Tiếp tục dắt túi những cấu trúc hay giúp bạn ghi điểm trong mọi bài thi nhé. Nào bắt đầu ghi chép thôi:
- Have a great influence on (Sb/St): ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai/ cái gì
My mom’s teaching style has a great influence on me.
- It is evident that: rõ ràng là
It is evident that smart phone has a lot of advantages.
- Meet the need: đáp ứng nhu cầu
The coffee shop said that it was unable to meet people’s growing need of the special orange shake.
- Feel the urge to: cảm thấy rất muốn làm gì
When I knew that my brother told lies, I felt the urge to tell my mom.
- Develop an interest for : bắt đầu nuôi dưỡng ý thích cho cái gì
I developed an interest for abstract paintings when I was a sophomore in university.
- Have a strong desire: có mong muốn mãnh liệt
I have a strong desire to open a restaurant.
- Fall in love (with Sb/ St): có cảm tình với ai/ cái gì
I fall in love with anything that is small and cute.
- Fall into disuse : không được sử dụng
The house soon fell into disuse after the owners moved to another place to live.
- Have no interest in (St): không có hứng thú làm gì
I have no interest in playing sports although I knew they were good for my health.
- Regret not doing St: hối hận không làm gì
I regret not working harder to win at least one prize in the cooking competition.
Cả nhà lưu về tham khảo nha. Đặc biệt, dự án Chill with IELTS đã đi đến những bài học cuối cùng, hoàn thành cách tự học tại nhà target 7.0 rồi, cả nhà nhận được hết tài liệu chưa nào?
「cute paintings for mom」的推薦目錄:
cute paintings for mom 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的精選貼文
Cuối ngày lại dắt túi những cấu trúc hay nè mấy bạn!
1. Feel the urge to: cảm thấy rất muốn làm gì
When I knew that my brother told lies, I felt the urge to tell my mom.
2. Develop an interest for : bắt đầu nuôi dưỡng ý thích cho cái gì
I developed an interest for abstract paintings when I was a sophomore in university.
3. Have a strong desire: có mong muốn mãnh liệt
I have a strong desire to open a restaurant.
4. Fall in love (with Sb/ St): có cảm tình với ai/ cái gì
I fall in love with anything that is small and cute.
5. Fall into disuse : không được sử dụng
The house soon fell into disuse after the owners moved to another place to live.
6. Have no interest in (St): không có hứng thú làm gì
I have no interest in playing sports although I knew they were good for my health.
7. Regret not doing St: hối hận không làm gì
I regret not working harder to win at least one prize in the cooking competition.
Cả nhà lưu về học nha!