為食花太郎 Fafafoodblog Westwood Carvery
#fafafoodblog中環 #fafafoodblog美國菜
<蘭桂坊美味西餐 牛扒必點 ! >🐂
蘭桂坊 其實除左好男男女女喺度飲酒外 嗰個範圍既美食其實好多 呢間 Westwood Carvery 係美國菜 主打牛扒 . 除此之外仲有意粉 豬 ribs小食等等 . 當然各種既酒類都會有 🍻🥂🍾🍸 環境上好啱幾個朋友飲杯野食個扒 傾下計 !
🍴Fried Calamari 148 蚊
炸魷魚 🦑
原條魷魚炸 邪惡熱氣但好味🔥 魷魚炸得出面香脆 粉唔會太厚 而入面既魷魚仲保留水份 夠哂彈牙 十分出色 . 加埋側邊自家製既蒜蓉醬 帶番魷魚香味 正
🍴steamed fresh mussels 248 蚊🐚
首先 佢青口味道香濃 冇嗰種雪或者腥味 處理得好好 醬汁白汁好香濃 調得咸甜味適中 加上白酒香 同切碎既煙肉同洋葱🐷要黎點包食一流🍞
🍴sauteed mixed mushroom 70 蚊
小食之一 雜菇 有草菇 秀珍菇 雞脾菇等等🍄 切得好細 所以食落好有口感 菇本身 juicy用香草整 都幾惹味🌿
🍴Creamed corn 60 蚊
一上枱已經勁香奶油味 . 本身佢既粟米十分香甜 juicy然後奶油好香滑 有 d黏稠既感覺 . 連埋粟米食口感好飽滿 勁邪惡但好好食😈
🍴butterfly jumbo prawns 蝦沙律🦐168 蚊
外表美觀 蝦肉剝埋殼好啱懶人食😂 蝦肉夠厚肉 煎得好甘香 帶 d辣汁 夠惹味🌶 底層既沙律菜都夠新鮮 點左 d藍苺醬十分 match !
🍴homemade beef barley vegetables soup 牛肉湯 🐮58 蚊
佢個湯底有 d似法式既洋葱湯 有洋葱 蘿蔔碎 節瓜碎 等等🥕 得意既係有 d薏米增加口感 主角既牛肉切粒 牛肉本身 juicy ,.浸埋落湯度好有牛油香 正
🍴Slow roasted beef short rip
原條牛肋骨 🐂588 蚊
勁正既慢煮牛肋骨 我好欣賞佢切既大細適中 方便客人食 二來係成個擺位都好好 用骨黎分開番肉同 一 d切左粒既筋位 . 🙂 首先佢既肉部分肉味偏濃 口感偏爽 點 d自製香甜既既 bbq sauce 好味😍而佢切粒既筋位 好彈牙爽口 肉味冇甘濃主要食口感 都好正 啱鍾意食煙靭野既朋友 👍🏻
🍴Usda prime rib regular cut 388 蚊 牛扒 🐂
牛扒係8 oz 慢煮到5成熟既牛扒 剛剛好 好易切開 咬落好 juicy牛肉味香而且平均 肥膏唔算多 🐂點埋 本身慢煮既牛肉汁 更帶出到肉香味 ! 😍
不得不讚佢既薯條 首先炸得好香脆 加 d香草好 match 🌿 一定要襯啤酒 !
🍴Spagetti mixed mushrom with black truffles 188 蚊
黑松露意粉 🍄🍝
首先個碟好靚 放意粉好襯 意粉 上枱好香黑松露味 我好鍾意佢除左冬菇外 仲落左木耳 令到整體有層次感 當然除左聞 食落去黑松露味都好香濃😄意粉係圓身偏幼 口感彈牙 所以連埋香濃既醬汁 食落好飽滿 唔錯😃
🍴Coconut sobert 38 蚊
勁香濃既椰子味 食落唔似雪葩 似雪糕加埋沙冰既側感多 d .口感夠厚 味道夠香甜 好味既餐後甜品😃
#westwoodcarvery #bestprimerib #lkfprimerib
#lankwaifong #牛扒 #雜菇 #牛肉湯 #意粉 #青口 #椰子 #雪葩 #青口 #薯條 #炸魷魚 #牛肋骨 #慢煮 #炸蝦
Score 平均分 <8/10>
Taste 味道:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Present 外觀:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Decor&Hygiene 環境衞生:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Value for $ 性價比:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Service 服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Westwood Carvery
中環蘭桂坊和安里2 號地鋪
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅ぶらぶらBurabura,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訪問2回目、大阪はジャンジャン横丁の「酒の店 のんきや」。創業昭和39年。ジャンジャン横丁には名店が多いが、ここもそのひとつ。名物はどて焼とおでん。おでんの出汁がまた逸品で出汁で飲みたいほど。 地図 https://goo.gl/maps/UT4cQVJSu2y8Uewb6 営業時間 busi...
