👧🏻妈咪,我们要去哪里gai gai?
✋🏻有没有人和我们用着同款car seat啊?
之前我在 @马来西亚儿童安全座椅讨论群 问意见,想要买多一台car seat放在老公的车💺
流沙包现在要4岁了,体重接近14kg,其实这个岁数要买多一台car seat,在选择上有点尴尬。
而Bold的5 point harness可以承重到25kg。对比过其他牌子,包括Joie其他model, harness只能承重到18kg. 我觉得,能5point harness越久越好。万一发生碰撞,5点式安全带比较能保护到孩子。
假如孩子两岁时体重已经超过18kg呢?我们不可能给两岁的孩子用3 point seatbelt 的。3 point seatbelt是建议至少要4岁以上,体重15kg above 才能使用
Joie Bold可以从9kg坐到36kg,Forward Facing only, 5 point harness 25kg。打算给流沙包坐到25kg之后,就转换成booster mode,系车上的3点式安全带。
根据2020年1月1日生效的法律,马来西亚推行的是EU standard CS的。因为这个法律,所以我们有考虑到万一发生车祸,保险理赔方面的问题。
你想想看,如果孩子不是坐着EU standard CS时发生车祸,保险公司拿着这项法律来deny赔偿的话怎么办?因为保险公司很会抓point来拒绝理赔。
Joie是个很注重儿童安全的品牌,旗下也有很多不同配置和价位的cs选择。有在马来西亚卖的cs都有MIROS approved code. (Miros网站和Joie官网都可以找得到)
收到货就迫不及待给孩子试坐了,老公和我都感觉她坐到很舒服,头部、身体、臀部都被保护得很好,手臂也没有办法escape出来。有些父母觉得没有chestclip的harness会绑不紧孩子,其实只要确保安全带的松紧度合宜,手就没办法拿出来的。如何判断? #两根手指放进去harness不能旋转 就对了。
肩膀harness的位置,在ff时要和孩子的肩膀 #高度一致或是 #比肩部高一点。
对了,Joie Bold的安装方式是Isofix + Top Tether + Seatbelt. 如果车子没有isofix的话就不适合这款cs了。
总之,我们很满意这台Joie Bold。
🔗 ms.joiebaby.com/shops/
Joie Baby Malaysia
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅M13,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tour Taiwan with me: http://taiwantoursm13.com/ Private Channel: https://www.patreon.com/M13 My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13 Supp...
booster seat 在 Hailiah媽媽爸爸Diary x 媽媽專欄 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#文末送價值500元福袋 #nottoobig #BB展 #優惠推介
[Not too big 總結一回]
第三年NOT TOO BIG KOL媽媽,今年係有啲特別因為老公第一次陪我去BB展,往年佢一係返工一係幫手湊女都未同我去過,老公今日仲幫我拎好多嘢,真係辛苦哂!😘 (表揚老公系列😂)
首先會場每日係有$1特價品,好多人十點就開始排隊,G6 Pony Friends Shop $1 pororo 濕紙巾好抵~
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C11 有好岀名嘅calibowl ,多款多色,$49up,仲有jellycat😍另外見到folding booster seat 只係$244 。
A9 Big Family Bee 就有加拿大100%天然VeganFamily 純粹凍乾果 $138/4包 ,推廣素食生酮飲食文化,另外仲有新岀嘅加拿大蜂蜜棒,有藍莓味同埋蔓越莓味。
A5 E12 Bliss & Bless
有$100/2件 $100/3 嬰兒用品
有水樽、指甲鉗、匙羹、沖涼玩具、牙刷等等,一定有嘢啱,另外仲有joy organics 意粉 $50/2盒 ,另仲有$99 / 4款自選德國有機小食福袋,德國有機果蓉/穀物果蓉$100/6包,有機即食螺絲粉$40咋
B9 WecareU 介紹 https://reurl.cc/GdO3by
C7 BioMe ECdental牙膏必買!生物溶菌,科技護齦
$120 三支9.5 配方牙膏、$60 三支兒童牙膏,每日限量搶購嘅$1 支8.5 配方牙膏
C10 Oxford Path 牛津幼兒英語 家長一定唔會陌生,適合0-6歲小朋友學英語,免費索取禮物包!
C2 Skip Hop Bloom & Grow HK 遊戲墊只係$99,學習廁$229 ,睡袋$199/3 仲有ergobaby 孭帶添!
