まずは入店からスタートしましょう。お客様の人数を確認する場合は「How many in your party?(何名様ですか?)」と尋ねます。ここで出てくるpartyは「グループ」と同じ意味になるためgroupを使って表現することもできますが、レストランでは party の方がよく使われます。また、よりシンプルに「(For) how many?(何名様ですか?)」と聞いたり、カジュアルなレストランであれば「How many?」だけで人数確認をしてもOKです。入店してきた人数が2名であれば、「For two?(2名様ですか?)」や、シンプルに「2?」「3?」のように数字だけを言っても問題ありませんが、forを頭につける方がより自然な感じがします。
How many in your party?
(For) how many? ※カジュアルなレストランであれば、How many?だけでOK。
For Two? ※シンプルに「2?」「3?」のように数字だけを言ってもOK。
お客様に予約の有無を確認する際は「Do you have a reservation?(ご予約はありますか?)」と聞きます。
Do you have a reservation?
予約がなくすぐに席に案内できない場合は、まず「It'll be about a 15-minute wait.(ただいま待ち時間は15分程度です)」や「It’ll be about 15 minutes.」のようにお客様に待ち時間を伝えます。15-minute waitの方が若干フォーマルな響きがありますが、どちらを使ってもOKです。すぐに席に案内できる場合は、「It’ll just be a few minutes.(少々お待ちください。)」と伝えるといいでしょう。
It'll be about a 15-minute wait.
It’ll be about 15 minutes.
待ち時間の案内後は、お客様の名前をウエイティングリストに載せるため名前を確認します。「お名前をうかがってもよろしいですか?」は「Can I get your name, please?」や「May I have your name, please?」で表現しますが、後者の方がよりフォーマルな響きがあります。名前を聞くときの定番フレーズに「What’s your name?」がありますが、失礼な響きがあるためこのフレーズを使って名前を確認しないようにしましょう。
Can I get your name, please?
May I have your name, please?
名前を聞いた後は「We'll call you when your table is ready.(お席のご用意ができましたらお呼びいたします。)」と伝え一旦会話を終わらせます。席の準備ができたら「Your table is ready. Right this way.(お席がご用意できました。こちらへどうぞ。)」と伝え、お客様を席まで案内します。「Right this way.」の代わりに「Follow me, please.」を使ってもOKです。
We'll call you when your table is ready.
Your table is ready. Right this way.
Your table is ready. Follow me, please.
Hi, welcome to Hapa’s. My name is Jun. I’ll be taking care of you today.
「I’ll be taking care of you today.」 の代わりに「I’ll be taking your order today.」 と言うこともでき、どちらを使ってもOKです。カジュアルなレストランであればもう少しシンプルに「Hi, I'm Jun. I’ll be your server today.(このテーブル担当のジュンです。)」と言うこともできます。
Hi, I'm Jun. I’ll be your server today. ※カジュアル
次は飲み物の注文です。一般的に、挨拶と自己紹介が終わると飲み物の注文を取ります。「初めに何かお飲み物はいかがでしょうか?」は「Can I get you started with anything to drink?」や「Can I start you off with anything to drink?」で表現します。「Would you like anything to drink?」を使っても問題ありませんが、「Can I get you started with anything to drink?」と「Can I start you off anything anything to drink?」の方がよく耳にするような気がします。ちなみに anything の代わりに something を使ってもOKです。
Can I get you started with anything to drink?
Can I start you off with anything to drink?
飲み物の後は前菜の注文を取ります。前菜の注文を聞く時はシンプルに「Any appetizers?(前菜はいかがでしょうか?)」や、よりフォーマルに尋ねる場合は「Would you like any appetizers?」と聞きます。飲み物と一緒に前菜の注文を取る場合は「Can I start you off with any drinks or appetizers?(初めに何かお飲み物や前菜はいかがですか?)」と尋ねます。
Any appetizers?
Would you like any appetizers? ※フォーマル
Can I start you off with any drinks or appetizers?
飲み物や前菜の注文が終わったら「I’ll be right back with your drinks.(お飲み物をすぐにお持ちいたします。)」、「I’ll be right back with your drinks and appetizers.(お飲み物と前菜をすぐにお持ちいたします。)」と言ってその場を離れます。
I’ll be right back with your drinks.
I’ll be right back with your drinks and appetizers.
