Last weekend, MOFA Deputy Minister Kelly Wu-chiao Hsieh and Remus Li-kuo Chen, director-general of MOFA's Department of North American Affairs, hosted a Taiwan-U.S.-Canada bowling tournament 🎳. Officials from the representative offices of the two North American nations went head to head with the MOFA's finest. A good time was had by all and the winner was friendship and trilateral relations!
其實是小編上週參加了一場盛大的保齡球聯誼賽啦~ 因為保齡球術語中,連續3次全倒❌❌❌就叫做吃「火雞」(Turkey)🦃,而這場由外交部謝武樵次長和北美司陳立國司長率隊與 美國在台協會 AIT跟 Canadian Trade Office in Taipei | 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 (CTOT)好手們的PK大戰,猜猜看誰是笑到最後的火雞王呢?😁