D12 D14 MaMa Me 袓傳紮肚 產前後護理專家免費送你Mama禮物袋,內有當歸老薑沐浴粉1包、 魚鱻森虱目魚精(香港)Mr Fish Milkfish Essence 1包、順順意濕紙巾一包、仲有張$100現金券,仲有好多超抵「會場限定優惠」滿額仲會送平衡車、浴盤、蒸煮機等豐富禮物,記得立即登記拎優惠代碼拎禮物👉🏻 https://wa.link/gtnv5y
D10 Swipe HK 有bb洗衣液、消毒泡泡、bb奶樽洗清液,大量優惠,仲有infantino玩具。
D2 Beaba HK 介紹 https://reurl.cc/kVgzNr
F9 BORRN 買奶樽首選,黎自英國嘅矽膠奶樽品牌7折起,150ml $135/ 240ml $150 仲有小動物牙膠$60
E14 Learning Kinetics 吸睛電單車 $768 kitchen $1080
F4 D Mind & the Prince 讓小朋友在家也可輕鬆學習生活英語,
*1. 凡親臨 D Mind & the Prince 攤位的家長,均可獲贈幼兒成長英語紀錄冊 (English Passport) 一本
2. 完成「免費一對一教材體驗」,即可獲「D Mind & the Prince 英語體驗套裝」(價值: $680)
G1 Maskology 口罩.學 多款Level 3 口罩 ,仲有新岀嘅Tomycar車仔口罩,4盒有75折。
Not Too Big Hong Kong Mega Baby Expo優質母嬰用品展
8/4/2021 - 10/4/2021 12nn-8pm
11/4/2021 - 11am-6pm
九龍灣國際展貿中心 (KITEC) 3樓 匯星
Hailiah媽媽送岀價值$500 福袋一個
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#優惠 #九展 #母嬰用品
booster seat 在 Elma Chin Facebook 的精選貼文
🏎 Wherever you lead, I’ll follow...🏎
As Elma grew, he became super obsessed with all things Hot Wheels and his collection was vast, we have them everywhere in the house. His vast collection was shortly shared with Maesa who is also a Hot Wheels Girl. As I watched them build and play with their track sets, I started to notice that this kind of play goes way beyond just racing cars. It opens up their creativity to build their own unique raceways into the tracks.
This time was another huge thrill opening up the unlimited world of Hot Wheels Bundle Pack thanks to Toyspedia SG , where Elma gets the chance to be empowered as a guide in the driving seat of his own play experience. Love to watch how he make slopes with the assorted tracks in his own way along with the booster pack. One of my favourite part is Track Builder Unlimited Multi-Lane Speed Box comes with easy storage and simple portability for on-the-go fun.
Swipe to check out Elma’s Hot Wheels surprise and how much fun we had unboxing and playing with it as he gets ready for the upcoming Hot Wheels Southeast Asia Championship 2020. Participate by designing and building your own track with any Hot Wheels set worth $20 and join us on this ultimate challenge with exciting prizes of up to S$300 Hot Wheels products and S$150 worth of shopping vouchers to be won!
Closing date is on 11th Oct. Follow @toyspediasg for the latest toy updates and sign up via the link in their bio now (https://bit.ly/HWChallengeAccepted) 🔥
booster seat 在 M13 Youtube 的精選貼文
Tour Taiwan with me: http://taiwantoursm13.com/
Private Channel: https://www.patreon.com/M13
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13
Support M13 buy my Private Series: http://www.m13online.com/?page_id=294
World's best motorcycle pants are RHOK (search Ebay for them) --------------------
Tour Taiwan with me: http://hobbicide.com/M13Taiwan/
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mordeth13
MY CAMERA: http://tiny.cc/o9ttiw
My Helmet and pants: http://rhok.com.au/
My Private Series: http://www.m13online.com/?page_id=294

booster seat 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的最讚貼文
Back to the video! It's time for favorites! I'm gonna show you some of my favorite summer fashion finds, tips on summer fashion, my favorite summer products, and what I think of 'em. That way, you guys def know how to look and feel good this summer!
♥ Please Subscribe! http://bit.ly/MPsubscribe
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♥ ICON Network: http://youtube.com/ICONnetwork
All the goodies listed below in order! Be warned, it's helllla long!
