[Get Ready with Meiwa與妹娃一起化好妝,一起出發吧!]
在這個匆匆忙忙的時代,難得與最親愛的姐妹和閨密們聚在一起。所以每一次的聚會都會從一大早到晚上黏在一起。一起聊天,一起化妝,一起出門party。所以很開心這次與MEIBE合作讓我們有機會一邊工作,一邊享受姊妹聚在一起打扮得漂漂亮亮的感覺。女孩們,記得把這首歌加入你們的‘Girls' Night Out'歌單喔!出去玩得開心一點,也別忘了Call me...Meibe? ;)
Combining Lara's passion for music with Esther's passion for makeup, we're proud to announce our latest collaboration with MEIBE Korea on this beautiful K-beauty inspired video. 'Call Me Maybe' is one of our favourite songs to dance around to as we get ready for a girls' night out, so we thought it fit in with this 'get ready with Meiwa' video perfectly! Don't forget to add this video to your 'Girls'/Guys' Night Out' Playlist! Have fun on that special night, and don't forget to call me...Meibe? ;)
來參觀MEIBE的可愛化妝品吧Check out Meibe's adorable products here: www.meibe.kr/
Want Lara and Esther's Look? The makeup items we used in the video below: 想要跟Lara與Esther打扮得一樣美麗活潑嗎?影片使用的產品:
Bling Bling Eyestick閃閃惹人愛魔力眼彩棒: http://meibe.kr/search?q=bling
Innisfree Eco Safety No Sebum Sunblock自然關愛控油防曬霜: http://meibe.kr/products/eco-safety-no-sebum-sunblock-spf35-pa
Marryeco Fresh Cleansing Water with Pink Peony 自然精靈芍藥花溫和卸妝水: http://meibe.kr/products/marryeco-fresh-cleansing-water-with-pink-peony
Peripera Cushion Blusher 粉嫩女孩拍拍腮紅: http://meibe.kr/products/cushion-blusher?variant=17352783105
Too Cool For School Artify Double Long Lash Shaper 雙頭纖長睫毛膏: http://meibe.kr/collections/eye-lip/products/double-long-lash-mascara
Peripera Peri's Ink魅惑墨水唇彩: http://meibe.kr/collections/eye-lip/products/peris-ink?variant=17352852289
3CE Apple Tint毒蘋果兩用唇頰彩蜜: http://meibe.kr/products/apple-tintpink-orange?variant=17178895681
Tonymoly Magicfood 'Banana' Sleeping Pack香蕉晚安面膜: http://meibe.kr/collections/facial/products/bobo-magicfood-banana-sleeping-pack
Innisfree Green Tea Moisture Cream綠茶保溼面霜: http://meibe.kr/collections/facial/products/greentea-moisture-cream
Salmon Brightening Eye Cream鮭魚亮白提拉眼霜: http://meibe.kr/collections/facial/products/salmon-brightening-eye-cream
K-Drama Actress Makeup Meibe Beauty Box變身最紅韓劇女主角BOX: http://meibe.kr/products/k-drama-actress-makeup
K-Pop star/idol makeup beauty box韓國最紅KPOP女神BOX: http://meibe.kr/products/k-pop-star-idol-makeup
妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia
Lara梁心頤 Facebook
Esther梁妍熙 Facebook

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