#周末愉快!晏晝買咗飛睇「天能」,唔想開曬成支酒飲,只係想飲一杯,最放便梗係用新出嘅Coravin Model 6取酒器,抽一杯出嚟飲又唔使開酒塞,留返下次幾時想飲都得!#Cheers!🍷🥳
#HappyWeekend! Bought tix to watch Tenet, so I don’t wanna open a whole bottle of wine, just wanna enjoy a glass. The best way is to use the new #Coravin Model 6 to pour a glass without the need to pull the cork out! Then I can save the whole bottle & drink it anytime I want! So convenient! Cheers! 🍷🥳
#weekendvibes #CoravinModel6 #ccwinevoyage #winegadget #詩詩酒樂園 #WineBeforeMovie #HappySunday