【阿秤當媽了x三民書局童書團購】 下單連結:https://reurl.cc/VXg4V5 (團購時間:11/16(一)10:00~11/23(一)23:59:59)
第一次接觸西班牙童書作家Marta Altes是繪本迷友人介紹的一本講述調皮的狗狗不解為何大家都叫他No的《NO》這本繪本,讀完覺得這作者太幽默了,從此瘋狂愛上她的繪本。
1982年出生於巴塞隆納,英國劍橋視覺藝術學校兒童插畫碩士的Marta Altes目前旅居倫敦與巴塞隆納,持續創作幽默生動的兒童繪本,筆調溫馨明亮、畫風可愛清新,作品深獲大小讀者歡迎,被譯為多國語言,也曾榮獲多項大獎。
我後來開始搜尋她的其他作品,慢慢品讀她繪本中所要傳達的意義,不管是take it easy, nothing big deal的豁達樂觀,還是溫馨得讓人為之動容的情感,在她筆下的每個角色總是給人意想不到的驚喜,好笑又溫暖。
#小插曲 之前在Instagram分享《The King Cat》後竟然釣出作者本尊轉分享,我立馬私訊她表達愛慕之心,她本人很幽默也很健談,這樣的隔空交流實在讓人開心!
這次阿秤挑了Marta Altes這六本有溫馨感人,也有讓人會心一笑的平裝版繪本系列,讓你用不一樣的角度看看孩子的內心世界。每本的文字都很淺白易讀卻不失韻味,畫風清新可愛,很適合作爲幼兒的睡前書,這個冷冷的冬天讓我們一起躲在被窩中,跟孩子説著一個又一個溫馨幽默的床邊故事吧!
📖 Five More Minutes 再五分鐘
✏️ 從孩子的角度探討時間這個議題,所以一切都變有趣了!我特別喜歡故事中散發的輕鬆詼諧,看似簡單卻是一則內涵豐富的人生箴言。
📖 The King Cat 家裡的國王貓
✏️ 這本是Marta Altés 2015年的作品,我很喜歡她刻畫的貓和狗之間的微妙情感,「在的時候覺得煩,不在的時候格外思念」,不就是我和吵偉嗎?
📖 I am an artist 我是一位藝術家
✏️ 第一眼看到這本繪本的封面,相信你和我一樣聯想到的是家中那位愛塗鴉畫畫,讓你精神緊綳的小孩!我們都一樣,深怕一個不留神,整個家變成藝術畫廊,精彩得很哪!
📖 My Grandpa 爺爺與我
✏️ 看書名就可以知道這是一本敘述祖孫情的繪本,文字易讀淺白、畫風簡單溫暖,這麽一本溫馨小品勾起了對爺爺的思念,讀完有一股暖流從心間流過,是一本非常適合親子共讀的入門繪本。
📖 My New Home 新家新冒險
✏️ 還記得當時第一次讀這本的時候適逢吵偉剛入學,每天哭著上學讓我很不放心,我試著同理他並用這本告訴他「一切都很陌生而且有點可怕,但別擔心,將有新的事物等著我去冒險……」。
📖 Little Monkey 小猴子的冒險故事
✏️ The smaller you are, the larger your adventures can be.(你越渺小,挑戰就越大!),這是一本關於勇氣、挑戰的繪本,敘述著大叢林裡的小猴子決定爬上最高的樹去看這個世界的故事,鼓勵孩子也鼓勵你自己,只要你願意嘗試,全世界都會來幫你一把!
👩🏻阿秤每晚躲在被窩寫到飛蚊症的完整書介文在這👉 https://reurl.cc/py8e3d ,來聽阿秤唸繪本吧👉 https://reurl.cc/A8Xvjd
如果你也喜歡Marta Altes這個作者,今天介紹的這六本阿秤真心推薦你一次收藏,每個人生階段拿出來讀,都會有不一樣的詮釋。接下來我會開始陸陸續續分享這次書團精選好書的書介文,趕緊追蹤阿秤粉專不錯過任何一本好繪本介紹囉!
📚Little World探索世界英文硬頁操作書系列👉https://reurl.cc/3LyrzR
📚Nick Sharratt幽默搞笑繪本👉 https://reurl.cc/5qX9DR
#三民書團1116登場 #跟團邀你入社和阿秤一起讀繪本玩創意 #阿秤分享好繪本 #看完有一股暖流灌入心間
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Bubzvlogz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,So this is the day I almost got killed by a cat. Or you can call it the day I accidentally kidnapped a cat and took it on a mini road trip. Ps. SOR...