お客様の注文が決まっていない場合は、「I’ll be back in a moment to take your order.(お決まりの頃お伺いします。)」と言って一旦テーブルを離れ、頃合いを見て再び注文を取りに戻ります。
I’ll be back in a moment to take your order.
次はメイン料理の注文です。一般的に、飲み物を持ってきたタイミングで注文をとります。注文をとる際は、「Are you (guys) ready to order or do you still need a few more minutes?(ご注文はお決まりですか?それとも、もう少しお時間が必要ですか?)」のように聞くことが一般的で、「Do you still need a few more minutes?」の一言を加えることで、お客様に対して「もし注文が決まっていなくても大丈夫ですよ、急がなくていいですよ」という意味合いが伝わります。またシンプルに、「Are you (guys) ready to order?」や「What can I get for you?(ご注文は何になさいますか?)」のように尋ねてもOKです。
次の人の注文に移るときは、「And for you, sir/miss?(お客様[男性/女性]はいかがなさいますか?)」と尋ねます。「And for you?」だけでもOKですが、sirやmissを入れる方が丁寧な響きになります。ちなみに、missの代わりにma’amを使うこともできますが、 ma’amには年配の女性の響きがあるので使い方には気をつけましょう。
Are you (guys) ready to order or do you still need a few more minutes?
Are you (guys) ready to order?
What can I get for you?
And for you, sir/miss?
オススメを聞かれた時は、お店の人気料理と個人的に好きな料理のどちらをススメてもOKですが、アメリカではウェイター・ウェイトレスが個人的に好きな料理を進めることが多いように思います。お店の人気料理を紹介するときは「We’re known for our seafood. The crab is our most popular dish.(うちのお店はシーフードが有名です。カニが一番人気です。)」、個人的に好きなお店の料理を紹介するときは「I personally love the fried chicken. I think it’s amazing.(私は個人的にフライドチキンが大好きです。私は美味しいと思います。)」のように表現するといいでしょう。
We’re known for our seafood. The crab is our most popular dish.
I personally love the fried chicken. I think it’s amazing.
スープやサラダなどサイドメニュー付きのメイン料理の注文を受けたときは、ついてくるサイドメニューをお客様に紹介します。その場合は、「You have a choice of a soup or salad.(こちらのお料理はスープかサラダがお選びいただけます。)」や「That comes with either soup or salad.(サラダかスープがついてきます。)」のように伝えます。
You have a choice of a soup or salad.
That comes with either soup or salad.
I’m sorry. We are out of salmon today.
Excellent choice.
That’s my favorite dish. It’s delicious.
注文を一通りすべてとり終えた後は、「Can I get you anything else?(他にご注文はございますか?)」や「Is there anything else I can get for you (guys)?(ご注文は以上でよろしいですか?)」と聞いて他に注文がないかを確認します。そして、その場を離れる前に「Your food will be right out.(料理はすぐにきますのでお待ちください。)」や「We’ll get working on that right away.(すぐに取り掛かります。)」と一言伝えましょう。「We’ll get working on that right away.」を日本語に直訳すると少し違和感ありますが、要するに「これからすぐに作りますのでお待ちください」といった意味合いになります。
Can I get you anything else?
Is there anything else I can get for you (guys)?
Your food will be right out.
We’ll get working on that right away.
注文の料理をお客様にサーブするときは「Here’s your pizza.(こちらがご注文のピザです。)」と言ってテーブルに置きます。そして、注文した料理が全て揃っているかを確認するときはシンプルに「Is that everything?(ご注文は全てお揃いでしょうか?)」と尋ねます。料理のサーブが終わりその場を離れるときは、「Enjoy your meal.(ごゆっくりどうぞ。)」とお客様に伝え、食事を楽しんでもらいましょう。
Here’s your pizza.
Is that everything?
Enjoy your meal.
メイン料理のサーブが終わりお客様が食事を楽しみだしたら、食事の様子を確認するために頃合いを見計らってお客様のテーブルまで戻ります。食事に満足しているかどうかは「How are we doing? Is everything tasting OK?(お食事はいかがですか?お料理のお味はいかがですか?)」と尋ねて確認します。ここでは、「How are you doing?」と聞いても問題はありませんが、 「How are we doing?」と聞く方がフレンドリーな響きがあります。また、食事中に飲み物のおかわりが必要かを確認する場合は、「Would you like another drink?(ドリンクのおかわりはいかがですか?)」と聞き、drink の代わりに具体的な飲み物の名前を言ってもOKです。もしも、そのテーブル席のお客様全員に飲み物のおかわりを確認する場合は、「Can I get you guys another round of drinks?(「お酒を」もう一杯ずついかがですか?)」と聞くといでしょう。Round of drinks は「人数分のお酒」を意味し「もう一杯ずついかがですか?」を表します。基本的にお酒に対してのみ使われる言い方です。
How are we doing? Is everything tasting OK?
