I haven’t written to you all for such a long time and I do apologize so much for this. I don’t know how TIME FLIES the way it does!
I wanted to share some thoughts on this very momentous and memorable DAY in my life.. I am strolling into the BIG 6 ❤️ today!!! My BRAIN IS EMPTY!!
All I can think of is HOW GRATEFUL I am to the Universe, and to all of YOU, to my LOVING FAMILY, my INCREDIBLE FRIENDS… all this life has brought to me.. that our Planet is so beautiful and there is so much to be thankful and OPEN to.
After 60 years, chasing so many things, experiencing the excitement, ups and downs of almost all of life, months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds… and I realize, all I really desire and want, is a SIMPLE SMILE, WARMTH, UNDERSTANDING, A Heartwarming HUG, A phone call, or now, text to say HI… A Healthy and strong Body, LOTS & LOTS of LAUGHTER, CONNECTION, COMMUNICATION, LOVE, LOVE & LOVE. No matter what circumstances we run into, Rain, Thunder, Protests, Covid, it is absolutely possible to realize that ALL THINGS MUST PASS, and through the most difficult or most ravishing times, we can find comfort in holding the hands of those loving people around us. I know there is still so much more to learn while we are so BLESSED to be a VALUED GUEST on this Earth for such a fleeting moment. I feel I must keep on learning and evolving to be the BEST person I can be.
I realize that when we are born, we need so much love, feeding, nurturing, understanding, and a lot of HELP! When we get old, we need so much love, feeding, tolerance, patience, understanding, and a lot of HELP! There is no difference in the VALUE of each end of the stick. Just what we can do in between that will make ALL the difference and we all have a CHOICE in how we want to write our own, unique, wonderful, heartfelt STORY.
LIFE can be, and IS SO VERY BEAUTIFUL. The Beauty I used to understand doesn’t hold any meaning for me anymore.. The BEAUTY I HOLD TRUE is the LOVE & BEAUTY inside of ME and all the surroundings of the amazing Mother Nature. Each of us, is handcrafted so very intricately, to have all the same physical features, yet not a single one of us is a duplicate of another. We all have a brain to think, yet every single one of us does not think like any other. We ALL have a PATH, yet every one of our paths is different from each other. But we are ALL meticulously woven together, our lives, our actions are all intertwined. Every action we take, affects another. Every tree, every flower, mountain, sea, sky, clouds, animals, and all beloved creatures. We are the unique creatures, blessed with thinking, speaking & doing. I feel I must do everything I can to HONOR this special GIFT from Mother Nature. Beauty is DEEP & ROOTED & everywhere we look. I’m going to embrace everything PapaGOD & the Universe has given me.
I’m SO GRATEFUL for making it this far, in GOOD HEALTH, GOOD SPIRITS, GOOD MIND & BODY. Every day is a SURPRISE to me. Every moment is truly a BLESSING and ever so sacred. I will continue to live each BLESSED day with an open heart, open mind, and open SPIRIT. I will live each day as HIGH as I can go, no matter how low I feel. I will enjoy growing old GRACEFULLY, and make a conscious effort to do and BE the BEST I can be EACH SINGLE DAY, CHERISH & take care of it like a RARE and Beautiful JEWEL, which LIFE & our EARTH IS.
Today I spend with my LOVING FAMILY & MY FRIENDS. Well.. one loving Family is missing and in Mainland, now resting, but working VERY HARD! I’m so proud of Lam because we are so happy that he gets to SHARE his music with a WHOLE NEW GENERATION of wonderful, talented singers. It’s a GREAT BLESSING to sing with these enthusiastic Artists who can make a great difference in the world with their bellowing voices. I watch every episode with great anticipation and I hope you will too! All the Artists create their own Magic with each song & emotions!
