公關手冊 之 #工作篇 江湖再見
這頓晩飯我真的有很多感受,影相時非常感觸,千言萬語不勝唏噓。最近一些已經合作了超過20年如Adeline 的傳媒好朋友相繼退下火線,有自願的也有不自願的,我實在不捨得她們,畢竟由我入行到現在合作了這麼多年,當中當然有嗌交的時候,也有一起為做好一單新聞一個封面一個故事而一起努力博命的時候,這一次疫情對各行各業打擊實在太大了,時代的巨輪也很殘忍,無論過往有多努力,曾經為公司攞到幾多單獨家新聞立下幾多風光偉績汗馬功勞又如何,面對現在的逆境也要起身只能慨嘆無奈。內地幾位著名的時裝雜誌大姐大都相繼換人,其中一個主編職位更換上一個27歲的IG女王,面對一個時代循環的終結代表另外一個年代的開始,還在圈內的共勉之,好好收拾心情再上路,其他傳媒朋友他朝一日總會江湖再見,一道門關了總會有另一扇門打開的。其實香港幾位品牌一姐也已經來個大執位或退隱了,見到旁邊的丁子高,大家都是公關同行,來一下擁抱更加百般滋味在心頭,我告訴他商場上或許我們是競爭對手,然而此情此景,大家心底裏面也是互相支持的,莫非我望你執笠咩,我們每一天都一定要撐住,幾辛苦都要撐到底,隧道已經過了一大半,很快便到達出口,將來我們再大展拳腳一番,彼此會更加精彩。現在無論是什麼工作,大家最緊要身體健康,希望在明天!❤️
Recently many social pages editors are leaving, I have worked with them since the day I joined the PR industry two decades ago and I will miss them all. Yes sometimes we argued and flipped table but most of the time we worked so hard together for the exclusive stories and cover pages, however life is brutal and when facing the pandemic situation all these amazing works and credentials becomes “so what”, job redundancy is sad but we have to move on, the end of one era means the beginning of another era, I believe when one door closes there is always another one opens. When I saw Real Ting I also gave him a hug, we might be competitors in the PR industry but I know we are supporting each other deep in our hearts, we don’t want to see each other closing the business, we have to hang in there and make it through, we have passed more than half way of the tunnel and the exit is right in front, the future is going to be fabulous and for now, we have to stay healthy and keep our hopes up!!
#PRlife #Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #myPRbook #公關手册 #2021 #希望在明天 #社交圈 #社交版 #名人版 #staystrong #staypositive #stayhealthy @adeline.lai @debbie.lum @real_ting
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This picture was taken from 10 years ago today, thanks Facebook for the memories function, I miss those days when we have different Korean stars flying in every week for all the glam glam events, how are you doing Gong Yoo? 😊🌟 #孔劉 #gongyoo @gongyoo7010 #timeflies #10yearschallenge #10yearsago #10years #imissthosedays #korea #koreanactor @facebook #myprlife #prlife #hk #hkig #hongkong @dior #numberonepr
prlife 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
公關手冊 之 #工作篇 方法總比問題多
男家女家也住在大埔,若果婚禮場地在附近最理想,於是便去這一間剛剛裝修好的餐廳視察,這間餐廳名字真的諷刺,應該改名叫「小喇叭」就差唔多,租這個地方簡直一吐氣,認真唔係路,罪狀多到破紀錄,我們10月9日去睇場,追了兩個星期,於10月22日才報價,單是租戶外那一個2000尺用來行禮的陽台便要收11萬,未計酒水食物,餐廳晚飯另計每位收二千 (沒錯他們沒有米芝蓮星只有 DL星!),還說只收現金或轉帳不收信用卡,我知道餐廳就是要拖延我們時間,讓主人家沒有選擇餘地焗俾貴場租和晚餐,周旋之中我告訴餐廳這個11萬太過分了遠遠超出正常價錢,兼且這樣的明星婚禮一定有很多傳媒報道大家都是 win win 的,疫情期間應該大家幫大家而唔係斬到我地一頸血,餐廳方面已經換了聯絡人,告訴我是外父一早應承的,我說你們也沒有見過外父,他怎樣應承你呢?隔了一日餐廳回覆,態度非常好但告訴我價錢沒有一點減價餘地,租場價錢如此貴是因為我們阻礙了他們的裝修工程,那麼為何不早些說?最觸動我神經的是他們說只能回贈一些心意,就是六支sparkling wine, 我當時心想是不是$60一支那種??還偷偷加了食晚飯的人數 minimum charge, 無時無刻挑戰我們的底線,這間餐廳做生意手法叫人側目,希望將來沒有客人會上當。深宵時間我真的怒火中燒睡不着,於是我便打過去幾間相熟的餐廳求救,君悅酒店方面馬上幫我找來沙田凱悅,價錢非常合理,環境清靜場地非常理想服務又週到,於是我們商量好後便在婚禮舉行之前一個星期轉場,在此特別鳴謝沙田凱悅酒店和 Evollove Wedding Production 的配合。
當公關這麼多年,一定要學懂永遠有Plan B,還要有Plan C Plan D 甚至Plan Z, 不要因為時間倉猝而要付双倍甚至多倍價錢,什麼困境也會有其他辦法,方法總比問題多這句沒錯,也應用於夫婦婚姻之道。婚禮前28天要去律師樓簽紙卻遇上8號風球差點過了最後限期,幸好律師體諒照樣返工,而婚禮前數天天文台也預測會有雙颱風打8號風球,然而凱悅酒店也有室內場地所以我沒有太擔心,香港天文台的準成度大家也心中有數,這個本年度香港最矚目婚禮也在風和日麗天公造美的情況下完成,今年的上半場非常成功,期待明年下半場的盛大婚宴,再次祝鄭俊弘何雁詩百年好合永結同心!❤️
It’s never easy to organise a wedding during the pandemic and big congrats to Fred and Stephanie and yay we just did the Wedding of the Year! I really can write a book about this with all the issues and problems we have gone through, especially with the venue rental at the restaurant that I have to say it’s the most ridiculous offer I have seen in my 20 years of PR life. Special thanks to Hyatt Regency for their rapid help and the wedding turned out to be a lovely and beautiful one, just remember, always have a Plan B or Plan C or even Plan Z, there are many solutions for every problem and don’t let anyone screw u up. Once again all the best to Mr and Mrs Cheng and we look forward to the big wedding banquet next year! ❤️
#PRlife #Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #myPRbook #公關手册 @fredcheng83 @honganc #fredcheng #frederickcheng #鄭俊弘 #stephanieho #何雁詩 #wedding
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#officelife # prlife. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your ... ... <看更多>
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Public relations graduation cap #pr #graduation #gradcap #prlife #publicrelations Public Relations. More like this. nicolecim · Nicole Ciminera. ... <看更多>
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Congratulations to all of the outstanding PR Wizards who were recognized at today's meeting which honored top PR pros. Thank you to everyone who attended. ... <看更多>