T-3 to @tenaga_nasional TNB Record Breaking Night!
After the final confirmation with @malaysiabookofrecords
Here are the records:
1. "Fastest Time to Climb the Height of Petronas Twin Towers on a Stair Climb Machine" (451.9m)
2. "Fastest Vertical Kilometre Climb on a Stair Climb Machine" (1000m)
3. "Longest Vertical Climb Distance on a Stair Climb Machine in One Hour"
I will be attempting the record on the brand new Excite Live Climb by @technogym @se_active
All the records will be doing it in one shot, which means I will continue the journey after each record until the end of One Hour time.
Given each step of the climb machine is 20.6 cm, I need to climb a total of 2195 steps for the first record within 25 minutes.
Second record will required me to climb a total of 4855 steps and the third record will need me to climb a total of 7824 steps (> 1 Mile).
These are the benchmark set by MBR. It will be a challenging night for me to hit all THREE records in one go given that I need to peak for three times throughout the one hour journey.
I believe I can and I will do it!
It will be livestream too! Stay tuned on Technogym Facebook Page!
#MasTowerRunner #TowerrunningMalaysia #StairClimb #ExciteLiveClimb #Climb #Stairs #TechnogymMalaysia #MBRxMTAxTechnogym
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