I also would like to share with you my real and Authentic physical & Spiritual SELF!!! I just want to BE TOTALLY and ALL OF what is TRULY ME! I hope you all can accept me as I AM, white hair with my cutey wrinkles! Lam really enjoys it cos now I can keep him COMPANY & look like TWINS! I don’t know where my WHOLE self will go from here.. but I’m really going to look forward to all the natural progressions my mind and body will be taking.. just like Mother Nature.. she accepts all that comes to her and embraces it all…just as it is!
I wonder if I can remotely understand the meaning of life by now? I want to TAP (THINK ACTPOSITVE) at all times making others HAPPY & be HAPPY to see others HAPPY! I understand there is NO RIGHT or WRONG in any of our actions whether positive or negative, but only the divine consequences of those actions we choose. I feel we are BLESSED to be here with a DIVINE PURPOSE which is to help ourselves & each other. To preserve and maintain this amazing PLANET & EARTH. To evolve ourselves, & each generation, so they can pass the baton and also evolve the Earth! I also feel we are definitely NOT ALONE! NEVER! We are always in the SOOTHING, EMBRACING arms of the Divine Source Universe, and when we feel we don’t know where to turn, PapaGOD is ALWAYS there for us, ready to give us whatever we want in the deepest of our hearts with the utmost sincerity. Everything we receive is in its Divine Timing, and Divine Perfection.
PS. I had a great wonderful party with best of FRIENDS TONITE❣️❣️ Came home and took some selfies to shock all of U❣️❣️ My HAPPY DECADE HAPPY 6💜 GIRL (⁉️) look❣️❣️ CHEERS EVERYONE❣️❣️❣️🌹🌹🧚🏽♀️🧚🏽♀️🧚🏽♀️
HI HI 快樂的 “TAP” 大家庭 ❣️❣️
我想在生命中這個非常重要和難忘的日子和大家分享一些想法和感觸 —— 今天我悠然邁入了以6字開頭的歲月!! ❤️ 大腦一片空白!!
我所能想到的是對上天,對你們每一位,對親愛的家人,對不可思議的朋友們 —— 對生命所贈與我的這一切 —— 所懷有的深深感激。我們所生活的星球如此美麗,實在有太多太多需要去感謝、感激,去敞開心扉擁抱。
60年過去了,我也曾經追逐過很多,在每月每週每日每分每秒中,經歷了生命可能賦予的幾乎所有激動和起落,而如今我意識到,自己真正渴望和想要的,只是一個簡單的微笑,溫暖,理解,一個暖心的擁抱,一通電話,或者現在更流行的,問好的一條短信.. 一個健康強壯的身體,很多很多笑聲,連結,交流,愛,愛,以及,愛。無論我們遇到怎樣的狀況 —— 下雨、雷電、抗議、疫情,一直要謹記於心的是,無論如何,這一切終將過去;在最困難或最開心的時刻,我們都能握住身邊人的手,並從中找到最大的安慰或共鳴。能得此幸運,在如此短暫的一剎,來到地球做她的尊貴旅客,我知道還有太多東西需要學習,感覺自己必須不斷學習成長,才能成為最好的自己。
今天我會和我愛的家人們和朋友們一起度過。對的,一位有愛家人不在這裡,他在內地,現在有空休息一下,但一直都在非常努力地工作! 我為Lam 感到驕傲,因為大家都非常開心他有機會同新一代如此出色、才華橫溢的年輕歌手們分享他的音樂。與這些富有激情的藝術家們一起唱歌是一種巨大的幸福;年輕一代的歌聲將給這個世界帶來改變。每一期節目我都有充滿期待地觀看,希望你們也會看!所有的藝術家們都在用每首歌和感情創造著自己的魔法!
我也想和你們分享真實的自我——外在與內在,容貌及心靈!!! 我只想做完完全全的,真正的自己!希望你們能夠接受這樣的我,白頭髮,和可愛的皺紋! Lam 很喜歡我這樣,因為現在我可以和他作伴,我們看上去像雙胞胎! 我不知道我的整個自我會從這裡走向何方,但對接下來身心將會經歷的所有自然旅程,我真心期待… 就好像大自然一樣,她接受並擁抱一切如它們本初的樣子!
