Hello my people from Bao country just wanna show u guys the animation for the motions test of the pets Niku and Baku, and the super fierce attack motion of the Director Bao character. hopefully the game can be released without a hitch next month.
if it has decent sales I’m gonna have a talk with the engineers and the animators to have them add a bunch of bs functions.
And if everything goes well I’m gonna add in the “A-pei character that everyone loves so much, and there’ll also be a giant-sized Tibetan Mastiff : king of fat u can have as a pet.
I’ll let everyone know when it’s released.
There were people that used to look down on me, thinking that I ain’t worth shit being only able to draw.
I’ve encountered a self-centered, conceited mofo before during work,She was all saying that she wanted to collab with me to make a game but all she really wanted to do was to use my rep to do her own thing.
That fucking asshole thought she was the shit and everyone should bow down to her ass. She has fucking broken English skills but she was all like “I’m the fucking greatest in the world.”
She used to talk about how her mom opened up an English cram school for her, some shits about her studying abroad in England for fucking 9 weeks and that she’s da shit for doing so, and also she kept bragging that even the CEO thinks her English is very good.
But guess what tho, her retarded ass can’t even speak or write in proper English. She fucking not only spoke with a retarded accent but her grammar is all over the place, but yet she had the balls to bitch and laugh at others when they make a mistake in English, saying shit like “Didn’t that guy study in England, how come his writings are crap?”
And she would even use onomatopoeia phrases like “ewww” or “eek” or “ouch” to prove that her English is “authentic.”
U know what tho, if ur English is that good there’s no fucking need for u to show off like this or use berate others.
One time, I had enough and wrote a long ass complaint to the boss(About work stuff), that made her shut up for good cause the fucking retard wasn’t able to understand a word of that letter.
That bitch thought she’s better than everyone else and she’s not shy to it.
What’s make matters worse is that she hates dogs cause she thinks dogs are filthy animals.
When my dog Baku passed away she made some nasty remarks that I’ll never forgot and forgive her.
Honest to God I’ve never seen this kind of worthless piece of scum in life, that fucktard is the really the worst kind of piece of crap that I’ve ever met in my life.
Oh yea that stupid-ass motherfucking retard even once said that she was gonna work in Europe, but it’s all bs cause she aint even passed the job interview.
My violin teacher knows this retard too. My violin teacher was like: “dang girl this is hands down the worst kind of bitch being on earth”
Sorry for typing all this shit, just couldn’t stop once I got started.
I hope everyone supports the game that is about to be released.
My colleagues in Europe and I are super thankful of u guys ahhh!
幹放屁 講話文法錯一大堆王八蛋
be fierce 中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最讚貼文
這是一首和 國立臺灣史前文化博物館 National Museum of Prehistory 及 蓋亞文化 出版的台灣史前奇幻冒險小說「風暴之子」擦出火花的歌曲-〈古老森林的後裔 Grandsons of Ancient Forest〉。
各大平台聆聽 Hear it at Digital Platform:https://snd.click/trt
ps. 部分國際平台因應年末假期會晚點曝光唷:D
Some platforms during the year-end holiday will postpone the release date 😀 More detailed song information is as follows!
特別謝謝帶我們了解許多卑南文化的 葉長庚、宜婷、芸甯,難忘那天驅車前往台東參觀卑南文化的遺址、由你們帶領我們翻閱文獻、近距離觀看這些出土文物,聆聽背景文化與故事。卑南文化做為台灣重要的史前文化之一,能有這些轉譯的發想與執行,每個環節都令人興奮,期待越來越多人以新的目光聆聽這些土地蘊藏的美麗故事。
Dee ie enssaa dnaaya(半月下的太陽之子)
Ii issee ento ui(靈魂永駐幻化成樹)
Kii inssee essaa libaya(聽,森林的細語唏囌)
io si kenna(唱述大地的美麗故事)
Mriya dehita
iude taka emu
Ameyín sáiya
主要演奏樂器為Lira de la estela de Luna,是由伊比利半島Luna(月亮)小鎮出土的一座石碑上圖案所復刻出的樂器,中文譯為月亮里拉琴(或稱塔特西里拉琴),該石碑目前存放於西班牙當地Zaragoza博物館,年代距今三千年左右,恰好與卑南文化時期有所重疊。歌曲中點綴著多種原始的傳統樂器,像是以羊趾甲製作而成的 Chajchas、早期以木頭製成的笛子 Quena、會發出下雨聲音的Palo de Lluvia 求雨棒、以種子製成的 Güiro de calabaza seca、跳舞專用的腳鈴 Pad Ghungroo、羊皮手鼓Frame Drum等等,期許用更開闊的聲響,編織出人們對於卑南文化的無限想像。
【Information about Grandsons of Ancient Forest - Vali Original Soundtrack】
Vali is Taiwan’s first fantasy-adventure novel set in prehistoric times (more precisely, about 3,000 years ago). It is based on the Peinan culture.
