TL:DR – 呢堆科企真係能人所不能,貴得有道理。蘋果仲要新高,市值快去到2萬億,人類史上第一間。FB大客杯葛都仲有大把其他客頂上。Amazon 原本話要蝕點知有賺。Google就最普通,可以買本今期嘅Economist 睇下,或者等我寫文。又,可以留意返華夏納指2倍正向嘅 7261
1. 話時話,呢排記得keep 住like and share,主動入嚟睇,同埋設定做see first.真係搵食艱難。但感激大家,Keep住做,呢排啲Reach係好返好多的,但唔好鬆懈。一個都不能少呀
2. 先講最勁嘅,蘋果。能人所不能。任你啲網友鬧足幾多年「冇創意」(佢地自己至撚有創意),食老本,近乎單一產品,甚至笑啲果粉係水魚。但就係賺到錢,吹咩。
3. 盤後股價再升6%,創歷史新高,市值1.7 trillion,好大機會成為人類史上第一間 2 trillion market cap嘅公司。留意早兩三年先係講緊four comma club, one trillion market cap(https://fbook.cc/3DFs)
4. 你以為封城呀,生果舖收晒,大陸生產線又停工,實唔掂。一樣係掂,再一次勝過市場預期。蘋果嘅業績有季節性,如果以第三季(蘋果九月年結)嚟講,今次係史上最高單季收入。
5. 大陸收入,仲要係非常之好。之前明明我啲網友話睇中移動數據就知死咗幾千萬定幾億人。唔知係咪買埃瘋去陪葬呢?聽講大陸會燒真銀紙(杜琪峰邊套戲?掃毒?)。同樣地,你見星巴克之前業績,都係講大陸增長勁。燒杯咖啡畀仙人?定添曲同埋呀舒乜乜茲一齊講大話?你話呢?
6. 幾間big tech嚟講,蘋果係幾隻中唯一做硬件為主(多咗服務收入,但仲係好唔同),好唔同。但其實亦反映咗在估值,蘋果一路都係幾間之中 PE (市盈率)最低嘅。早兩日講緊十幾倍添,以科企嚟講偏低。你去望下咩Tesla Netflix 嗰啲?或者睇亞馬遜?
7. 另外,仲玩一拆四喎。原因我就唔知了,問下熟美股嘅讀者。美股可以一股股咁買,而家蘋果都不過係400蚊美金一股,冇理由買唔起。不過今次已經係蘋果第五次拆股。如果你1987年買咗?唔好講呢啲。但,實際啲,教主過身時,個個覺得公司玩完,嗰時你去買。都應該執六七倍。嗰時公司已經冇人唔識啦,對不?但,未成功時你又覺得會失敗。成功咗你又覺得冇乜空間。咁想點?
8. 第二間,再講,首富,光頭佬Jeff Bezos亞馬遜,早兩日國會視象聽證會因為訊號問題(!),消失咗粒幾鐘,留返另外三個人被人煎,識玩。「仲要係Cisco嘅Webex提供,可以踩多兩腳」。
9. 故事大家知,咪封城用多咗網購,「即係王維基咁」。但幾時都係數字先難。故事個個識講,但一股3000蚊你買唔買?30000萬蚊呢?3百萬呢?總有個合理價。
10. 其實上季業績後,係勁插的。因為當時預第二季(剛剛就係呢季業績)要用多咗錢防疫。又要加人工呀之類。話預期今季蝕錢。但光頭佬鬼馬,結果出嚟賺到笑!26年嚟最賺錢今季,死未。股價脫離實際經濟?脫離你嘅經濟啫。
11. 盤後股價,係咁意升多150美金(!),5%左右啫。3200蚊。但其實未到史上新高,早排係跌咗唔少。都話咯,上次業績後急跌你又話驚。到升到新高又話貴,咁呢幾日跌返又話覺得爆。咁可以點?