我好奇自己現在是否可以算作大概開始理解人生的意義呢?我想做TAP (THINK ACTPOSITVE),隨時通過正面積極的思考和行動為他人帶去開心,而看到他人開心也會令我感到開心!我明白我們的任何行為,無論是積極或是消極的,都無關對錯;只是,不可避免的,選擇的行為都會帶來相應的結果。我感覺帶著神聖的目的來到這裡是一份福祉,而這個目的就是助人助己,是保護和維繫這個不可思議的星球,是持續進化發展自己和每一代人,這樣他們就可以繼續把進化地球的接力棒傳遞下去! 我也感覺到我們絕對不是孤獨的!從來都不是!我們一直都被上天撫慰著,擁抱在臂膀中。當感覺不知道如何走下去,上天總會在我們身邊,以最大的誠意給予我們內心深處最渴望的所有。我們得到的一切都有它神聖的時間表,都遵循著神聖的完美安排。
以上… 祝愿大家永遠幸福開心健康,愛自己,愛周圍的所有人,愛周圍的一切!相信我… 我們所擁有的和需要的一切,就是愛!!!!
PS. 今晚我和最好的朋友們開了最棒的Party ❣️❣️❣️ 回到家後拍了幾張自拍,肯定會驚到你們 ❣️❣️❣️ 我的快樂第6個10年 💜 GIRL (⁉️) look❣️❣️❣️ 大家乾杯 ❣️❣️❣️🌹🌹🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️
同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過185的網紅Detective On The Moon,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Let see which plant-based meat is best. As we all know the world is changing, a lot of companies are producing 'plant-based meats' to help the earth....
as at as of分別 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
全國第一個「雙語教育區域資源中心」9月27日在 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU)揭牌!今年三月在教育部與美國在台協會於中山大學舉辦的 #台美教育倡議 雙語教育研討會 中,部長潘文忠宣布於中山大學設立雙語教育培訓基地,歷經數月籌備,周一由教育部、中山大學、 文藻外語大學 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages、美國在台協會、 Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會及高雄市教育局共同見證揭牌典禮。
中山大學與文藻外語大學將攜手,分別協助區域內一般大學與技職大學提升英語授課水準,同時爭取 #美國國務院線上專業英語網絡計畫(Online Professional English Network Program)、#傅爾布萊特英語教學助理╱專家計畫,及擬訂外籍學位、交換及華語生至中小學教學訓練計畫等,冀望廣納各方資源,提高英語教學及學習成效。
更多詳情請見美國在台協會高雄分處 AIT Kaohsiung: https://bit.ly/3uk5uJL
🎉AIT attended the plaque unveiling ceremony of the Southern Regional Resource Center for Bilingual Education at the NSYSU on September 27 The Center was initiated and funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) as a follow-up to the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative Symposium jointly organized by the MOE and AIT on March 29 at NSYSU, aimed at sharing resources promoting English as a medium of instruction (EMI) among universities and technological and vocational universities in Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung. AIT supports the Center’s efforts through the Department’s English-language programming, including the Fulbright Specialist and Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs, as well as the OPEN (Online Professional English) program.
as at as of分別 在 Le bonheur d'Eunice Facebook 的最讚貼文
Although there are lots of Italian restaurants in Hong Kong, homemade pasta is not so widely popular as making fresh pasta takes patience and attention to the intricate details of the process. However, you can find every dish made in-house from scratch at Casa Cucina & Bar located at Sai Ying Pun. Formerly of Two- Michelin Guide -starred Amber at The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong Executive Chef Anthony Cheung brings a Cicchetti-inspired menu featuring a limited selection of dishes all made in-house. This restaurant has three floors of intimate dining space which looks like a resort hotel, no wonder it has become an Instagram favorite since its grand opening.