「big cat adventures」的推薦目錄:
big cat adventures 在 SJE 。 閱讀紀錄 Facebook 的精選貼文
📚 Nonfiction Sight Word Readers (100本)
📚※ 記錄Eugene(E妹)完成【AA】階 - 88本
📚※ 記錄Eugene(E妹)完成【A】階 - 85本
📚※ 記錄Eugene(E妹)完成【B】階 - 91本
📚※ 記錄SJ《海尼曼G1》110本
📚 Everyday book box ‧ Red (50書)
📚 Everyday book box ‧ Yellow (50書)
📚 Fly Guy and Buzz Mega Set (15書)
📚 【Little Critter】 / 📚 【Pete the cat】
📚 【Clifford the Big Red Dog】 / 📚 【An Elephant and Piggie Book】
📚 【Oxford Reading Tree Stories】 / 📚 【Pete the Cat】 / 📚 【Little Critter】
📚 #小熊繪本系列
📚 【Henry & Mudge】
📚 【#信誼金獎圖畫書視聽之旅】
🎯 #部落格文章
📚【twice told tales Series 8 books】
📚【Marvin Redpost Series 8 books】
📚Jewel Kingdom Book Series (12書)
📚 Ready, Freddy! Series 第一季 (27書)
📚 Billie B Brown Collection (10書) #女孩書單
📚 Junie B. Jones (27書)
📚 Rainbow Magic - S1 (6書)
📚 Rainbow Magic S1 ~ S4 (24書)
📚 Ivy and Bean (10書) #女孩書單
📚 Mighty Robot Collection (9書) #男孩書單
📚 Mercy Watson series (6書)
📚【My Brother's Famous Bottom Collection】 (7書)
📚 【black lagoon adventures】
📚 My weird School第一季(21書)
📚 My weird School Daze第二季(12書) + My weirder School第三季(12書)
📚 My Weirder School (12書)
📚 My weird School series 📚 by Dan Gutman #瘋狂學校 全五季(62書)
📚【 Storey Treehouse 】 📚 【Seriously Stories】 📚 【The Wild Robot】
📚 Secrets of Droon Series (36書)
📚【Captain Underpants series】
📚【Stink Series 1-11】
📚【Judy Moody Series 14+ 2】
📚『The Zack files』...等 (J的暑假閱讀)
📖【The Seriously Silly Story 12+8】
📖【The Land of Stories Series 6+2】
📖【Whatever After Series 1-13+1】
📖【twice told tales Series 8 books】
📚 ancient myths collection (16書/套 + 12書/套)
📚【The Heroes of Olympus Series Book 05- The Blood of Olympus】- 波西傑克森
📚 The Kane Chronicles Series #埃及守護神系列
📚【Apollo系列】- 波西傑克森
📚【The Goddess Girls Series 1-26】 (26書) #女孩書單
📚 Nate the great (26書)
📚 calendar mysteries series (12書)
📚 A to Z mysteries ( (26書)#女孩書單
📚 Cam Jansen series (34書)
📚 【Encyclopedia Brown】...等
🎯 Saphanie☆兒童文學金獎書籍閱讀(相簿連結)
📚【The Spiderwick Chronicles Series】 (5書) #奇幻精靈事件簿
📚 A series of unfortunate events (13書) #波特萊爾的冒險
📚 Diary of a wimpy kid #遜咖日記 (12書+4電影)
https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/2136537003270182 (S)
https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/2391885601068653 (J)
📚 Dork diaries series (11書) #女版遜咖日記
https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/2371475546442992 (S)
https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/2382362655354281 (J)
📚 The Chronicles of Narnia (7書) #納尼亞傳奇
📚【Whatever After Series 1-13+1】
📚【The Land of Stories Series 6+2】
📚 The World of Beverly Cleary Collection (15書)
📚【St. Clare's Series】
📚 【 Michael Vey 】
📚【Big Nate】
📚【How to Train Your Dragon Series】
📚 【My sister is vampire】
🎯 Magic School Bus 科普主題 。記錄相簿 (相簿連結)
🎯 MTH神奇樹屋玩主題系列 (Magic Tree House) - (相簿連結)
📚《 與大師相遇》(48書) / 📚《 世界音樂童話繪本》(30書)
📚 丁丁歷險記 (22書)
📚 福爾摩斯
📚『三采尋寶記』....等等 (J雜記)
big cat adventures 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最讚貼文
Ella Grace has a little treat for you and your littles! ❤️❤️❤️✨
We compiled our favorite kids podcasts that she loves and wanted to share with her friends - these are all mom-approved, Child & Family Development Specialist verified, and most importantly, child-led Ella Bella enthusiasm recommended!
