[生活美語] 同學有在網路上被「 catfish」過嗎?
catfish 作為名詞被定義為
1. 鯰魚
a type of fish that has whiskers around its mouth and lives in rivers or lakes
2. 網路鯰魚,在社群媒體上用虛假身份欺詐別人的人
someone who lies about themselves on the Internet in order to impress people, especially so that someone will start a relationship with them
Turns out the girl I thought I met online was just a catfish of an old man.
—Urban Dictionary
catfish 作動詞時意為「用虛假身份在網上欺騙他人」
to deceive (someone) by creating a false personal profile online
They never actually met. He was an online thing. They'd been talking for over a year. We were all pretty sure he was catfishing her, but she was convinced he was legit and that they were in love.
—M-W Dictionary
根據紐約時報,catfish這個字的用法源自於2010 Ariel Schulman的紀錄片《鯰魚》(Catfish)中的用語。片中年輕的攝影師Nev與密西根州的一個妙齡女子Megan在網上墜入愛河,但當他祕密前往密西根州想與Megan相見時才發現,對方的真實名字是Angela,是一個中年家庭婦女,而她在網路上呈現的生活樣貌都只是她在虛擬世界中構建出的夢想生活狀態。
—NY Times
When Nev was visiting with Angela and her husband Vince, Vince tells them a story about a problem when live cod were shipped to Asia from North America, and the flesh ended up gross and mushy from inactivity. In order to keep the cod active, according to Vince’s story, the fisherman started putting catfish in with the cod to nip at their tails and keep them active. Vince implies that Angela is like those catfish because life would be “dull and boring if we didn’t have someone nipping at our fins.”
So, beware of catfishing.
deceive名詞 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
有人話 #Call林鄭嘅bluff,咩意思?
#明報 A20 | 英文 English | 毛孟靜
//林鄭月娥聲稱非常樂意與香港人對話,於是有人向立法會 民主派議員建議:Let's call her bluff 。這是什麼意思呢?
Call somebody's bluff, 直譯係「叫某人的自我吹噓」, 仍然不明其所以然,是吧?
Bluff 最直接的口語譯法,係「作大」,也即是書面語的 「虛張聲勢」。
To bluff is to try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions,企圖欺騙別人自己有如此這般的能力或意圖, 有自吹自擂之意。用做動詞:
• He's been bluffing all along. 他一直不過在「拋浪頭」、嚇 唬人罷了。
• The purchase offer has been denounced as a bluff. 那個 收購建議被視為充大頭鬼的把戲。
有說 ,bluff 等於「充大頭鬼」,源自紙牌撲克 poker 遊 戲:明明沒有一手好牌,卻「二仔底死跟」,強行冒充底牌 是一張皇牌,bluffing your way through,去「大、嚇窒」 對手。
• He bluffed them into surrendering. 他成功嚇得他們投降。 於是倒過頭來,to call somebody's bluff 又可理解為「大返 佢」,去揭對方根本不堪一擊的底牌:
To make an opponent show his hand in order to reveal that its value is weaker than his heavy betting suggests,令 對手攤牌,揭露其「冇料扮四條」。
To challenge someone to carry out a stated intention, in the expectation of being able to expose it as a pretence,去 挑戰某人是否夠膽說到做到,預期由此暴露對方也不過是說 說、裝模作樣罷了。
於是,去 call 林鄭的 bluff,是指民主派議員不如將計就 計,大聲回應樂意與林鄭對話,看她肯不肯,但預期她不會 答應,由此暴露當中的虛偽。
• Carrie Lam says she's happy to dialogue with the people. Huh. Let's call her bluff. 林鄭月娥說她樂意與市民對話。 哈,我哋「大」返佢。
這一幕沒有發生,是因為絕大部分民主派中人都覺得,林 鄭的「底牌」已眾所周知,不必勞師動眾去揭露了。 另例:
• I am tempted to call his bluff as I can hardly believe he would carry out his threat. 我真想叫他「你就來吧」,因為 我絕不相信他的恫嚇。
話說回頭,要非常小心 bluff 這個字,並非淨係代表負 面意思,亦有 being direct, rudely frank, outspoken and unconventional ,率性直接、敢言、反傳統的表達。
• He's a bluff but he's a good teacher.
deceive名詞 在 陳國詩的英文分享平台- 來學學「欺騙」和「假裝」 關鍵字彙 的推薦與評價
先說deceive, 它強調給人錯誤資訊,這個意思可以用beguile, ... 名詞的「欺騙」或「騙局」,除了deceit, deception等字之外,也可用guile, ... ... <看更多>