【渾水一片:還原香港海界爭議發展史】 (上篇) #都市化洋謀 #9月專研
一條海界 兩個表述
於20世紀初,根據《展拓香港界址專條》的香港地圖顯示,香港水域呈「方型」界線(square boundary )。根據一份關於新界邊界及現況的英國解密檔案(1962 CO 1030/1334 Status and boundaries of Hong Kong New Territories),當時中方海關經常巡邏於以大嶼山以西大澳水域一帶(方型界線以外),似乎更視其為中方水域。然而,早在1901年英方已有向港督提及,按照國際上的海洋慣例,一般領海 (normal territorial waters)寬度應為3海里 (three nautical miles),因而,香港領海界線應呈現為「彎曲型」(sinuous),比起「方形」範圍雖然多了大嶼山以西水域,同時卻損失了東南方一大片水域,作為最早期的香港水域範圍的兩個表述。
後續1911年修訂《釋義條例》(Interpretation Ordinance) 時,由於港督的錯誤公告字眼(wording of an incorrect Proclamation),令到香港水域繼續被闡釋為方型。
而這個錯誤的公告去到1950年被修訂。英方於1950年重新檢視與領海相關的條例,表示若沿用1937年英方對於《釋義條例》的闡釋,地圖所顯示的「方形」界線,只是英方租用中方領土的一條分界線(merely a line of delimitation of the area within which all territory was leased) ,並不是租用香港3海里以外的水域範圍(this did not mean that there was a purported lease of any waters outside normal territorial waters),可見,內部確立「彎曲型」的領海範圍。
參考一份1950年關於香港水域的英國解密檔案 (1950 CO 537 6036 Territorial water) 中的英方外交部內閣大臣Jim Griffiths跟港督的電報來往中顯示,因當時中日關係惡劣,為了保持當時英方中立 (neutral) 的立場。英方亦想盡量避免中日雙方於香港水域範圍發生衝突 (Jørgensen N. H. B., 2019),早於1937年至1939年,英方曾經指示香港水域要跟隨國際慣例,將領海寬度收窄至3海里。無獨有偶,1950年修訂《釋義條例》,已有英方法律意見表示當時擔心如果國、共兩軍在新海界(彎曲型)及舊海界(方型)之間的位置發生衝突,將會造成英方外交上尷尬,要盡快修例避免尷尬事件。可見,英方變動水域邊界時明顯有其政治考量。
即使已修例,1952年當時國際法庭 (International Court of Justice) 有關英挪漁業案(Anglo Norwegian Fisheries case)的判決 (Jørgensen N. H. B., 2019),提及使用哪種基線方式來劃定領海的爭議,促使香港律政司重提「方型」領海是否合法地代表香港水域,但建議被英方否決。其後在1958年,即使英國外交部再次表示「方型」範圍只是表示港英領土的一條分界線 (all land within the line thus shown is Hong Kong territory),但同時亦保留方型界線,聲稱為免影響航空航線。
中方於1958年第一次聯合國海洋法公約(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea),已經單方面將其領海範圍擴展至12海哩,英國宗主國當時內部表明會反對中方單方面的領海宣稱,擔心會發生圍堵香港水域的情況。
根據新界邊界及現況的英國解密檔案(1962 CO 1030/1334 Status and boundaries of Hong Kong New Territories)中的電報來往,當時港英內部評估,認為中方擴展領海將對香港造成「海陸空」影響,除了會收窄飛機的航道、需要重新佈線電纜和無線電纜、亦會限制海軍的演練空間,大大影響香港的船隻來往,來往公海的航道走廊更會收窄到1海里(corridor of international waters could be reduced to about one mile),形容「接近完全圍封香港」 (almost completely envelope Hong Kong)。
隨著國際共識的改變,在1972年第三次聯合國海洋法會議前夕,英方亦打算將國土領海範圍的3海里擴展至12海里。翻查另一份1972年關於香港水域爭議的英國解密檔案 (1972 FCO 21 1024 Territorial waters dispute between China and Hong Kong),當時英方內部考慮這次擴展海界,應否包括香港殖民地,並計劃在香港附近水域進行海道測量 (Hydrographic survey),明顯想放風測試中方反應。
然而,根據英國外交部及港英的內部電報來往,英方雖然一度打算在翌年與中方在第三次聯合國海洋法會議上提及香港殖民地水域擴展,但英方內部亦指出中方定會反對香港的水域擴展至12海里,除了因為香港擴展會跟中國水域重疊,中國亦一直視香港為固有領土,不可視香港為獨立的行政個體 (separate entity),應該維持現狀,限制今次香港擴海界。
呼應早期50年代有關中方圍堵香港水域的擔憂,英方擔心如果掀起討論,更有可能令香港航道問題惡化 (a risk that any such discussion would vitiate the present adequate though limited freedom of passage)。按英國外交部理解,中方只不過默許船隻在不進入擔桿列島5海哩範圍的前提下進入香港;如果中國「執正嚟做」嚴格實踐其12海里的主權宣稱,則連博寮海峽都不能通行 (a 12 mile limit strictly adhered to in this area would make normal surface access to Hong Kong through the Lemma Channel impossible)。最後,英方外交部為免觸動到中方神經,加上「信唔過」中方 (their good will… cannot be relied on a year ahead),建議的對策卻是避免「打草驚蛇」(let sleeping dogs lie),絕口不提香港擴海界。
直到1987年,英國正式將水域擴展到12海哩,但香港並沒有納入被擴展的範圍。在香港前途談判過程中,亦未有正式提及香港水域擴展12海里一事(Jørgensen N. H. B., 2019)。可見,面對中方進取的領海主權宣稱,英方在香港水域邊界問題上,尤其顯得無力。
面對中國擴海界後將會圍堵香港的擔憂,根據一份有關香港水域及其爭議的英國解密檔案(1968 FCO 21 547 Dispute with China about territorial waters),當中牽涉中英雙方就香港海界爭議鮮為人知的權宜之計(modus vivendi)。
