來自歐洲議會 #5大主流黨團、 #20個會員國 共 #62位重量級歐洲議會議員 公開聯名致函,這封信對象是立陶宛總統、總理及國會議長,同時副本歐盟高層,針對中國近來的威脅、恐嚇與霸凌(太離譜了 真的太離譜了),展現與立陶宛團結一致的支持,並強調台灣在國際社會中扮演至關重要的角色,所有歐洲聯盟會員國均有權利與台灣深化經濟、文化與外交關係。
此外,歐洲議會副議長 #卡斯塔多 也表示支持立陶宛與台灣深化關係的決定,他也是歐洲議會最近通過挺台報告的一大推手呦~~
卡斯塔多在臉書表示,針對歐盟強化對台關係, #歐洲是時候該大力支持了 ,他最近接受義大利媒體「宣言報」訪問表示,台灣與歐盟共享多元 #民主 #自由 及 #尊重法治 精神,而違反人權及具侵略性的外交政策,歐盟都不能坐視不管保持沉默。
62 cross-party MEPs signed an open letter to #Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nausėda, Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė expressing their support for the people of Lithuania amid the threats, intimidation and bullying behaviour they’ve suffered at the hands of the PRC.
The letter, which was also forwarded to the leadership of the #EuropeanUnion, condemned the pattern of using “de-facto trade sanctions” against countries in an attempt to coerce them into geopolitical acquiescence. The letter called for the EU to reiterate the right of all its member states to conduct their economic, cultural and diplomatic relations with #Taiwan as they see fit, adding that Taiwan has a vital role to play in the international community.
This comes as European Parliament Vice President Fabio Massimo Castaldo took to Facebook to say it was time for Europe to strongly support bolstering relations with Taiwan, following an interview with Italian daily il manifesto in which he condemned human rights abuses in China and emphasized Taiwan as an important partner in the Indo-Pacific region.
Taiwan strives to be a force for stability and good in the international community and we’ll continue to safeguard our values of #democracy, #freedom and respect for #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw, shoulder to shoulder with our #LikeMinded partners in Lithuania and the #EU.
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ruleoflaw 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
歐洲議會鼓勵歐盟 #強化與台灣最高層級等官方交流,也呼籲歐盟執委會於今年年底前準備好與台灣「雙邊投資協定」的前置作業,以準備與台灣展開談判。
先前中國以經貿及外交等手段制裁立陶宛,這次歐洲議會臨時新增並通過修正案,強調歐洲議會支持也歡迎台灣在立陶宛設立代表處,同時譴責中國對立陶宛的經濟制裁,也呼籲歐盟採取適當行動力挺立陶宛。另一修正案則建議將「歐洲經貿辦事處」更名為「歐盟駐台辦事處」(EU Office in Taiwan)。
「台歐盟政治關係暨合作」報告 #是歐洲議會首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件,外交部誠摯感謝歐洲議會首次主動針對台歐關係提出全面積極的建議,未來將持續關注後續報告案投票結果。
MOFA would like to thank the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs for adopting a report on #EU-#Taiwan Political Relations and Cooperation, marking a new milestone in ties!
We welcome the report, which calls for the elevating of political relations with Taiwan to a comprehensive and enhanced partnership, the completion of an impact assessment which could pave the way for negotiations of a bilateral investment agreement (#BIA) with Taiwan, Taiwan’s inclusion in the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy and advocacy for Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations as an observer, among other things.
The report also expresses the European Parliament’s support for Taiwan’s establishment of a representative office in #Lithuania and suggests the changing of the name of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taipei to the “EU Office in Taiwan.”
Taiwan and the EU share the values of #democracy, #freedom and respect for #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw. Taiwan will not be cowed by authoritarian regimes into abandoning these principles and will continue to work with the EU and other partners to uphold the liberal democratic order.
ruleoflaw 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
台灣與立陶宛乃共享自由、民主與尊重人權、法治等核心價值的友好夥伴。我們注意到自從立陶宛政府同意台灣設立 #代表處 後,便受到來自中國等威權體制逼迫其退讓的各種 #複合式威脅手段,企圖施壓立陶宛改變與我國強化關係的決定。
我們 #嚴正反對將涉及人民福祉的正常經貿往來當作制裁報復的工具,台灣積極拓展與立陶宛等波海國家關係的堅定決心,從未改變,將持續與立陶宛以及民主陣營的眾多夥伴密切合作,建立具高度韌性的產業供應鏈,也將與支持民主自由的理念相近國家一起全力聲援立陶宛,展現民主陣營不受脅迫、堅守立場的團結力量!
#Taiwan and #Lithuania are #LikeMinded partners that share the values of #freedom, #democracy and respect for #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw. MOFA has been closely following the PRC’s decision to halt new approvals for Lithuanian food import permits in the wake of the latter’s decision to allow the establishment of a Taiwanese Representative Office in the country.
MOFA strongly opposes the use of economic and trade sanctions that impact people’s livelihood as a retaliatory tool. Taiwan’s determination to strengthen ties with #Lithuania and other #BalticStates will not change amid the continued attempts by the PRC’s authoritarian regime to bully and intimidate, and we’ll continue to work with like-minded democracies to create resilient global supply chains. We hope to engage in further trade and investment with Lithuania across a range of fields, including technology, education and culture.
ruleoflaw 在 #ruleoflaw - Explore | Facebook 的推薦與評價
ជាប់ៗទាំងអស់គ្នាណាទាំង សិស្សច្បង សិស្សប្អូន ឆ្លងឲផុតពីការប្រឡងសង. #RuleOfLaw. ... <看更多>
ruleoflaw 在 What is the Rule of Law? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In this video we look at the Rule of Law and the main principles it is based on. This video is part of the Civics Academy Introduction to ... ... <看更多>