beef mushroom barley soup 在 ぶらぶらBurabura Youtube 的最佳貼文
訪問2回目、大阪はジャンジャン横丁の「酒の店 のんきや」。創業昭和39年。ジャンジャン横丁には名店が多いが、ここもそのひとつ。名物はどて焼とおでん。おでんの出汁がまた逸品で出汁で飲みたいほど。
営業時間 business hours
定休日 水曜日
Regular holiday
Wednesday and The 3rd Tuesday
メニュー Menu
おでん Oden
110 yen
あげ age(thick fried tofu)
だいこん daikon(Japanese white radish)
たまご tamago(egg)
ちくわ chikuwa(fish cake,fish sausage)
こんにゃく kon-nyaku(yam cake)
糸こんにゃく ito-kon-nyaku(yam cake noodles)
ごぼ天 gobo-ten(a type of flied fish cake)
ひら天 hira-ten(flat-shaped fried fish cake)
もち mochi(rice cake)
ふ fu(wheat gluten cake)
しめじ shimeji(Hypsizygus marmoreus:species of edible mushroom)
えのき enoki-take(Flammulina velutipes:species of edible mushroom)
京みずな kyo-mizuna(Potherb Mustard)
豆苗(えんどう豆の新芽)tomyo(bean sprouts(pea))
130 yen
くずきり kuzukiri(cold kudzu noodles)
じゃがいも jaga-imo(potato)
しゅうまい shûmai(shao‐mai)
ちんげん菜 chingen-sai(Qing geng cai)
きゃべつ kyabetsu(Cabbage)
レタス カレー風味 retasu karê-hûmi(Curry-flavored lettuce)
オクラ塩こんぶ入り okura shio kombu iri(gumbo with salted kelp)
150 yen
ねぎま(ねぎとまぐろ)negima(Green onions and tuna)
180 yen
鶏つくね tori-tsukune(ground meat with seasoned chicken)
たまねぎ まるごと一個 tamanegi(onion)
にら nira(Chinese chives)
ベーコン玉ねぎスライス入り bêkon tamanegi suraisu iri(Bacon with sliced onions)
250 yen
とうふ tohu
330 yen
つみれ おろしポン酢 tsumire oroshi-ponzu(fish ball and ponzu sauce mixed with grated Japanese white radish)
420 yen
たこ tako(octopus)
梅ぼし 1コ 50 yen ume-boshi(pickled ume)
はくさいのつけもの 100 yen hakusai no tsukemono(Pickled Chinese cabbage)
らっきょ 100 yen rakkyo(Japanese leek)
チーズ 100 yen cheese
どて焼 醤汁牛筋 120 yen dote-yaki(beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin)
つけもの きゅうり ふる漬 140 yen tsukemono kyûri huruzuke(cucumbers that have been pickled for a long time)
もずく 150 yen mozuku(vinegared seaweed:Nemacystus decipiens)
たまごどうふ 150 yen tamago-tohu(steamed egg custard with soup stock)
わさび漬け 200 yen 少し数の子入ってます wasabi-zuke()
みょうが 200 yen すみそでどうぞ myouga(Japanese wild ginger)Eat at vinegared miso.
いかの塩辛 200 yen ika no shiokara(salted squid guts)
納豆 200 yen natto(fermented soybeans)
こうやどうふ 200 yen koya-tohu(freeze-dried bean curd)
キムチもやし 220 yen kimuchi-moyashi(Bean sprouts kimchi.)
