其實我一直都係四眼妹, 只係嫌自己N年前配既眼鏡老土, 所以只會戴CON出街~
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@ 誠品香港 eslite@HK
okian 在 Chris Chan Facebook 的精選貼文
😎上星期喺📍銅鑼灣誠品店10/F📍嘅*OKIAN Optical*配咗副新眼鏡🤓💕
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#Okian #OkianOptical
okian 在 KIWI Manuka HK - 加維麥蘆卡 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Thank You for letting us be apart of such a great event, yesterday much effort, hard work and a lot of fun involved! Hope to be seeing more positive vibes delivered through K for KIDS Foundation Limited in the near future.
“Inside all children is the power to create their own world.”
The K for KIDS Foundation Limited crew set out in carnival style today to deliver happiness, fun & positive vibes to kids in Shum Shui Po district in celebration of Hong Kong Children’s Day!
We believe that play is an integral part of any childhood. So, our mission today was simple. For all kids to play, be silly and just have fun.
And based on the smiles and laughter we witnessed, we can say that today was a huge success.
None of this would have been possible without the support of our dear friends.
Special thanks to:
The Hub Hong Kong for co-organising this event
Dress up photo booth by Roundcircle Rc
Free Eye Screening by OKIAN Optical
Free Draw Corner & Game booths by Picasso Creative Arts Gallery
Dance workshop by Dance Kingdom
Fresh bread & drinks by 華星冰室 (華星舊生會專頁)
Passport design by Poppy's Trunk
愛拼人生 Live Play Love
All event design and production by The Aristo Group
Goody bag sponsors by SHISEIDO 資生堂, Dr Kevin Chan (dentist), B.Braun, 大眾書局, 四洲紫菜,東方文具公司 , 艾美坊 Skin Beauty Plus, 太興飲食集團 , Lucas Papaw Ointment in Hong Kong, KIWI Manuka HK - 加維麥蘆卡 New Zealand Manuka Group
To the 90+ volunteers who donated their precious time and gave a piece of their heart to all the children today.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Until next time! Ciao!