【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang (English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
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Peresno lahek premik zaslonke, neverjeten trenutek pred svojimi očmi ujamem s pritiskom prstov. V tisti tisočinki sekunde Zemlja za sabo pusti že pripravljeno podobo, medtem ko se sama vrti okoli svoje osi; ali pa je šlo za blag, nepozaben trenutek sedanjosti, zgoščen v eno samo podobo. Pa vendar se zdi, da je naše nerazumevanje fotografije najbolj globoko utemljeno v mitih, ki obkrožajo to »sedanjost«.
Moja najljubša fotografska dela velikokrat pripovedujejo o pravokotnem svetu, kot ga prikazuje objektiv fotoaparata, o nekem trenutku v teku, ki se ponavadi zgodi tik pred ali po pritisku sprožilca. Odločne in ostre oči fotografa razkrivajo posledice fragmentov zgodbe, ali detajle, k katerim lahko stremimo v prihodnosti.
V svetu fotografije ne poznamo sedanjika – njegova slovnica poudarja tisti trenutek, ko se preteklost in prihodnost križata, tisti čudoviti proces brisanja meja med razumom in čustvi skozi čas.
Na svetu ni drugega jezika, v katerem bi bila dovoljena združitev preteklika in prihodnjika, pa vendar fotografija svojo zgodbo govori s takšno brezbrižnostjo. Naključni dogodek preteklosti in prihodnosti je na skoraj prosojnem fotografskem papirju spretno sestavljen – kakor priprava barv, ki jih umetnik nameša na paleto ali materin nežni dotik, ko hčeri spleta lase. S takšno predanostjo, ljubeznijo in nesebičnostjo fotografija beleži že udejanjene dogodke prihodnosti, odtise časa, meglene kakor mesečina...
Osebno verjamem, da nobena fotografija ne more razložiti »trenutnega«, podobno kot zemljevidi mest, na katerih še tako radovende oči ne najdejo označenega ne vhoda ne izhoda."
- Simon Chang (Slovenski prevod by Hana Čeferin / Galerija Fotografija)
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* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
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【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang
(English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
already過去式 在 畢明 Facebook 的精選貼文
//玩慣權力遊戲的美國總統侵侵,最近也要抽《Game of Thrones》(GOT)的水。
Ben Bradlee在史匹堡的《戰雲密報》中說:"If we live in a world where the government can tell us what we can and cannot print, then the Washington Post has already ceased to exist"。
落廣告也是同一原理,where we can and cannot place ad也要被公開威嚇,ad落誰家也要被「政騷擾」,算不算是權力政色魔的 #metoo?
西方國家向來強調受害者無需羞愧,要站起來說不,免助長變態色魔猖獗。HBO的做法是..........// 俾人施襲要嗌唔好。
//說到進步意義,還用數字外號、稱過氣特首作為鹿捌狗先生,太懶散、太不與時並進了。不再特首,合該卸下過去式的689。UGL案貪味仍鮮,未釋公眾疑慮,他的新別號至少是present continuous的「貪英」或「貪梁」吧?
再貼市一點,最present tense的,看他政騷擾成癮,不停非禮別人,是否應稱為「政色魔」,才不枉他長年肆意露械,不斷猥褻廣告商的壯舉?//
#GameofThrones #GOT
#政騷擾 #廢老KOL
#就係我們不是乜乜乜 #仲有恥於為伍
#過去式啦 #用新名貼市啲
#貪英 #貪梁
#政色魔 #四圍露械
already過去式 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
already過去式 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
already過去式 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
already過去式 在 already過去式在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 媽媽最愛你 的推薦與評價
提供already過去式相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多already時態、already位置、already文法有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供您完整相關訊息. ... <看更多>
already過去式 在 【潔西家】劍橋活用英語文法初級20 現在完成式與 ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
現在完成式跟 過去 簡單式都可以跟 already, yet, just 連用,意思沒有太大差別,因為都是副詞,所以也可以省略潔西家臉 ... ... <看更多>
already過去式 在 already過去式在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 媽媽最愛你 的推薦與評價
提供already過去式相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多already時態、already位置、already文法有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供您完整相關訊息. ... <看更多>