雖然意大利餐廳在香港隨處可見,但手工意粉卻不常見,始終複雜製作過程需要一定的耐性,不過位於西營盤的Casa Cucina & Bar就可找到從頭開始自家製作的手工菜式。大廚Anthony Cheung曾任職香港置地文華東方酒店、米芝連兩星法式餐廳Amber,餐牌選取意大利特色小食文化Cicchetti為創作靈感,選擇不算多,但全都是自家製作。餐廳猶如一幢獨立度假屋,擁有三層空間,難怪開張以來已成為IG打卡熱點。
Burrata $105
This appetizer resembles the "red, white, and green" colors of the Italian flag. The softness and delightful milky aroma of buffalo cheese are irresistible. The seasonings allow the delicate flavor of the cheese to shine through. When cut open, the creamy interior of Burrata is revealed as it slowly seeps from the centre like rich cream. It tastes cool and refreshing and that's why is a great choice for appetizer in summer.
Duck Ragu Pappardelle $178
This pasta with double-seared duck breast chicken, liver parfait and French yellow wine topped with Parmesan is one of the Casa signature dishes. The biggest difference between fresh pasta and dried pasta is the springy texture which offers an al dente bite. Pappardelle goes wonderfully with a hearty, meaty Duck Ragu sauce.
這道鴨胸肉醬意粉是Casa的招牌菜之一,加入雞肝及法國Vin Jaune黃葡萄酒,再撒上巴馬臣芝士,新鮮現造意粉與乾意粉最大的分別就是彈性中帶點煙韌的麵質,挺身富有Al dente咬口嚼勁,寬帶蛋麵極易掛上濃稠肉汁。
Chicken Parmigiana $168
It is a classic Italian dish of breaded chicken breast covered in melty mozzarella cheese and is served with bright and tangy tomato sauce to provide a contrast to the fried cutlets and rich cheese. The coating is flavorful and crispy.
作為一道經典的意大利菜,裹著麵包糠的雞胸肉以半熔的Mozzarella芝士舖面, 配合酸酸甜甜的番茄醬,與炸雞和濃郁的芝士形成鮮明對比,外層炸漿香脆可口。
Braised Ox Cheek $218
Slow-cooking is perfect for ox cheek meat which is a thick working muscle. It turns this tough meat into a wonderfully rich and tender delicacy. Ox cheek is braised in red wine, every mouthful is juicy and luscious. It matches in a perfect way with the deep, warm, complex flavours of red wine.
Tiramisu $58
Tiramisu is a rich treat blending the bold flavors of cocoa and espresso, the cake melts in the mouth without being too sweet.
Tofu Panna Cotta $58
This panna cotta does not taste like usual because it is inspired by Hong Kong's favourite "Tofu Fa", made with fresh tofu and topped with a toffee-like-sweet syrup made with red sugar and light soy sauce. Its delicate sweetness and smooth tofu texture make it a perfect treat at the end of a meal.
#casacucinahk #casacucina #casacucinabar #SaiYingPun #西營盤 #homemadepasta #手工意粉 #foodie #foodporn #hkfoodie
as at as of分別 在 Detective On The Moon Youtube 的最佳解答
Let see which plant-based meat is best.
As we all know the world is changing, a lot of companies are producing 'plant-based meats' to help the earth.
The company says plant-based meat alternatives are better for consumers and better for the planet, requiring less land and water and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions than meat from cattle.
Will you choose to be vegan since we have these delicious 'meat' to help the world?
Probably we can start with the 'meatless Monday'.
