看CV的人 (二)
3〉寫Job Description (JD) 超簡單方法:
我問: 咩Merchandiser?
唔係,我指係Garment Merchandiser?Kitchen? F&B?邊一瓣?
……咁工作內容仲要做啲咩? 使唔使返大陸? 淨係跟單? 使唔使搞埋Product Development?
2016-2018 senior Marketing Executive
2013-2016 Marketing Executive
2012-2013 Office Assistant
Marketing都有分in house同agency,出去搞event又係marketing,匿喺office搵KOL搞facebook廣告又係marketing,得個title名而冇工作內容,係一件好蝕章嘅事,你愈寫得清楚,人哋打嚟約你見工嘅機會就愈大,仲會減少錯配,例如你係做開event,約你上去之後先知係做digital,咪盞浪費大家時間。
寫返過往工作內容 (Job Description,以下簡稱JD) 聽落好麻煩,但其實有個超簡單方法,就係去求職網站copy,search一份相同類型嘅工,睇下人哋登稿嘅JD,不過copy之前要睇清楚,例如你冇做過嘅job duties就刪咗去,其他都係大同小異。
以Next Sourcing呢隻JD其中一句為例:
●Identify and establish key fabric trends for the upcoming season covering woven and jersey fabric for the products of ladies, men’s and kidswear and work along with NUK team.
4〉如何正確展示Part Time / Summer Job + Temp + Contract
我以前做in house HR嗰陣,收過一份CV我覺得好啱,彈咗畀Line Manager,點知個Line Manager話呢位Candidate好Jumpy,我心諗你講乜呀?
Event Executive / 3 months
Waiter / 3 months
Admin Clerk / 2 months
喂大佬呀,唔該你睇清楚先啦,個求職者一直讀上去直至2014年先畢業,以上一堆工作又全部係夏天去做兩三個月,好明顯係Summer Job同Part Time啦。
喺職場Send CV搵工,永遠要有一種心態,唔好期望睇你CV嘅人係好有心機慢慢睇,另外就算HR識睇,啲Line Manager有冇智慧去消化又係另一回事。
要減低被誤解嘅風險,可以括住(Part Time)同(Summer Job)呢類工作,畀啲人睇得清清楚楚,而呢一Part最好用線分隔開,唔好同Full Time工作撈埋一齊,有啲人唔睇清楚真係以為你好Jumpy。
09/2014 – present
Marketing Executive
Event Executive / 3 months (Summer Job)
Waiter / 3 months (Summer Job)
Admin Clerk / 2 months (Summer Job)
附帶再講下,如果你全職工作做過Temp 臨時工或者Contract合約工,最好亦係括住(Temp), (Contract),咁人哋就會知道你係合約到期,唔係Jumpy係咁轉工。
contract manager job description 在 Step Up English Facebook 的最佳解答
1. CV (viết tắt của curriculum vitae): sơ yếu lý lịch
2. application form /æplɪ'keɪʃn fɔ:m/: đơn xin việc
3. interview /'intəvju:/: phỏng vấn
4. job /dʒɔb/: việc làm
5. career /kə'riə/: nghề nghiệp
6. part-time /´pa:t¸taim/: bán thời gian
7. full-time: toàn thời gian
8. permanent /'pə:mənənt/: dài hạn
9. temporary /ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri/: tạm thời
10. appointment /ə'pɔintmənt/ (for a meeting): buổi hẹn gặp
11. ad or advert /əd´və:t/ (viết tắt của advertisement): quảng cáo
12. contract /'kɔntrækt/: hợp đồng
13. notice period: thời gian thông báo nghỉ việc
14. holiday entitlement: chế độ ngày nghỉ được hưởng
15. sick pay: tiền lương ngày ốm
16. holiday pay: tiền lương ngày nghỉ
17. overtime /´ouvətaim/: ngoài giờ làm việc
18. redundancy /ri'dʌndənsi/: sự thừa nhân viên
19. redundant /ri'dʌndənt/: bị thừa
20. to apply for a job: xin việc21. to hire: thuê
22. to fire /'faiə/: sa thải
23. to get the sack (colloquial): bị sa thải
24. salary /ˈsæləri/: lương tháng
25. wages /weiʤs/: lương tuần
26. pension scheme / pension plan: chế độ lương hưu / kế hoạch lương hưu
27. health insurance: bảo hiểm y tế
28. company car: ô tô cơ quan
29. working conditions: điều kiện làm việc
30. qualifications: bằng cấp
31. offer of employment: lời mời làm việc
32. to accept an offer: nhận lời mời làm việc
33. starting date: ngày bắt đầu
34. leaving date: ngày nghỉ việc
35. working hours: giờ làm việc
36. maternity leave: nghỉ thai sản
37. promotion /prə'mou∫n/: thăng chức
38. salary increase: tăng lương
39. training scheme: chế độ tập huấn
40. part-time education: đào tạo bán thời gian
41. meeting /'mi:tiɳ/: cuộc họp
42. travel expenses: chi phí đi lại
43. security /siˈkiuəriti/: an ninh
44. reception /ri'sep∫n/: lễ tân
45. health and safety: sức khỏe và sự an toàn
46. director /di'rektə/: giám đốc
47. owner /´ounə/: chủ doanh nghiệp
48. manager /ˈmænәdʒər/: người quản lý
49. boss /bɔs/: sếp
50. colleague /ˈkɒli:g/: đồng nghiệp
51. trainee /trei'ni:/: nhân viên tập sự
52. timekeeping: theo dõi thời gian làm việc
53. job description: mô tả công việc
54. department /di'pɑ:tmənt/: phòng ban"
contract manager job description 在 陳凰鳳老師 Facebook 的最佳解答
目前我們預計開啓約莫一年期的 越南語計劃,參與的人員將加入 Google 語音團隊,協助研發工程師建置及發展 "Vietnamese Text-To-Speech at Google"[1][2] 以及 "Vietnamese Automatic Voice Recognition"[3][4]。這些令人興奮的服務不但將能由 Android 手機上直接啓動[2][4] 提供全球使用者使用,還將間接幫助 Google translate[6] 與教學領域的應用[7]。
所以此次徵才欲聘請 Project Manager (1位) 及 Data Evaluator (3位)。
由於該計劃將於 "臺灣" 或 "新加坡" 進行, 我們將同時考慮應徵者在此兩地的工作許可,
(A) 基本條件:
1. 越南母語人士
2. 語言相關背景,包括語言學、語言教學、翻譯、編輯、校正等等。
(B) 優先條件:
1. 擁有臺灣或新加坡合法工作許可,需能滿足 8 hr/day 和 5 days/week 的工作時數。
(C) 若無工作簽證,須由公司代辦者,需特別註明於履歷表上。
