#第一次在麻坡主持 #超感动的一晚 #千人活动 #三语主持
A memorable night with Q-dees Muar.
All kids are so adorable and ‘guai’ that they did not cry and were all very cooperative throughout the event. They even sang along to every song they had learned and cheered for every performance / ceremony, especially for their teachers during the Teacher Appreciation Ceremony. Learning is an adventure, these kids are fortunate and blessed to have Q-dees in their growing journey!
我记忆中的幼儿园生活 是快乐的💕
小朋友那么可爱 笑得那么纯真 那么享受表演
成长的过程 本就该是快乐的。
#EmceeofMalaysia #Emcee___Jess #kindergarden #Qdees #multilingualemcee #jbemcee #Muaremcee #emcee #kids #work #host #Muar #outstation