Would you like another drink?
食事が終わったかどうかを確認するときは、「Are you still working on your meal?(お食事はお済でしょうか?)」を使います。この表現は直訳すると「まだ食べていますか?」となり、お皿を下げる前に相手がまだ食べているかを確認する言い方として使われます。ここでお客様が「No」と返事をすれば食べ終わったことを意味するので、お皿を下げてOKです。
お皿を下げる場合は「Can I take your plate?(お皿をお下げしてもよろしいですか?)」や「Would you like me to take your plate?」と聞き、後者の方がより丁寧な響きになります。
Are you still working on your meal?
Can I take your plate?
Would you like me to take your plate?
食事を終えたお客様に「How was everything? Did you enjoy the meal?(お食事はいかがでしたか?美味しかったですか?)」と料理の感想を聞きます。ここでのポイントは、「How is everything?」 ではなく「How was everything?」と尋ねることです。
How was everything? Did you enjoy the meal?
食事の最後にデザートをすすめてみましょう。「デザートはいかがですか?」は「Can I interest you in some dessert?」や「Would you like some dessert?」で表現しますが、前者の方がレストランで使われる傾向が高いフレーズになります。その他にもよく使われるフレーズとして、「Do you have room for dessert?」という表現もあります。
Can I interest you in some dessert?
Would you like some dessert?
Do you have room for dessert?
最後はお会計です。アメリカでは通常、お客様が食事を終えてから伝票をテーブルに置きます。伝票を置く際はお客様をせかさないためにも「I’ll leave the check here. You can take your time with that.(お会計はこちらです。ごゆっくり。」や「I’ll leave the check here. No hurry. Whenever you’re ready.」と一言添えるのが一般的です。
I’ll leave the check here. You can take your time with that.
I’ll leave the check here. No hurry. Whenever you’re ready.
また、アメリカでは複数のクレジットカードで支払いをすることがあり、各カードに均等にチャージするかを確認したい場合は「Would you like me to split it evenly?(各カード均等にチャージしますか?)」と尋ねます。また、evenlyを省いて 「Would you like me to split it?」 だけでも「各カードを均等にチャージする」ことを意味します。
Would you like me to split it evenly?
Thank you for coming. Hope to see you guys again.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅EDEN KAI,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Eden Kai, 16 year-old acoustic guitarist virtuoso singer-songwriter, performed original instrumental songs on acoustic guitar at the 50th State Fair a...
most popular name in 1970 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
最好的朋友,能把對方最好的一面帶出來。就像美台真摯的友誼一樣,美國食材搭配台菜靈魂,更能迸發絕佳好風味!因此我們特別推出 「美」味在台灣:美台食材天生一對 系列貼文,跟大家分享美台食材超級好朋友 #BFF 的暖心搭配料理!
你知道過年送禮大熱門是什麼嗎?答對了!就是堅果!杏仁、核桃、胡桃等堅果都是快速、健康又多樣化的零嘴,也是各式點心常見的成分!無論你要烘烤翻炒、烤到金黃焦脆,或是加入辛香料調味,堅果都是走到哪吃到哪的涮嘴零食,想要來一道清爽的堅果沙拉也沒問題,和台灣當地美食混搭更是有畫龍點睛的效果!就像大受好評的杏仁酥,就是把美國加州生產的杏仁用台灣的麥芽糖翻炒到帶糖色。跟其他種糖不同的地方是,傳統台灣麥芽糖是將小麥草和糯米攪拌在一起,並遵循古法以柴火長時間慢熬,過程中釋放出來的木柴香氣,和帶有烘烤微焦味的杏仁簡直是完美搭配 🌰 更多加州杏仁好吃好玩小知識,歡迎追蹤美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan臉書專頁!