• Plot: The word “vali” means “wind” in an ancient language of Taiwan, and it is also the name of the boy and clouded leopard in the story. During a fierce storm, a canoe is violently tossed about on the water, staying afloat in spite of the tempest. All that is in the canoe is an unconscious boy, whose survival is a miracle and who will later be named after the wind—“Vali.” He ends up living with a tribe that is not his own, transforming, experiencing rebirth, and embarking on a long adventure…
• About the song: The song, inspired by the plot of Vali, creates a musical and emotional link between listeners and a lost yet incomparably precious ancient civilization of Taiwan—the Peinan culture. Over 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of a settlement on this island lived and depended on one another while following their religious beliefs. We call this island “Taiwan.” Have you ever listened carefully to its mountain forests and the people who sleep eternally in them? They are telling us the beautiful stories of Taiwan, stories that never should have been forgotten.
In the song, the boy sings an ancient melody passed down by the village elders, which goes:
Dee ie enssaa dnaaya (Children of the sun, beneath a half moon.)
Ii issee ento ui (Their spirits live eternally in the form of trees.)
Kii inssee essaa libaya (Hear the whispers of the forest,)
io si kenna (singing the beautiful stories of this land.)
The beginning of the song goes:
Mriya dehita
iude taka emu
Ameyín sáiya
(All myths are based on true stories.)
The main instrument is Lira de la estela de Luna(Lyre of Luna). It is the recreation of one of the oldest string instruments of the Iberian Peninsula. It was created based on an engraving representing a string instrument similar to an ancient Mediterranean lyre. This engraving is on an anthropomorphic funeral stele dating back three thousand years that was found in the town of Luna (Zaragoza) in 1975. The characteristics of the engraving are very similar to the style of the Tartessian period (10 to 6 B.C.).
Besides, this song is dotted with a variety of original traditional musical instruments, like Chajchas, Quena, Palo de Lluvia, Güiro de calabaza seca, Pad Ghungroo, Frame Drum, etc.
小說《風暴之子》作者:奇幻作家 葛葉
Yerko Fuenzalida Lorca
be fierce 中文 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Loved working with my homegirls!
Thanks 梁妍熙Esther Veronin for letting momma cops #MichelleKao and I arrest the misbehavin' Lara梁心頤 DJ Noodles 麵麵 and #maybleblacklabel and lock 'em up! I think I had too much fun. 😂😂
Check out the full video on YouTube!
玩轉REMIX 收錄在 Lara梁心頤 全新電音改編專輯《RE》。 DJ Noodles 麵麵 說收到任務時覺得非常挑戰,到底要怎麼把原本如此唯美的旋律再創新樣貌?但順著歌詞還真的玩出不一樣,也找到玩中文歌詞的訣竅!「別害怕發光」提醒我們不管是個人特色或團隊力量,都要勇敢!作品清晰字詞,強烈卻十足襯托人聲的節奏,前進感十足正如 梁妍熙Esther Veronin 與Lara共創事業的決心。
“Play/Turn (DJ Noodles Remix)” is one of the singles in Lara’s EDM remix collection, officially titled《RE》. According to DJ Noodles, receiving the invitation to remix “Play/Turn” was a test to say the least. What kind of new form should the song take on? The lyrics proved to be the key. “Don’t be afraid to shine” is an an anthem we can all take on, whether it’s regarding our individual identities or the team spirit of Meimeiwawa’s fierce entrepreneurship.
MV Link 🏁 ➡️➡️➡️ https://youtu.be/gjHW_wXlcqw 🏎️
How the Meiwas listen to this track: Grab your girls for an ocean road trip and cruise along the coastline, glowing all the while.
#Meimeiwawa #妹妹娃娃 #Lara梁心頤 #梁心頤 #LaraLiang #RE專輯 #RemixAlbum #玩轉 #PlayTurn
📷: @leemengting0527
🎶: @djnoodlestw
be fierce 中文 在 Etalking Online - " fierce " 這個字一般是形容激烈的、兇猛的意思 的推薦與評價
這個字一般是形容激烈的、兇猛的意思,不過... 你知道還有另一種意思嗎? ... 其實這個字可以形容一個人的外表... 讓人覺得#美麗 到令人窒息,令人覺得有一股無形強大的能量 ... ... <看更多>