事緣1968年一艘美國貨船於萬山群島近珠江口一帶(Lema Channel in the estuary of the Pearl River)被中方海軍的警告已入侵中方水域,檔案中有一份美國國務院情報與研究局官員Thoms L. Hughes事後對中國共產黨於香港鄰近水域的主權宣稱(Communist assertions of sovereignty over waters in the vicinity of Hong Kong)進行一份內部評估報告,提到中方不時會「放生」來往香港的商船。
於50年代初,船隻可以經萬山群島近珠江口一帶接近香港水域,可謂當時的潛規則(local ground rule)。然而,在中方宣稱12海里領海後,於1959年曾發出達20次警告,外國商船透過萬山群島近珠江口一帶接近香港期間入侵中方水域,並禁止一切外國船隻通往萬山群島近珠江口一帶,評估報告中亦提及多次美國商船及軍艦通往香港遇上中國海軍的事件。
然而,中方不但少有採取實際軍事行動,多是「口頭」表示抗議及警告外國船隻侵犯中國水域,更沒有對外公開批評數次入侵事件。就以上例子,美方評估中國當時並不是新的「強硬路線」宣示領海主權(new harder line from Peking),只是由於過多船隻進入萬山群島內沿而作出的回應(is a reaction to an increasing number of passages through the interior Lema Channel)[萬山群島內沿被中國視為內海]。
而當時美方估計中方「放生」的動機,很可能取決於政經考量,其一為不想失去香港作為(kill the goose)來往外國商船主要來往中國的航道,以及香港為中國帶來的外匯,而另一原因則是避免發生中國海軍與美國軍艦於海上起衝突。
此外,除了英方一直未有公佈香港水域邊界,中方一直並未有公開宣稱香港以西南的珠江通道12海里的精準劃界(public silence regarding the exact limits of its claim)。中英雙方基於政治考量,對於香港水域劃界及航道,更被美方稱靈活的實用主義(flexible pragmatism)。
而美方認為英方亦知悉船隻來往香港的「後路」,根據一份英方未被公開的非正式文件( informal note)顯示,除了船隻背後的註冊國家將成為影響進入香港的政治因素,英方更提及最合適的接近香港水域的航道,是經萬山群島以南以及擔桿頭島五海里以外(keep to the south of the Lima Group and five miles or more off Tam kan Head),港英政府早於五十年代,已廣傳這份文件到商船公司及中方,有共識地默許外國船隻經香港東南方水域,作為當時來往香港的「後路」。
Jørgensen, N. H. B. (2019). The (Unequal) Relationship between Hong Kong’s Waters and China’s Baselines. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 4(1), 1–27.
1950 CO 537/6036 Territorial water
1962 CO 1030/1334 Status and boundaries of Hong Kong New Territories
1968 FCO 21/547 Dispute with China about territorial waters
1972 FCO 21/1024 Territorial waters dispute between China and Hong Kong
1974 FCO 18/154 Hong Kong territorial waters
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同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅BroFitness,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【無聲的嘆息 The Silent Sigh】I wrote this song about 18 months ago, 4 months after my breakup, never had the chance to post it because I was practicing my s...
「boundaries relationship」的推薦目錄:
- 關於boundaries relationship 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於boundaries relationship 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於boundaries relationship 在 BroFitness Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於boundaries relationship 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於boundaries relationship 在 RongRong Wu Youtube 的精選貼文
boundaries relationship 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
琳聽電台 Ep 02 – 【我和我的閨蜜媽媽】My Mom, My Best Friend
Any relationship is a two-way street; effective communication and boundaries are the key to healthy relationships.
#袁詠琳 #CindyYen #琳聽電台 #AskCindy #我和我的閨蜜媽媽 #MotherDaughter #family #relationship
boundaries relationship 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Whether you’re dealing with a manipulative boss, a spiteful friend, or in a pessimistic relationship , toxic people can show up in everyone’s life. 😡
So, how to know if you have a toxic person in your life?
Here is a mini guide to spot them. 🗑
(Save it as a reminder 😉)
1.Conversational narcissists who love to talk about themselves 😅
2.They disrespect your boundaries
3.They blame you for their negative feelings
4.They NEED to be right.
