🤓 Do you know beer is the world's third most popular drink after water and tea with 1.9 billion hectoliters produced per year! 🤓
It's the beer fair at Carrefour until the 16th of June! It is the opportunity for all beer-lovers to discover new beers from various countries 🍺
One I really enjoyed is the Delirium Tremens which is a fruity and spicy Belgian beer!
🇧🇪 Blond Belgian Pale Ale
📖 First brewed on December 1988
🍯 Honey, Bananas, raisins aroma at first…
🍋 Spices, lemon and malt aroma at the end…
🐘 Colorful and original design
Santé! 🍺🍺🍺
Here are the clues about the product I will talk about next week…
It's either dry or fresh
It's produced in 600 different shapes
And It's most eaten in Italy
Can you guess what it is? 🧐
If you know the answer, please write it down on the comments bellow.
Keep tuned to discover my first product next Friday at 3pm! 🤗
/ 阿福翻譯年糕 /
#啤酒 正是世界第三大受歡迎的飲料,你猜對了嗎?僅次於水和茶!每年生產約19億毫升呢~ (看看阿福的啤酒肚🤰
我喜歡的是這瓶比利時啤酒「Delirium 三倍」,帶點果香及辛辣口感!
面對毒辣辣的太陽~暢飲一杯最適合 Cheers🍺🍺🍺
#下集預告 Elisabeth下週開箱的產品線索是...🧐
猜猜看是什麼,下週五見囉 🤗
#家樂福 #ElisabethInCarrefour
delirium tremens啤酒 在 米魯進步黨 Beer Progressive Party Facebook 的最讚貼文
這款Delirium Christmas瓶身上的粉紅大象雖然可愛,但它和酒名的典故,卻來自酒精戒斷症候群中最常見的精神性併發症:震顫性譫妄(delirium tremens)。發作時會產生四周有許多小動物飛舞的幻覺,而幻覺中最常見的,就是這粉紅大象......好在小黨工還沒在瓶身以外的地方看見這粉紅大象就是^^;
開瓶時略帶些酒漬櫻桃的香氣,入杯後則進一步開展出葡萄乾、水梨等水果香氣;入口首先帶出櫻桃般的水果風味,繼之以白胡椒般的香料刺激感、酒花與烘焙麥芽的苦韻,最後是綿長的焦糖香氣與回甘。酒精感不強,但10%的酒精濃度頗具後勁。在發文的同時,我的皮膚已經和瓶身上的大象一樣變成粉紅色了 lol