Element 7 Bree Body Chain - http://element7style.com/
Tieks Cobalt Blue Flats http://bit.ly/1lv8cq0
Vitamin A Cosmo Deluxe Swimsuit in Pink http://amzn.to/1qg5mUs
Vitamin A Ombre Jewel Silk Marina Coverup http://bit.ly/1q3vNxQ
Free People ONE Sweet Upon The Seat Dress http://bit.ly/1ryPCQc
Clothes - Rimo Los Angeles
Zara Strappy HIgh-Heel Sandals (similar) http://amzn.to/1ldv6lw
ghd 1" Flat Iron http://amzn.to/1vkQKb1
Urban Ears HeadPhones http://amzn.to/1ryP9xG
Favorite song for the summer by Robyn (I love getting ready to this song!!!)
Dancing On My Own
Benefit Stay Flawless 15 Hour Primer http://amzn.to/1ASLvzB
Urban Decay de-slick Makeup Setting Spray http://bit.ly/1tBEC34
L'Oreal Revitalift Miracle Blur http://amzn.to/VMNN3N
Bioelements Oil Control Mattifier http://amzn.to/1tBDgWj
Benefit Bene Tint http://amzn.to/1pF6S40
AmorePacific Natural Protector SPF 30 http://amzn.to/1C0SQOT
Coola Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 http://amzn.to/1vkQV6c
Coola Radical recovery After-Sun Lotion http://amzn.to/1nABL4A
3Lab Perfect Sunscreen SPF 55 http://amzn.to/1ryPeRR
Pacific Coconut Crushed Pearl Bronzing Body Butter http://amzn.to/1tT5lGR
The Body Shop Honey Bronze Shimmering Dry Oil http://amzn.to/1ryPgsQ
Buxom Divine Goddess Luminizer http://amzn.to/XR2DaU
NYX Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator http://amzn.to/1tT5qu8
Make Eyeshadow Primer (similar) http://amzn.to/1zBXwGY
Smashbox Black Gel Eye Liner http://amzn.to/1qg5D9W
China Glaze Bottom's Up Nail Polish http://amzn.to/1C0T20J
China Glaze Too Yacht to Handle Up Nail Polish http://amzn.to/VMNVjG
L'Oreal Crazy for Chic Nail Polish http://amzn.to/1C0T6xq
NCLA Nail Lacquer Poolside Party http://amzn.to/1syTWLi
Bare Minerals- Soft Nude Lipstick (similar) http://amzn.to/1p7MGST
Kevin Aucoin- Valentina Lipgloss http://amzn.to/1zBXLlm
Smashbox VIP Pink Lip Enhancing Gloss http://amzn.to/XR2NiF
L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain http://amzn.to/1qKkUNJ
NYX Matte Lipstick - Strawberry Daquiri http://amzn.to/1zBXNKa
Eos Lipbalm in Honeysuckle Honeydew http://amzn.to/1wA3QTc
The Body Shop Lip Balm http://amzn.to/1ASLV9d
Body Shop All in One Beauty Cream http://amzn.to/YWSD09
Kiehl's Skin Tone Correcting Beautifying Beauty Cream SPF 50 http://amzn.to/1ASLXh9
3 Lab Perfect BB SPF 40 http://amzn.to/1tI8DNM
Iope Air Cushion Sunblock Ex-Cover http://amzn.to/1vkRlcE
L'Oreal Wild Ombre 080 http://amzn.to/1tT68aP
Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Touchable Weightless Hair http://amzn.to/1tT68HM
Sally Hershberger - Super Keratin Spray, Hyper Hydration http://amzn.to/1qt3JUw
Shu Uemura- Art of Hair Touch of Gloss, Melt in Wax http://amzn.to/1ooi0wS
Too Faced Sun Bunny Bronzer http://amzn.to/1ldvT5Z
NYX Matte Bronzer http://amzn.to/1C0TonZ
Physicians Formula Bronze Booster Perfume Goddess Glow http://amzn.to/1pfrLDE
Bikini Zone Anti-bump Shave Gel http://amzn.to/1ASM9Nk
Bliss Fat Girl Six Pack http://amzn.to/1q3vqU6
Pacifica Seafoam Complete face wash http://amzn.to/1lv83mx
Tarte Brazilliance skin Rejuvenating Maracuja Face and Body Self Tanner http://amzn.to/1lv83Tv
Bliss a Tan for All Seasons http://amzn.to/1tT6oGB
St. Tropez One Night Only Instant Glow Body Lotion http://amzn.to/VMOeuO
St. Tropez Bronzing Lotion for Face http://amzn.to/1lv85em
32 Fffervescent Breath Treatment – no exact match
Twistbands - multiple color http://amzn.to/1qKkZkt
Music by Annie - My Love is Better
this is not a sponsored video

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