12. 好啦,小朱嘅Facebook.其實唔係咁好,收入增長係2012年上市以嚟最慢。但應該知道呢個本身唔係重點,重點係估值(夠殘嘅就壞消息都唔跌,太貴嘅小小嘢都大跌),同埋預期。咁勝在分析員預期真係夠晒低。因為都知道疫情影響廣告(你上多咗FB本身唔會幫到公司,但長遠少少佢可以用呢樣嘢加價),好多公司本身都就死仲邊有錢落廣告。加上早排政治嘢,成班大廣告商話杯葛FB,亦唔係講笑,真係做,仲要係好大嘅公司,可樂呀星巴克迪士尼之類。
13. 但,最初出嚟,我都係樂觀嘅(https://fbook.cc/3DFv),冇錯,嗰啲係大客。真杯葛,唔係你啲網友咁小學雞離家出走(況且你都冇畀過錢)。固然好多係根本自己減budget順手扮正義,有啲仲好笑,post照出只係唔畀錢落廣告。但嗰時都話,你惡,但小朱仲惡。800萬個客,根本冇乜邊個係最大。你唔落,啲中小企咪補上。事實見到都係咁。
14. 股價係咁意升返6%,未到歷史高位的。
15. 最後,Google 母企Alphabet.麻麻地,最差係呢間,但股價都係咁意叫做升小小。但明顯被比下去。其實業績睇大數OK,但就大家唔多收貨。
16. 收入係史上第一次下跌,但分析員預咗。廣告收入當然大跌,但一樣,冇比預期差。勉強嚟講,咪雲端做得差啲。Youtube 廣告收入,早兩季開始披露(https://bit.ly/3fhxCny),今次都係叫做好過預期。但,始終唔會話你知Youtube蝕緊幾錢(幾明顯係蝕錢)
17. 遲下會再寫篇文講Google,但有趣係今日嘅Economist 封面正係講呢間公司嘅中年危機(https://econ.st/2D4MRTY)。四間公司中,好似公認呢間最high tech。小朱都畀人笑,人地就射火箭上月球醫絶症,你就畀啲港女打卡。但講乜都假,give me profit (或者至少,give me 收入)。你Youtuber有錢分好過癮,但點解Youtube賺唔到錢?FB個玩法就係我一個仙都唔畀你。當然可能最後Youtube嘅玩法先啱,但暫時市場唔係咁諗。
18. 你最高技術,最早做,又如何?呢個係好多非金融人嘅盲點。蘋果速銷早過王維基做網購添。松日MP3早過蘋果iPod添—事實蘋果根本唔係第一間做智能手機,亦唔係第一間做MP3,更唔係第一間做Tablet?so?潘蘇通唔通出嚟酸人地話:我做先! 所以你見早排講乜鬼香港電動車MyCar早過Tesla,根本多餘。柯達發明數碼攝影添!最後咪死在自己發明嘅嘢手上。
19. 同場加映,四大天王其實之前先視像會議作供(好似因為咁,小朱先搞到遲咗一日出業績)。我都會寫。個看點係:你諗下,入面有幾多富豪?!你香港會唔會叫到四大地產商一齊去立法會作供?小朱喎!光頭佬喎!
20. 但其實亦見到另一個問題,話就四天王,但身家真係爭好遠。因為Google皮猜,同埋蘋果添曲,都只係打工,CEO。當然同你同我比都好有錢,十億八億美金身家 — 但你同小朱光頭佬嗰啲 千九幾億身家,就真係唔同級數,爭幾個零。舊文都有寫,log scale,你身家係幾多位數?(https://bit.ly/3hSwXdZ)
21. 最後介紹返,你見今日華夏納指正向兩倍ETF(7261),升夠6% - 美股收咗市先出業績,就在呢度反映。當然再三強調返,首先係追縱Nasdaq 100,唔係Nasdaq Composite。另外,只係畀你短炒,唔係長渣。
22. (下含粗口)
23. 我知又會有啲百壇齋主四方西出嚟鬧,你老味三點半先話我知想點。頂你啦,唔撚使睇呀?唔撚使食飯呀?唔撚使寫呀?唔撚使做呀?免費文仲咁撚多嘢講?況且,一撚柒早叫你買啦,講過幾多次?你今日三點半先出世?
報完名交咗錢,呢度log in:https://bit.ly/3gYXu9e
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- 關於composite number 在 Composite Youtube 的最佳解答
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- 關於composite number 在 Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers - YouTube 的評價
- 關於composite number 在 What are Composite Numbers? | Math with Mr. J - YouTube 的評價
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composite number 在 Ernie Diana Facebook 的最佳解答
They would in all likelihood be described as people who know who they are, and others would be likely to view them in a manner that is generally consistent with how they view themselves. An important feature of identity is that a person's overall sense of identity is a composite of identity in a number of domains.
The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the charac...
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composite number 在 Andre Amir Facebook 的最佳貼文
😁 A fair smile is a great attraction. Last couple of weeks, I posted a video of my teeth whitening session on my Instagram & I received quite a number of private DMs from you shy lot, many are similar 😁 So, I decided to post the following notes to help you decide.
Philips Zoom Professional Whitening is the most advance teeth whitening in the market.
It takes 45 mins to lighten up to 8 teeth shades, not inclusive of prep time.
It’s not composite/“tampal”/fake teeth - it uses whitening gel & Philips Zoom! equipment (seen in this photo).
I did my session at Encia Dental Specialist (see geotag) - they are great professionals.
Yes, Philips Zoom! cost slightly more than other brand (I had one early last year), but I have to say, Philips Zoom! is soooo much better in many sense - which is why I dare share it with you.
I hope all these answers your curiosity ☺️ You can check out the short video of my experience, here: https://www.instagram.com/andreamir
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Original Music:
composite number 在 Composite Youtube 的最佳解答
Original Music: Bastille - Pompeii
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This video was made for entertainment purposes, and is transformative in nature.
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Original Music: Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This video was made for entertainment purposes, and is transformative in nature.
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Prime and Composite Number Charts and Student Worksheets Free. This file contains 6 pages.~ A 100 Chart for students to identify and color Prime Numbers ( ... ... <看更多>
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