ポテトサラダ 220 yen poteto sarada(potato salad)
冷奴 250 yen hiya-yakko(Chilled Tofu)
島らっきょ 250 yen shima-rakkyo(Okinawa Shallot)
とろろ 250 yen tororo(grated yam)
きざみ奈良漬 250 yen kizami-nara-zuke(vegetable pickled in sake lees)
うりのつけもの 250 yen uri no tsukemono(Pickled melon)
しらす 260 yen sirasu(boiled whitebait)
わけぎぬたあえ 260 yen wakegi-nuta-ae(Tree onion、dressed with vinegar and miso)
うにクラゲ 260 yen uni kurage(sea urchins and jellyfish)
いか黄金 260 yen ika ougon(squid with roe of herring.)
梅クラゲ 260 yen ume kurage(Pickled plum and jellyfish.)
マカロニサラダ 260 yen makaroni sarada(Macaroni salad)
ままかり酢漬け 260 yen mamakari su-zuke(Vinegared Japanese shad.)
焼めんたいこ 260 yen yaki-mentaiko(Grilled seasoned cod roe)
缶サバ からし、酢、ねぎあえ 300 yen kan-saba(canned mackerel)
ほたるいか沖づけ 300 yen hotaru-ika oki-zuke(firefly squid marinated in soy sauce)
しらすおろし 330 yen shirasu-oroshi(Grated Japanese white radish and boiled whitebait)
クリームチーズとチャンジャのあえもの 330 yen kuriîmu chiîzu to chanja no aemono(?)
つけもの 水なす 350 yen tsukemono mizunasu(Pickled eggplant that can be eaten raw)
きずし 350 yen ki-zushi()
チャンジャ(タラの塩辛キムチ)350 yen chanja(salted Pacific cod entrails in spicy sauce
酒盗(しゅとう)(かつおの塩辛)350 yen shutou(salted fish guts)
たこぶつ切り 360 yen tako-butsu-giri(Octopus cut into chunks)
うにいか 370 yen uni-ika(squid coated with sea urchin.)
まぐろつくり 440 yen maguro-tsukuri(Tuna sashimi.)
ドリンク drink
特級酒 420 yen highest quality sake
一級酒 310 yen
ビール大 510 yen Bottled beer L
生ビール 470 yen draft beer
ビール小 340 yen Bottled beer S
黒ビール 340 yen dark beer
麦焼酎 310 yen shochu(barley)
チューハイ 360 yen chu-hai:cocktail of Japanese spirits
ワイン 290 yen wine
ブドウ酒 240 yen grape vine
陶々酒 240 yen tohtohshu
特選 菊正宗 一杯 180ml 420 yen tokusen kikumasamune
スコッチ・エンシェントクランANCIENT CLAN ロックon the rocks・水割りwith water360 yen ハイボールHighball430 yen
すだち酎 400 yen sudachi chu
焼酎 shochu
麦barley 一番札 310 yen ichibanfuda
いもpotato 金黒 310 yen kinkuro
しそJapanese herb 鍛高譚 370 yen tantakatan
麦barley 増田屋 惣兵衛 370 yen masudaya sobe
焼き芋Roasted sweet potato 鳴門金時 焼き芋焼酎 390 yen
いもpotato 七窪 430 yen nanakubo
いもpotato 赤霧島 480 yen akakirishima
地酒 local sake
兵庫 Hyogo 剣菱 kenbishi 上撰 390 yen
奈良 Nara 貴仙寿 kisenju 純米 390 yen
大阪 Osaka 秋鹿千秋 akishika 純米 420 yen
新潟 Niigata 菊水 kikusui 辛口 本醸造 420 yen
青森 Aomori 冷 桃川 momokawa にごり酒 420 yen
兵庫 Hyogo 冷 備前雄町 bizenomachi 大吟醸 530 yen bizen-omachi
広島 Hiroshima 冷 賀茂鶴 kamotsuru 純米吟醸 一滴入魂 530 yen
山形 Yamagata 冷 銀樽平 gintaruhei 特別純米 530 yen
beef mushroom barley soup 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SUBJoannaSoh | Follow my IG: https://instagram.com/joannasohofficial/ BARLEY is one of the world's oldest superfoods, which is loaded with all the essential nutrients and we all should be adding into our diet!
Use barley just like rice, oats or other grains. Make stir-fry barley rice, risotto, barley soup or stew or toss into salads!
