「中國世界工廠 + AI 的未來」
China Is Still the World's Factory — And It's Designing the Future With AI
For many years now, China has been the world’s factory. Even in 2020, as other economies struggled with the effects of the pandemic, China’s manufacturing output was $3.854 trillion, up from the previous year, accounting for nearly a third of the global market.
But if you are still thinking of China’s factories as sweatshops, it’s probably time to change your perception. The Chinese economic recovery from its short-lived pandemic blip has been boosted by its world-beating adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). After overtaking the U.S. in 2014, China now has a significant lead over the rest of the world in AI patent applications. In academia, China recently surpassed the U.S. in the number of both AI research publications and journal citations. Commercial applications are flourishing: a new wave of automation and AI infusion is crashing across a swath of sectors, combining software, hardware and robotics.
As a society, we have experienced three distinct industrial revolutions: steam power, electricity and information technology. I believe AI is the engine fueling the fourth industrial revolution globally, digitizing and automating everywhere. China is at the forefront in manifesting this unprecedented change.
Chinese traditional industries are confronting rising labor costs thanks to a declining working population and slowing population growth. The answer is AI, which reduces operational costs, enhances efficiency and productivity, and generates revenue growth.
For example, Guangzhou-based agricultural-technology company XAG, a Sinovation Ventures portfolio company, is sending drones, robots and sensors to rice, wheat and cotton fields, automating seeding, pesticide spraying, crop development and weather monitoring. XAG’s R150 autonomous vehicle, which sprays crops, has recently been deployed in the U.K. to be used on apples, strawberries and blackberries.
Some companies are rolling out robots in new and unexpected sectors. MegaRobo, a Beijing-based life-science automation company also backed by Sinovation Ventures, designs AI and robots to safely perform repetitive and precise laboratory work in universities, pharmaceutical companies and more, reducing to zero the infection risk to lab workers.
It’s not just startups; established market leaders are also leaning into AI. EP Equipment, a manufacturer of lithium-powered warehouse forklifts founded in Hangzhou 28 years ago, has with Sinovation Ventures’ backing launched autonomous models that are able to maneuver themselves in factories and on warehouse floors. Additionally Yutong Group, a leading bus manufacturer with over 50 years’ history, already has a driverless Mini Robobus on the streets of three cities in partnership with autonomous vehicle unicorn WeRide.
Where is all this headed? I can foresee a time when robots and AI will take over the manufacturing, design, delivery and even marketing of most goods—potentially reducing costs to a small increment over the cost of materials. Robots will become self-replicating, self-repairing and even partially self-designing. Houses and apartment buildings will be designed by AI and use prefabricated modules that robots put together like toy blocks. And just-in-time autonomous public transportation, from robo-buses to robo-scooters, will take us anywhere we want to go.
It will be years before these visions of the future enter the mainstream. But China is laying the groundwork right now, setting itself up to be a leader not only in how much it manufactures, but also in how intelligently it does it.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅中山 繁樹 Shigeki Nakayama,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A. 日本語は母国語なのに文章がうまく書けない。 B. English Business level. or I can at least communicate with the foreigner (pretty much all the situation) C. 中文:日常溝通沒有問題。但...
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[挑戰Excel Google Shit]得唔得架?人地萬億美金市值喎。
彭博原文:Spreadsheet Maker Airtable Taps Funds at $2.5 Billion Value(https://bityl.co/3YWw)
1. 呢檔新Startup(*),最成功係個名。AirTable,易記,又唔會諗起其他嘢,但又唔係唔啦更。正如Bloomgerg所講,Spread Sheet,「哦,即係挑戰Excel 同Google Shit」
2. 其實話新都唔係好新,2012年成立。另外,都玩到D輪融資,最新集資近2億美金,估值25億美金,唔係蚊型嘢了。創辦人話唔會賣盤呀下,至少而家唔會(never say never),1000億機會輕而易舉喎(計乜先?)
3. 得唔得架?之前都有啦,EditGrid嘛,香港嘢添,好似話仲早過Google,我有用過,還好.「但而家都係用返Excel同Google」.咁今次呢舊又乜家伙?