或者我們可以從 ’素食星期一‘開始。
Please like our video and subscribe our channel
Follow our instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wesleylunalo/
Music in this video:
Song: At My Worst
Artist: Andrew Foy, Renee Foy
Licensed to YouTube by: VISO Music

as at as of分別 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳解答
For Day 3 + 4 of our Busan trip, we stopped by two popular tourist spots, one is the🌈 Jangrim Harbour, a beautiful rainbow harbour that's perfect for those instagram pictures, and the other is Korea's Most Beautiful Temple, the Haedong Yonggungsa. Both are super super pretty spots to get your busan travel photos and see the amazing views along the busan shorelines. We also got to try a lot of different Busan food, such as different street foods in the traditional markets. My personal favourite is definitely still the cheese hotteok! yummm~
我們釜山的第3和第4天分別去了兩個大的景點,一個是超可愛的彩虹碼頭和釜山必去的景點之一 海東龍宮寺!!兩個景點都非常適合打卡拍照,特別是沿著海岸邊的寺廟真的不愧是韓國最美最壯觀的寺廟了。 在海雲台我們吃到了釜山著名的魚餅和在市場發現各式各樣的釜山街頭小吃。
♡ 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟑 & 𝟒 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐄 ♡
𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙢 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙧 장림포구
📍부산광역시 사하구 장림로93번길 72
𝙃𝙖𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙖 𝙁𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝘾𝙖𝙠𝙚 고래사어묵 해운대점
📍부산 해운대구 구남로 14
𝙃𝙖𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙜𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 해동 용궁사
📍부산 기장군 기장읍 시랑리 416-3
𝙃𝙖𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩 해운대 시장
📍부산광역시 해운대구 구남로41번길 22-1
𝙃𝙖𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝
📍부산광역시 해운대구 중동
𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 Airbnb
📍Book your stay: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/26099881?source_impression_id=p3_1610373335_gudjGDJwJ8uBnvLD
Connect with Me!
♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com
Music by Jaylon Ashaun - Goosebumps - https://thmatc.co/?l=ADDA0D81
Track: Last Night's Dream — Tryezz [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/s-FBmZCBfiI
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/last-nights-dream
Music by LUXID - I'm not in a classroom, i'm at a beach- https://soundcloud.com/luxid_dream/as-i-close-my-eyes-im-not-in-a-classroomim-at-a-beach
Music by B JYUN. - BREEZE.
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro

as at as of分別 在 National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院 Youtube 的精選貼文
2020 國際博物館日主題為多元性與包容性,國立故宮博物院期待接軌國際、擴大文化交流,透過深度旅遊台灣的方式,一起愛上在台灣的生活與文化吧!
走入環境清幽外雙溪的國立故宮博物院, 就像走入了中華文化千年時光隧道, 接受著源遠流長華夏文明的洗禮。 從帝王到全民收藏共有近70萬件珍品, 有許多我們耳熟能詳的文物,更有許多少見的珍藏。 想要欣賞最完整的中華文史珍寶,來故宮準沒錯。
走入氣候宜人的南台灣嘉義,踏進於2015年落成的故宮南部院區,在嶄新設計的建築風格之下,融合中華、印度及波斯三個古文明,並運用了傳統書法中, 濃墨、飛白以及渲染三種筆法, 分別代表不同方位的空間,也象徵著書法豐富的文化底蘊。 亞洲三大古文明,在歷史長河中匯聚交流,衍生出燦爛多元的亞洲藝術文化。 一生必造訪的博物館,你準備造訪了嗎?
更多資訊請洽:故宮好客A True Taiwanese Welcome https://www.npmtw.com/
Following the concept of International Museum Day 2020: "Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion", National Palace Museum is looking forward to connecting international tourism through in-depth local travel. Let's fall in love with Taiwan!
Walking into the Northern Branch of the National Palace Museum is like stepping back in time and entering imperial China. With a collection of almost 700,000 artifacts, artworks and exhibits, prepare to immerse yourself in thousands of years of Chinese history and culture.
The Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum opened in Chiayi at the end of 2015. The building's exquisite design incorporates Chinese, Indian, and Persian elements, as well as traditional types of calligraphy and painting techniques. The exhibits cover three major ancient Asian civilizations as well as a diverse range of Asian art culture.