Whether at home, in the car, or as a pre-naptime treat, these podcasts have brought Ella Grace so much joy!
To listen, go to your podcast app, search the different titles, or look it up on Spotify!
1. The BIG Life Kids Podcast
This is Ella Grace’s absolute favorite and she can listen to all these on loop. Created by the makers of Big Life Journal, it is inspiring, enthusiastic, positive, and follows the adventures of Zara and Leo in their Belief mobile as they teach children to stay resilient, believe in themselves, and face life’s challenges with confidence! ❤️❤️❤️
2. But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids
Another close second, this podcast by Vermont Public Radio features little kids around the world asking questions on a topic. Check out the one they just released on Coronavirus. I was so impressed how much Ella Grace absorbed and learned from listening to it as she explained it back to a friend a little bit later! So good!!! The episodes are quite long but informative and features a mix of kids, experts, and a narrator.
3. Little Stories for Tiny People
If you have a little one that loves books and stories, this is the podcast for you. Each story is lovingly written and performed with attention to the whimsical senses of humor little ones have. Her favorites are Mouse Bakes a Cake as well as the feeling stories. Read the captions, it’s so beautifully written it makes you want to hug the creator!
4. This Podcast Has Fleas
Silly, fun, sassy, goofiness this podcast from WNYC Kids features a menagerie of household animals holding their own podcasts including fans! Made-up songs with Waffles the dog, Jones the cat, Benny the gerbil and Mr Glub the goldfish (voiced by Alex Baldwin!) it has all the silliness a preschooler would enjoy!
5. Wow in the World
Another gem from NPR, Ella Grace loves this one and it's perfect if you have curious little kids that are hungry to know how the world works! Enthusiastic, informative, entertaining, it takes science to a whole new level and makes it approachable, fun and easy-to-understand magic!
6. Circle Round
This one is also for all our little story-lovers. Created and produced by parents of young children, it adapts folktales on kindness, persistence, and generosity from around the world into a beautiful story-telling. If your little one loves reading books rich with artistry and story, they will be riveted with this series that Ella Grace lovingly calls the Lion stories.
7. Sparkle Stories
If you can't tell already, Ella Grace's two favorite podcast genres are the science of how things work and stories that inspire imagination and kindler gentler world and this podcast definitely doesn't disappoint. There is definitely no shortage of stories in this one and it has child-friendly narration which makes it slower and easier to understand for little ones. It's perfect for a pre-naptime treat and it's listed by age-groups and interests! There is an absolutely beautiful series on Helping and Healing that explores different topics like grief, separation anxiety, chronic illness, etc.
8. Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls
From the makers of the bestselling Rebel Girls series, this podcast features different history-making women from Frida Kahlo to lesser known heroines to inspire your little girl to dream bigger, aim higher and fight harder. <3
Ella Grace would love to hear from you (and your little!). Let us know what you think and if you have any recommendations for other kids podcasts that you love in the comments below please. I know it will make this little goofball so happy!
Enjoy! <3
big cat adventures 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的最佳解答
So this is the day I almost got killed by a cat.
Or you can call it the day I accidentally kidnapped a cat and took it on a mini road trip.
Ps. SORRY MAX!! Just give me a meow whenever you need a chauffeur again.
HAPPY NEW YEAR. I took a slight hiatus over the past few weeks to focus on my wellbeing. I’m ready to return but hope you guys understand that I'm taking things easy and focusing on my family first. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Love, your friend Bubz xo
Hi, I'm Lindy! Welcome to the Bubz family. I am a beauty, lifestyle and mommy vlogger. We make daily vlogs we call daily doses of happiness! Join us as we navigate this journey we call life and keep up with our crazy little family adventures. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so we can continue to put a smile on your face. Do make new friends with fellow Bubscribers. I promise you they are the sweetest bunch ever! If you enjoyed today’s vlog, don’t forget to give it a LIKE.
Disclaimer: So sorry but it looks like Youtube has still got my comment section disabled. Bear with me, guys!