1. 有碩士以上學歷。
2. 大學畢業 + 兩年語言相關工作經驗
Job Description as follows:
Speech Data Evaluator:
Job description:
As a Speech Data Evaluator and a native-level speaker of Vietnamese, you will be part of a team processing large amounts of linguistic data and carrying out a number of tasks to improve the quality of Google’s speech synthesis.
This includes:
- Classifying and annotating linguistic data
- Audio evaluation
- Labeling text for disambiguation, expansion, and text normalization
- Providing phonetic transcription of lexicon entries according to given standards and using in-house tools
Job requirements:
- Native-level speaker of Vietnamese (with good command of the standard dialect) and fluent in English
- Passion for language with good knowledge of orthography and grammar in the target language
- A degree in a language-related field such as linguistics, language teaching, translation, editing, writing, proofreading, or similar
- Keen interest in technology and computer-literate (should feel comfortable using in-house tools and should have an interest in current speech, mobile and online technology)
- Attention to detail and good organizational skills
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension)
**This is not a permanent position but a contract position through an employment agency. Applicants better are currently authorized to work in Taiwan. Please add a special note if you don't have working permission in Taiwan. Please add a special note if you don't have working permission in Taiwan.**
For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with "Speech Data Evaluator
Application Deadline: (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: meiyu@google.com
Speech Linguistic Project Manager
As a Linguistic Project Manager and a native-level speaker of Vietnamese, you will oversee and manage all work related to achieving high data quality for speech projects in your own language.
You will be based in London, managing a team of Speech Data Evaluators and working on a number of projects towards TTS synthesis.
This includes:
- Training, managing and overseeing the work of your team
- Creating verbalisation rules, such as expanding URLs, email addresses, numbers
- Creating annotation conventions
- Evaluating data quality
- Providing expertise on pronunciation and phonotactics
- Working with QA tools according to given guidelines and using in-house tools
Job requirements:
- Native-level speaker of Vietnamese (with good command of the standard dialect) and fluent in English
- Must have attended elementary school in the country where the language is spoken
- Keen ear for phonetic nuances and attention to detail; knowledge of the language’s phonology
- Ability to quickly grasp technical concepts; should have an -interest in current speech, mobile, and online technology
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Good organizational skills
- Previous project management and people management experience
- Previous experience with speech/NLP-related projects a plus
- Advanced degree in Linguistics preferred; experience with Computational Linguistics a plus
- Also a plus: proficiency with HTML, XML, and some programming language; previous experience working in a Linux environment
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension)
**This is not a permanent position but a contract position through an employment agency. Applicants better are currently authorized to work in Taiwan.**
For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with “Speech Linguistic Project Manager
Email Address for applications: mailto:tts_jobs@google.com
Google text-to-speech
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Text-to-Speech
[2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tts
Google voice search
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice_Search
[4] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.voicesearch
Google translate:
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Translate
[6] https://translate.google.com/
Application in education:
[7] http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/09/speak-it-text-to-speech-in-google.html#.VQZ7KHV7jUa