Try them out, SNAP & SHARE your pictures. Tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohRecipes
READ below for the recipes and steps.
Joanna is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 8 years of experience.
Stay connected and follow me:
Joanna Soh:
(Subscribe to my website for printable workouts & recipes)
https://www.instagram.com/hernetwork.tv/ https://www.facebook.com/hernetwork.tv/
1) ¼ cup Pearl Barley – 176Cals
2) ¾ cup Water
3) 1/2 cup any Milk – 60Cals
4) 1 tsp. Chia Seeds – 22Cals
5) 1 tbsp. Apricot Seeds - 76Cals
6) 1 Banana, sliced – 105Cals
7) 1 tsp. Honey - 21Cals
Per Serving: 460Cals
1) In a small pot, combine pearl barley with water and bring to a boil.
2) Lower the heat and simmer until water has been absorbed and barley is completely soft, for about 20 - 30 minutes.
3) Then stir in the milk, and allow is to simmer very quickly until you get your desired consistency. Remove from heat.
4) Top it up with banana, apricot seeds and chia seeds. You can choose to drizzle it with a little bit of honey.
1) 1 ½ cup Cooked Barley – 289Cals
2) 2 cups Baby Spinach – 20Cals
3) ½ cup Purple Cabbage – 11Cals
4) 2 Beetroot, cooked and sliced – 70Cals
5) ¼ cup Fresh Mint leaves – 4Cals
6) 2 tbsps. Feta Cheese, crumbled – 47Cals
7) 1 tbsp. Dried Cranberries – 22Cals
8) 1 tbsp. Apricot Seeds – 76Cals
Dressing, combine:
1) ½ tbsp. Olive Oil – 60Cals
2) 2 tbsps. Lemon Juice – 8Cals
3) 1 tsp. Honey – 21Cals
Per Serving: 314Cals
All you have to do is to assemble all the ingredients together. Drizzle with the lemon honey dressing and serve.
1) 1½ cups cooked barley – 289Cals
2) 1 medium Carrot, diced – 25Cals
3) ½ cup Mushroom, sliced – 8Cals
4) ½ Red Bell Pepper, diced – 9Cals
5) 1 ½ cups Cabbage, shredded – 33Cals
6) 1 Zucchini, diced – 33Cals
7) ½ head broccoli, cut into florets – 85Cals
8) 2 cloves Garlic, crushed – 8Cals
9) 1 tbsp. Olive Oil -120Cals
10) 2 tbsps. Soy Sauce – 18Cals
11) Salt and Pepper to taste
Per serving – 314Cals
1) Heat oil over medium-high heat.
2) Add in all the vegetables - garlic, mushrooms, carrots, zucchinis, red bell pepper, broccoli and cabbage. Stir fry for about 3-4 minutes until vegetables are tender but still crunchy.
3) Then stir in the barley, soy sauce and salt and pepper and toss thoroughly until all ingredients are well combined.
4) Garnish with spring onions and serve.
BARLEY & BEEF STEW (serves 2)
1) ½ cup Pearl Barley – 350Cals
2) 300g Beef Ribs – 360Cals
3) 1 Carrot, chopped – 20Cals
4) 1 cup Celery, chopped – 14Cals
5) 1 cup Mushroom, sliced – 16Cals
6) 1 small Onion, chopped – 25Cals
7) ½ tbsp. Unsalted Butter – 51Cals
9) 2 cups water
10) ½ tsp. Dried Basil Leave
11) Salt and pepper to taste
Per Serving – 418Cals
1) In a pot, melt butter over medium-high heat.
2) Add in the beef pieces to sear. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
3) In the same pot, sauté the onions until fragrant and slightly brown, just for about 5-6 minutes.
4) Stir in the mushrooms and cook very quickly until slightly tender, for about 2-3 minutes.
5) Then stir the beef back into the pot. Add 2 cups of water, sprinkle with basil leaves and allow beef to gently simmer under low heat until very tender, for about 1 hour. Don’t forget to stir occasionally.
6) Once the beef is tender, add in the remaining ingredients - barley, celery and carrots. Continue cooking all the ingredients until they are tender for another 40 - 50 minutes. Serve warm.
7) If you like your beef falling off the bone, then cook for another additional hour.