5.Habitual liar
6.They victimise themselves
7.They communicate with sarcasm and can’t see how much damage they are doing
8.Constantly putting people around them down
9.They make you feel defensive about your decisions
10.They have no interest in what’s important to you- your good news is never great. 🤷🏻♀️
Remember that no matter how much you love them, toxic people can only change if THEY want to. ⚡️
You can only offer them kindness and support. And in the process, you must remember not to lose yourself to their demands or their negative influence.👑
Stand your ground.
Good luck 💫
boundaries relationship 在 BroFitness Youtube 的精選貼文
【無聲的嘆息 The Silent Sigh】I wrote this song about 18 months ago, 4 months after my breakup, never had the chance to post it because I was practicing my singing part, never nailed it so bailed it.
For those of you who don't know me well, including my close ones. I have been through 7 relationships, which means I fell in love 7 times. Every time I go through a breakup I repost this "People come and go, most of them just walk by. Life moves on. But some day I wish just one will stop by. Then, life goes on."
I don't stop. I don't stop working, I don't stop learning, I don't stop loving. I will always love hard and always harder. Love myself, love my family, friends. Love everyone, love those whom do not feel, love those who temp me to fall the most. For love has no limit, and knows no boundaries.
I am who I am.
Thank you for everyone who was a part of this relationship, may grace fall upon you like it has to me.
【無聲的嘆息 The Silent Sigh】Lyrics
you said you love me,
You said you care,
Seeing your text makes me feel you are near.
就像你的呼吸 輕踩踏旋律 此時此刻
溫柔的在我心裡 烙印下你的每刻
Happy moments is all I remember.
I mean forever, Almost got there.
Time flies, and there goes two years.
Told me to move to Paris,
I said I was scared.
I have no money
I'm not sure
But you said we can share.
No more fear
When the sky is blue
When the street reflects the moon
It is so beautiful
When the sky is blue
When the street reflects the moon
It is so beautiful
I pray that love would come true.
June 23rd,
We said goodbye at the airport,
you left with tears.
Hoping we would meet again in a different air.
I said don't worry, I'll be there.
You are no longer there
And I can't find you anywhere
I'm stressed out, I'm pulling out my hair.
Never thought that would be the last time we felt for each other.
Please God, tell me Why life is so unfair,
Maybe I was just the missing puzzle of why you fear.
It's been a while,
You know?
I still miss you
I miss your ironic smile
I miss the way you look at me acorss the aisle
In your eyes 愛存在
You know?
I still think of you,
I don't want to but I just do,
I think of you when I'm alone,
when I'm walking to school,
before I close my eyes to snooze.
You know?
I never thought I would lose.
Lose my sleep, my mood
But never you...
boundaries relationship 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的精選貼文
I had a lovely afternoon cooking whilst catching up with you guys. It's a bit of a lengthy one so if you're gonna watch all the way to the end, feel free to grab a snack and beverage!!
Questions asked:
What are your recent little victories?
If you could (without worrying about family), where would you move to?
How do you deal with uncertainty of your future?
What can one do to maintain sense of identity in a relationship?
What would you say to 10 year old you, past you and yesterday you?
Have you grown up to be who you thought you would be?
How do you know when you’re ready for a relationship?
Was it hard transitioning from one child to two?
What is your favourite date with RG?
How do you know if someone is right for you?
How do you like to start your mornings?
What emotions do you feel the most recently?
Have you tried Brazilian wax?
Do you think you will talk about your divorce as a way to comfort other women?
What are you and RG’s love language?
How can I not let hate comments get to me and stop seeking approval?
What are 5 things RG makes you feel that you couldn’t previously?
How do you deal with toxic family members who you love?
Here is the recipe I followed (I added seafood and used chicken instead for this day):
TOFU STEW RECIPE: https://www.koreanbapsang.com/kimchi-soondubu-jjigae-soft-tofu-stew-kimchi/
To ask a question for the next Q&A, comment below or follow me on instagram @itsbubz .
Thanks for watching everyone!!
Love, Lindy xo
Music by Fiji Blue - Butterflies - https://thmatc.co/?l=46147060
Music by kelsat - Exhale - https://thmatc.co/?l=E0810290
Music by Ryan Farish - Honey - https://thmatc.co/?l=7BB8BBEA
Music by Singto Conley - You Are The Stars - https://thmatc.co/?l=AFA938BF
boundaries relationship 在 RongRong Wu Youtube 的精選貼文
Jia rong wu /Let's dance
Acrylic, 30* 30 cm , 2018
She said: “Circles represent fullness, every dance from the beginning to end is a process, circles also act as restraint of movements, boundaries in life, to live and grow within the circle could be pleasant. This relationship is exceptionally pivotal.” In the process of depicting dancers, starting with details in sketches then employing the colors to extract reality, Wu’s art is an elegant dance on the paintings, flexibly pondering and exploring between reality and illusion, discussing the female gaze from the outlook that is female.
Text by Jason Chung Tang Yen
Music /Dancing in the Moonlight.