4. 利申:只係快望過,當然冇用過,亦冇好細心咁去睇。趕住訓。其實我之前聽都未聽過間公司。當然可能只係我問題,我見都有唔少教學,中文嘅都有(https://bityl.co/3YVr)
5. 呢篇中文簡介反而幾好,至少有個「Vision」.入面講咗句嘢,唔知係咪公司原本講,(甚至可能根本條友有份),總之就係:1985年,已經係Word Excel同Powerpoint,而家2020年啦喎。中途Google有搞下Google Shit Google Dog之類,但本質都係一樣。應該改變下,云云
6. (不過說實話,本人呢啲腦盲,應該去到1995年先接觸Word,之前同學屋企玩過WordPerfect,至於試算表嘛,反而90前已經IBM玩過,但唔記得叫乜名)
7. Bloomberg篇嘢,叫佢做Spread Sheet,唔知公司會唔會覺得唔恰當。篇報導將公司產品定位為「冇咁強大但易用嘅Excel」
8. 但我見公司網頁反而講自己係Spread Sheet+Database,我望落亦都覺得似係。
9. 第一印象,介面幾靚嘅。見佢啲template,亦唔似同Excel好相似,反而係integrate 更多其他嘢,特別係相同埋片。好似,幫到啲一大堆資料但好零散嘅友,例如會幫到我寫文?或者公司做product system呀,CRM呀乜鬼,其實可能都有用。我見過啲唔少系統,都係介面唔多靚仔,亦有點兒複雜嘅
10. 唔好睇少呢樣嘢,都未得閒寫,但早排我問過下人,點解Zoom跑出?講最早又唔係,早多錢又唔係。根據專家朋友講,似乎就係因為夠易用,介面簡單靚仔,廢老都識用。好重要的!
11. 唔知個比喻啱唔啱,但你睇真係去到智能電話大盛後,你老母甚至你阿爺嗰啲先會變埋「上網」。你畀部電腦佢,佢係唔會玩的。但拎部電話佢就識同你發長輩圖。當然可以拎住周圍用亦係原因,Network effect佢地其他朋友都用亦係原因
12. 講到Network effect,我諗又係呢類公司嘅死症。拿我唔係專家,但你見MS Office雄霸多年,當然亦因為人人用,你都要用。你整個file對家開唔到嘅,點玩?掉轉都係。就當你有兼容性(個個都會做啦),但你公司一用,又要啲員工全部識用喎。固然AirTable之類實會幫你培訓,而家有埋Zoom之類更好。但,你都知多數員工都係好似我呢類嘅腦盲,「學咗咁多年先識VLookup先識VBA寫Macro你而家又要我學第樣嘢」,好煩的
13. 我見佢AirTable都有啲大公司客,很重要。但個出路會唔會都係個人,或者中小企?見啲收費似乎唔貴,應該有競爭力。
14. 其他?唔知。但直覺好難玩,又係嗰個問題,大公司當道,抄你又得,搶你啲人又得。你話你做啲同佢完全唔同嘅嘢都話,但你同佢做差不多嘅嘢,扮公室軟件,得唔得架?
15. 呢,你見Slack,應該已經算係相當成功。但,「本人用都冇用過」「用MS Teams我都覺得麻撚煩」,「點解唔Whatsapp講或打電話講?」。固然唔好咁中二病,你冇用過唔等於冇人用,但,用家數字爭好遠下話。Zoom就真係殺出一條血路。
16. 拿,本人嘅tech 撚朋友評曰:「簡單來講,佢個媽劇係邊?就係只剩唔多願意科水俾錢既Startup或中小企,企業巿場實在難以同一條龍及深受IT高層信賴既Microsoft Teams搶。咁大個餅你淨係咬得幾啖,仲要啲豆沙餡係哂人地果邊。筆者想科水俾Slack時,公司IT、Finance都輪流質疑「點解唔用返Teams?」,而當你科水時,你就會發現科水跟本買唔到幾多,「好似有少少貴」,你最愛既功能跟本唔科水都夠用。然後⋯⋯Github而家Integrate埋Teams了,點搞?又,唔係你以為Microsoft而買Github?呢啲咪「仙甩治」。」
17. (而再講一次,本人連用Teams都覺得麻撚煩,「點解唔用Whatsapp」)
18. 另一tech 撚朋友評曰:「我個人經驗,工作溝通通常都只係文字對話,或者開會。呢類 app 除非提供到一啲其他 instant messenger 一定提供唔到嘅功能,否則啲人用用下就會自然地用返一般用開的 instant messenger嘅 group chat。因為方便,唔駛開多樣。」
19. 我不負責任咁講句:唔係咁易架葉師傅。技術背景嘅,當然係留意隻嘢有幾勁有幾多功能,但女人嘅嘢,絶世好Bra話頭,唔使你轉幾十個 pose架!你睇電飯煲(**),就一個大掣,你阿麻都識用,幾咁撚簡單!呢啲就Design thinking啦!你睇微波爐?其實你有用過乜功能?我用嘅功能就只係較時間,然後叮。「我好多時連大中小火都唔搞」「唔夠熱咪再叮耐啲」
20. 另外當然,就係大公司點都以本傷人,綑綁銷售又好,價格戰又好,利用現有嘅優勢去打你又好(Microsoft玩咗幾廿年啦),點會咁易畀你搶灘?
