mooncakes which are handmade with love by their fellow beneficiaries from different backgrounds be it mental, social, physical or intellectual disabilities and all proceeds of the mooncake sales will be channelled towards the training of Project Dignity’s Social Programs.
So if you wanna check them out, email Dignity Kitchen at mooncake@projectdignity.sg or call 9853 9086!
Ps: Last orders will be on 12th September, Monday 2016.
#dignitykitchen #mooncake #spreadthelove #notsp