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big cat adventures 在 Việt Anh Trần Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hành trình trekking 10km xuyên rừng quốc gia Cát Bà là một hành trình đầy thử thách nhưng cũng mang lại nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị ?♂️
Tư vấn du lịch Cát Bà (miễn phí): 0934.89.1988
--English below--
Bắt đầu bằng 2km đi bộ dưới tán cây của khu rừng nhiệt đới, tiếp đến là 8km liên tục leo lên những dốc cao để vượt qua 5 ngọn núi đá. Có những lúc chân tay mỏi nhừ, nhưng ở đâu đấy một cái cây cổ thụ xuất hiện, tiếng vượn hú, chim hót, hay một chú nhện to đủ sắc màu lại làm cho cả đoàn như bừng tỉnh. Thiên nhiên thực sự diệu kỳ.
Cũng có những đoạn đi bộ qua thảm thực vật tầng thấp cao ngang ngực, cũng có đoạn đi qua thảm thực vật cao hơn đầu người, lá nào lá đấy to che hết nắng... tuyến đường trekking này thực sự lôi cuốn đối với bất cứ ai yêu thiên nhiên, yêu cây cỏ.
Khi ngôi làng Việt Hải hiện ra trước mắt, vừa đúng lúc nước hết, bụng ai cũng réo liên hồi, hành trình đi bộ đã kết thúc bằng những giây phút nghỉ ngơi.
Cuối cùng cả nhóm đạp xe xuyên làng Việt Hải ra bến tàu, trở về vịnh Lan Hạ, nhảy tùm xuống biển để "refresh" (làm tươi mới) lại thân thể đã mệt nhoài sau nửa ngày leo núi.
Một trải nghiệm thú vị không thể bỏ qua khi đi du lịch Cát Bà. Cảm ơn Langur's Adventures về trải nghiệm tuyệt vời này.
Các bạn cùng đón chờ bộ phim mà team Wonderful Vietnam làm về hành trình này nhé!
*Đọc bài viết về cẩm nang du lịch Cát Bà tại đây: http://bit.ly/cam-nang-du-lich-cat-ba
*Lịch trình du lịch Cát Bà 3 ngày 2 đêm: http://bit.ly/tu-van-du-lich-cat-ba-3-ngay-2-dem
*Lịch trình du lịch Cát Bà 2 ngày 1 đêm: http://bit.ly/tu-va-du-lich-cat-ba-2-ngay-1-dem
*17 trải nghiệm du lịch đặc sắc nhất tại Cát Bà: http://bit.ly/trai-nghiem-dac-sac-cat-ba
*15 địa điểm du lịch nổi tiếng nhất ở Cát Bà: http://bit.ly/dia-diem-du-lich-cat-ba
*Xem các video về du lịch Cát Bà tại đây: http://bit.ly/video-cat-ba
The 10 km trekking tour across Cat Ba National Park was a challenge which offered experience that definitely worthed the while and the effort ?♂️
It was quite an easy start with 2 km walking under the canopy of the rain forest, followed by 8 km of continuous hiking up and down high slopes to cross over 5 rocky mountains. There were time when arms and legs were tired and heavy. Then somewhere along the route an ancient tree appeared, monkeys howling, birds singing or a large colorful spider weaving a web made the whole group awake and enthralled. Nature is truly wonderful!
We trekked through some sections of understory layer at breast height, some sections of canopy trees with leaves so big that sunlight could hardly get through. This trekking route is truly attractive to anyone who loves nature, loves the plants and animals.
After nearly 5 hours of trekking, the Viet Hai village appeared before the eyes, just when water ran out and stomaches were roaring. The hiking part of the tour ended with moments of well-earned rest and a delicious traditional local meal.
For the last legs of the tour, we took the bicycles through Viet Hai village to the pier to return to Cat Ba Town via Lan Ha Bay. On the way, we had the opportunity of jumping into the sea to "refresh" our tired body after half a day of hiking and cycling.
The tour was such an interesting experience not to be missed when traveling to Cat Ba. Many thanks to Langur's Adventures for this wonderful experience.
Let's look forward to the clip the Wonderful Vietnam team is making about this journey!
- Website (tiếng Việt): https://dulichbui24.com
- Website (English): https://wonderfulvietnam.vn
- Fanpage Wonderful Vietnam: http://facebook.com/wonderfulvietnamtravel
- Email: support@wonderfulvietnam.vn
- Fanpage Trần Việt Anh: https://www.facebook.com/bloggertranvietanh
- Cameraman: Hoàng Bảo Long https://www.facebook.com/snowflower181
#WonderfulVietnam #CatBa #VuonQuocGiaCatBa