21. 咁但不過,潑冷水之類後,又要講,成件事係冇矛盾的。係呀,好撚難架。但正係難先有機會發嘛,如果個個做到,就唔會有得發啦。你做到一間Zoom突圍成功,你睇袁征副身家幾咁勁?
22. AirTable嘛,好在仲係唔係太大,雖則都話20萬個公司客了(嘩),但25億美金估值唔算係咩好誇張,「王維基咁上下」。相反,Slack嗰啲,已經都幾成熟,玩咗咁多年,市都上埋,140億美金市值,但依然冇錢賺,點玩落去?
23. 不過唔緊要,沒有最泡,只有更泡。Slack今年啲表現都還不錯的。早兩日上嗰隻Snowflake先CSL挑戰你三觀,啲估值令我懷疑人生。一度成900億美金市值,而家跌返啲都仲有600億美金。我就唔知點計數了,但900億美金市值,講緊在標普500指數都排70—但公司收入?得4億,低過任何一間標普500指數成份股公司。
24. 4億收入撐900億市值?亞馬遜1997年上市,玩到2011年先有800億市值—但當時收入係400億
25. 呀,又賣廣告了,Snowflake嘅嘢,其實Patreon有講,仲有大把其他嘢(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)
26. 真的,有機會我都想試用下呢個AirTable—但你睇到問題了,「老人家邊有時間慢慢學」,但,後生有時間嘅,又唔肯科水喎。「所以你見手遊都係男兒當入樽,因為啲廢老有錢畀」
(*)有舊Startup?有的,Palantir成立咗17年,都仲扮係Start up,或者想人當佢係,或者有人當佢係
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design thinking中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答
💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕
卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」
Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞
Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.
Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.
Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!
Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!
Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”
Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.
Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -\-\ an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -\-\ we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.
✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.
design thinking中文 在 中山 繁樹 Shigeki Nakayama Youtube 的最佳貼文
A. 日本語は母国語なのに文章がうまく書けない。
B. English Business level. or I can at least communicate with the foreigner (pretty much all the situation)
C. 中文:日常溝通沒有問題。但是我不會講出來。
I recently realized that there is no one who can speak all languages; thus, I stopped thinking about perfection. However, I need to motivate myself to improve my English, Chinese, and Japanese writing and speaking ability.
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FaceBook: Shigeki Nakayama https://www.facebook.com/shigeki.nakayama.youtube/?ref=bookmarks
Email: shigeshigemansky@gmail.com
design thinking中文 在 圖解設計思考:好設計,原來是這樣「想」出來的! - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
May 10, 2013 - 書名:圖解設計思考:好設計,原來是這樣「想」出來的!,原文名稱:GRAPHIC DESIGN THINKING:BEYOUND BRAINSTORMING,語言:繁體中文 ... ... <看更多>
design thinking中文 在 WYS c!ab CUHK - 設計思維(Design Thinking)是甚麼?... 的推薦與評價
設計思維(Design Thinking)是甚麼? 「設計思考是以人為本的設計精神與方法,考慮人的需求、行為,也考量科技或商業的可行性。」IDEO設計公司總裁Tim Brown 設計思維 ... ... <看更多>