全球最大規模的創意內容盛事美國「西南偏南影展」 (South by Southwest Film Festival,簡稱SXSW )於台灣時間2021年3月20日凌晨舉辦頒獎典禮並揭曉得獎名單,最終由台灣新媒體藝術家- 黃心健(現任國立臺灣師範大學設計學系特聘教授)最新VR力作《輪迴》上集(Samsara Ep.1)一舉奪下「虛擬劇場」(Virtual Cinema Competition)項目「評審團獎」(Jury Awards)的最大獎殊榮。《輪迴》上集是首部獲頒此座重要獎項的台灣原生VR作品,台灣驚人的VR創作實力再度揚名國際!
黃心健在SXSW頒獎典禮上表示:「首先,感謝SXSW評審團的肯定與鼓勵,很榮幸能夠得到評審團獎。也感謝文化內容策進院 Taiwan Creative Content Agency與 高雄市電影館 VR 體感劇院 VR FILM LAB的全力支持,才能讓《輪迴》得以順利地製作完成;最後,由衷謝謝所有參與製作《輪迴》的製作人員,一起讓來自於台灣精彩VR作品,再次讓世界看見。」
本片劇情牽動著生態、科技、資源分配與戰爭等多元議題,引領觀者深刻反思自身存在、環境等哲學意涵。此外,片中大量運用了具身認知(Embodied Cognition)的創作概念,觀者將會化身為不同的生物來與場景互動,部分生物還特別使用了台灣原生動物,如台灣黑熊與台灣藍鵲等,以豐厚的台灣元素伴隨最新的體感科技:文策院和工研院的4Dviews 拍攝技術,以48台4DV-EX-Z攝影機,加上高感光400萬畫素的全彩CCD感測器組成的數位拍攝系統,廣角全方位取景,無死角地拍攝動態畫面,創造出《輪迴》上集片中極致的沉浸體驗。
首屆SXSW創始於1987年,每年三月在美國德州的奥斯汀市(Austin)舉行,廣納電影、音樂、VR/AR、藝術與遊戲等的多種領域,SXSW是全球最大規模的創意內容盛事,成為相關領域創作者與品牌商必定關注的議題風向球,往年都吸引上百組的樂團與劇組參與,期間更超過40萬人次前去朝聖。但面對2021年仍尚未趨緩的疫情下,SXSW主辦方首度將實體影展全面改為線上的虛擬展會,在其所屬SXSW Online平台執行所有的影展活動,如電影播放、音樂釋出、產業媒合與主題演講等,都能在平台上無礙進行。藉此,全球的電影、音樂與新媒體創作者與專業人士,皆能突破國界隔離的阻礙,一同在線上共襄盛舉,延續此年度盛事的熱度與影響力。
今年「虛擬劇場」(Virtual Cinema Competition)項目中,一共有九部作品入圍角逐,各來自美國、加拿大、英國、法國、德國、波蘭、澳洲與南韓等國際團隊,而《輪迴》上集首次參加國際影展競賽便喜獲佳績,這也是台灣創作第一次得到SXSW大獎的榮耀,深獲國際肯定,實屬不易!接續,《輪迴》完整版預計將於今年下半年度展開一系列的全球影展巡演,黃心健也表示,已安排《輪迴》回到台灣,作為亞洲首映的展出,欲一睹風采的請台灣的影迷們期待!
✔️SXSW得獎訊息 ➡️ https://www.sxsw.com/festivals/film-awards/
✔️黃心健老師得獎感言😎 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9G_7NZh_Oo&feature=emb_logo
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang #輪迴 #Samsara #Virtualcinemacompetition
#VR #台灣VR #TaiwanVR
#SXSWFilm #SXSW #2021SXSW #SXSWOnline
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🎉🎉🎉“Samsara Ep1.” Puts Taiwan On the Map! New Media Artist Hsin-Chien Huang Wins the Top Awards of SXSW🏆🏆🏆🥳
The awards ceremony of the American international film festival, South by Southwest Film Festival (SXSW), will be held in the morning on March 20, 2021. The latest VR production created by artist Hsin-Chien Huang has taken the festival by storm and bring home the prestigious “Jury Awards” in the virtual cinema competition category. “Samsara Ep. 1” is the first VR production from Taiwan to receive such honor and has put the creativity of Taiwan on the map!
In the acceptance speech, Huang mentioned that he would like to thank the jury of SXSW for the recognition and encouragement. It was absolutely his honor to win this award. He’d also like to thank the full support from the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部, the Taiwan Creative Content Agency 文化內容策進院 Taiwan Creative Content Agency , and Kaohsiung Film Archive 高雄市電影館 VR 體感劇院 VR FILM LAB to make it possible to complete the work. Finally, he thanked all the crew members of the production for letting the world see how amazing the VR production from Taiwan.
The story background of “Samsara” is set as a timeline when humans completely destroyed the environment on earth and begin to go on a quest through space for hundreds of years. People try to immigrant to a new planet, so they redesign the DNA to adapt to a new environment and evolve into a new life form. However, after so many years, people gradually realize that it is never possible to find a new planet to settle. They merely keep returning to the original earth they have damaged in a different era, in a different life form, as an endless circle of reincarnation.
The plot involves many different social issues, including ecology, technology, natural resource, and war, and calls on viewers to reflect themselves with a profound philosophical perspective. Moreover, several concepts of embodied cognition are used in the story to make viewers transform into different animals, including Taiwan’s indigenous species, such as Taiwan Blue Magpie and Formosan Black Bear, to interact with the scenes. “Samsara Ep.1” also features the latest somatosensory technology, including the 4Dviews shooting techniques by the Industrial Technology Research Institute and Taiwan Creative Content Agency, with 48 4DV-EX-Z cameras and a digital shooting system composed of a high-sensitivity 4 million-pixel full-color CCD sensor. “Samsara Ep.1” is able to be taken from an omnidirectional view without blind spots and be shot without any blind spots to create the ultimate immersive experience.
The first SXSW was held in Austin, Texas in 1987. This long-standing international event is held around March every year ever since. The festival features various themes, such as films, music, VR/AR, art and games, etc. The SXSW is the world’s largest event for creative content. Many creators and brand owners in the fields will not miss out on the festival. Therefore, the festival has become a trial balloon, attracting hundreds of bands and film crews to participate, estimated over 400,000 people joining the event. This year, the festival has changed the event to an online form for the first time since the pandemic is raging as before. All screening events, industry matchmaking, seminars will be carried out via its own online platform, SXSW Online, without difficulty. It has made it possible for all the artists, creators, and professionals to break down the physical borders and participate in this magnificent annual event together.
There are nine productions in total nominated in the Virtual Cinema Competition category this year, with teams from the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Australia, South Korea, and so on. This is the first time that “Samsara Ep.1” has competed in the international film festival and has achieved a great result with much international recognition. This is also the first time for Taiwanese production to receive an award from the SXSW competition. The full version of “Samsara” is expected to start the global tour in the second half of the year. Huang said that “Samsara” would return to Taiwan for its Asian premiere and ask the fans in Taiwan to stay tuned!
✔️SXSW website: https://www.sxsw.com/festivals/film-awards/
✔️SXSW YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9G_7NZh_Oo&feature=emb_logo
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