照片提供: 舊振南餅店 JZN Taiwan Pastry
America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: The perfect friendship
What’s a best friend for? A best friend is someone who brings out the best in you! Just as the United States and Taiwan have a great friendship, some of our foods combine together to make the perfect combo. That’s why we’re launching America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: The Perfect Friendship to celebrate the food #BFFs that brighten our lives.
Do you know what is one of the most popular Chinese New Year gifts? Bingo! It’s tree nuts! Tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans, and many more are quick, healthy and versatile snacks or ingredients in your favorite treats. Roasted, toasted, sweetened, or spiced, tree nuts name a great grab-and-go snack or topping to your favorite salad. And every kind of tree nuts can play versatile and inspirational in a wide variety of tasty, creative Taiwan foods. Like this popular almond brittle souvenir, it features crunchy California almonds that are first pan-fried and coated with Taiwanese rice malt syrup. Unlike any other sugar, the traditional Taiwanese rice malt syrup made of wheat grass and glutinous rice is cooked long time with firewood, through the process bringing out woody scents that go perfectly with toasty almonds! Yummy! Follow 美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan to know more about California almonds!
Photo credit: 舊振南餅店 JZN Taiwan Pastry
most popular name in 1970 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 挑戰性別規範 🇰🇿 🇰🇷
📘《Ken的文法筆記 I.》一月出售(詳置頂貼文)
📰 The K-pop inspired band that challenged gender norms in Kazakhstan
They made their debut as a boy band, expecting to create music and amass fans along the way. Instead they were met with anger, protests and even threats.
這篇文章關於哈薩克斯坦(Kazakhstan)男孩樂隊(boy band)。這對樂隊是給韓國流行音樂(K-pop)所啓發的,目的是創造音樂(create music)和累積粉絲(amass fans),結果他們遇到憤怒 (anger)、抗議 (protests)和威脅 (threats),原因是他們挑戰性別規範(challenge gender norms)。
They perform choreographed dance routines, sing addictive tunes and have shockingly slick music videos - and no, we're not talking about a K-pop group.
This is Q-pop, or Qazaq-pop - an up and coming pop genre in Kazakhstan, which all started with one band, Ninety One.
這兩段介紹了哈薩克斯坦的有前途的流行文化類型(up and coming pop genre),跟K-pop差不多:給刻意安排的舞蹈動作(choreographed dance routines)、上癮的曲調 (addictive tunes)和華而不實的音樂錄像 (slick music videos)。
But the band has not only made a name for itself through its music.
It also made a huge statement when its five androgynous looking members - complete with long hair, guyliner and makeup, burst onto the scene in the deeply conservative country - and challenged its gender norms.
這對樂隊不是因爲音樂成名(make a name),而是因為他們的外形:雌雄同體樣子的(androgynous looking)、長髮(long hair)、給男性使用的眼線液 (guyliner) 和化妝(makeup)。
In 2014, an entertainment group in Kazakhstan held a singing competition - looking for talented individuals who could form a band.
Four boys - A.Z. and Zaq were selected, with Bala and Alem cast separately. They were joined by Ace, who had come from South Korea's famous SM Entertainment - the group behind some of the country's most popular K-pop acts.
"We became a team, wrote songs together, learned to dance and perform, and finally... debuted when we were ready," the band told the BBC in an email interview.
這幾段介紹樂隊的由來,部分成員來自一個唱歌比賽 (singing competition),其中一名成員是韓國人。
But the band's producer and the man responsible for creating the group, Yerbolat Bedelkhan, wanted more than just one band.
His aim was to create a whole new genre of music in Kazkahstan, known as Q-pop, or Qazaq pop, inspired by K-pop.
Although it has now swept the globe, back in 2014 K-pop was arguably less well known in the West although it had a massive Asian following.
樂隊製作人(producer) 希望創造一個全新音樂類型 (a whole new genre of music),他參考的K-pop的經驗,在2014年K-pop在西方不是很知名 (well known)。
"Ninety One were conceptualised as a domestic version of K-pop and to some extent are a manufactured group," said Megan Rancier, Associate Teaching Professor of Ethnomusicology at Bowling Green State University.
But when they made their debut, their appearance was a shock to many in the highly conservative country.
"The boys dressed in brighter colours, skinny jeans... their style was more provocative," Mr Bedelkhan told the BBC.
"When they went outside they were dressed in a way that people in the street don't usually dress. In our country, it's not accepted that men can dress brightly."
