[2017.05.02] (3y5m) 第4次英文語言治療
[教學重點] 老師準備圖卡要媽媽回去開始輸入短句
▶︎I see xxx. I have xxx. I want xxx. I need help. I'm all done.
練習短句👉I see dog/duck/house/ball/goose/fish/pig/sheep/rooster/bat and cow.
What's that?
When we all done we can play cars.
I need you to be nice to our cards.
I want hear a good sentence with smile.
We read books and play some more cards and then cars.
Does this sound like a good plan?
▶︎老師準備Where is Spot?藉由陪狗媽媽找小狗的故事,輸入相關傢俱&動物名稱,此外追加念繪本時幾個重點輸入短句
Where is spot?
I don't know!
Is he in the closet? Knock knock
(他在櫃子(或是其他傢俱)裡嗎? 敲敲)
Is this spot? No.
Bye bye monkey
Turn the page please!
Here is spot😃 Spot is hiding in the basket.
Spot haven't finish his food yet!
練習短句👉he claps hands/
combs his hair/runs/cuts/crys/drinks
Go or stop?
Oh our ballon fly all way to the top of our cardboard.
We may need to get it down later.
I know you know this one.
Can i have some tomato?
They go so well with my tomato.
My turn please.
You got me with the knife.
Does that goes well with my tomato sandwich?
Do you want cut your bread or play with cars?
Do you want play with the track?
We are going to do some tracks😆
You ready to race our cars.
Put your red car here.
Watch out your foot.
They are so fast.
You want more go or track?
You got that one on.
This one is tough, huh!
You did that one all by urself:)
Are you ok?
Hold on! Watch yourself!
You think should we add a curve track?
Can you put on the side?
Let's see what'll happen? Come on this side!
Ready, set, go!
Race one more time then we clean up:)
Our time is almost up~
We all done with cars!
Clean up everybody clean up.
Can you put your cars in?
One two three and we'll get mom.
Be careful, u ok?
what sticker you want?
Good choice.
Get your jacket!