樂隊成員過的穿著在一個非常保守的國家 (a highly conservative country) 是個震撼 (shock),他們的風格被視爲挑釁的 (provocative)。
People were so scandalised there were even protests, demanding the cancellation of their concerts and calling them "gay".
"People in Kazakhstan are very protective of what they believe Kazakh men and women look like," Aizada Arystanbek, a Kazakhstani gender-related issues specialist told the BBC.
"People's bodies and behaviour is policed by the public in a sense that there is always this notion of 'Is that a Kazakh thing to do?'"
Many of those who protested were young men.
"My father served in the army. When I show his photo, I am proud to say that... he's a real man. What about Ninety One?" one student against Ninety One says in a documentary about Q-pop, titled "Face the Music".
"I can't say they are not men, but they can't be called men either."
當地人要求樂隊取消演唱會(cancel concerts)和稱他們是同性戀(gay),很多抗議人士是年輕男人,他們不接受樂隊成員的外表。
📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
(請私訊您的真實姓名 + 電話+地址,之前得過明信片的學員請告知國家,避免重複)
🎁 領獎期限: 01/09 20:00
most popular name in 1970 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的精選貼文
Eden Kai, 16 year-old acoustic guitarist virtuoso singer-songwriter, performed original instrumental songs on acoustic guitar at the 50th State Fair at the Aloha Stadium in Hawaii on July 4th Independence Day weekend celebration 2015. It was Brown Bags to Stardom Day showcasing the winners of the prestigious statewide competition.
Eden Kai was this year's 2015 Grand Champion and also 1st place Music Instrumental. This acoustic guitar player gave an amazing live performance. This is the same competition which launched the careers of Bruno Mars, Jake Shimabukuro, Tia Carrere, Glenn Medeiros, Yuna Ito, and many other stars from Hawaii.
Special thanks to Brown Bags to Stardom executive producer Johnny Kai for his excellent service and work in continuing this amazing talent competition which has been a household name in Hawaii since the 1970's, long before American Idol and America's Got Talent! Johnny also does a great job interviewing Eden Kai after this performance.
This video starts with some people in the audience shouting "Hana hou! Hana hou!" which means "Encore! Encore!" in Hawaiian. For the encore Eden played his original acoustic instrumental song "She Saw Me Dance" regarded by many to be his best acoustic guitar instrumental song.
Enjoy this video showing a glimpse of an upcoming rising star. Eden Kai has appeared and performed on most all major TV and Radio media in Hawaii as well as in Japan. He has played at popular venues in Waikiki including the Hard Rock Cafe, Duke's Waikiki, and Lulu's.
He has already been receiving great recognition and praise in Asia, and was recently interviewed and performed live on FM FUJI TOKYO one of the biggest radio stations of all time in Japan in a joint broadcast with KZOO Honolulu to over 3 million listeners in Japan.
Eden Kai was born in Tokyo, Japan and moved to Hawaii two years ago. He is trilingual in Japanese, English, and Chinese.
In Japan he was known in his childhood as a gifted singer-songwriter-actor. He started playing the guitar 3 years ago while his voice was changing, and the last two years he has been teaching himself through watching YouTube videos and developing his own unique style.
Eden also loves learning from watching videos of the best ukulele players in the world and their beautiful ukulele songs . He really enjoys the playing the world's best ukulele player of all time of the best Japanese ukulele players ever to cherish these Hawaiian ukuleles and give their best live performance of Hawaiian songs ever.
Eden has acted in TV movies and dramas in Japan since he was 6 years old. He has also been dancing, singing and writing songs since he was 6. He debuted writing and singing a song for charity at the age of 10 "Sekai no Tomodachi" (Friends of the World in Japanese) selling on iTunes, Amazon, etc.
WEBSITE: http://www.EdenKai.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/edenkai
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/edenkaiofficial
REVERBNATION: http://www.reverbnation.com/edenkai
Thanks for watching and please SUBSCRIBE for more videos coming soon! :-)

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most popular name in 1970 在 List of the most popular names in the 1970s in the United States 的相關結果
These are the most popular given names in the United States for each respective year in the 1970s. 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 ... ... <看更多>
most popular name in 1970 在 Most popular baby names of 1970 - BabyCenter 的相關結果
All names for 1970: Official U.S. list. The U.S. government draws from Social Security Administration records to provide an official list of baby names and ... ... <看更多>