巴黎著名人權和宗教自由律師、學者帕特里夏·杜瓦爾觀察到,當她第一次得知太極門案時,對台灣政府忽視國際批評風險感到驚訝。另一方面,她在法國的經歷告訴她,有時宗教和精神少數派的反對者並沒有考慮到這些風險。杜瓦爾指出,台灣於 2009 年批准並將《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》(ICCPR)和《經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約》(ICESCR)納入其國家法律。這些,正如歐洲人權法院和其他國際司法管轄區所解釋的那樣,包括在稅收和宗教自由決定中,
Patricia Duval, a well-known Paris human rights and religious liberty attorney and scholar, observed that when she first learned of the Tai Ji Men case, she was surprised that the Taiwan government was ignoring the risk of being criticized internationally. On the other hand, her experience in France told her that sometimes opponents of religious and spiritual minorities do not take these risks into account. Duval noted that Taiwan in 2009 ratified and included in its national law the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These, as they have been interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights and other international jurisdictions, including in tax and religious liberty decisions, should have been applied to the Tai Ji Men case and led to its solution, but they didn’t.
“人權無國界”的聯合創始人兼董事威利·福特(Willy Fautré)表示,台灣是一個民主國家,但沒有一個民主國家是完美的。太極門案讓台灣有機會像照鏡子一樣看到其民主制度的不完善之處。Fautré 說,現在應該立即解決這個問題。
Willy Fautré, co-founder and director of Human Rights Without Frontiers, stated that Taiwan is a democracy, but no democracy is perfect. The Tai Ji Men case offers to Taiwan an opportunity to see, as if in a mirror, what is imperfect in its democratic system. It should now be solved, Fautré said, without delay.
「international court of justice」的推薦目錄:
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《國際新聞整理》 9/27(主播:忽冷忽熱)
* 德國聯邦大選投票結束後公佈的出口民調,德國中間偏左社會民主黨 (SPD) 慶祝以微弱優勢領先,但激烈競爭的最終結果尚未確定。
即將卸任的總理梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 所屬的政黨CDU,選舉結果顯示離勝利越來越黯淡,而和梅克爾共組大聯合政府的德國中間左翼社會民主黨 (SPD) 正朝著勝選邁進。
目前梅克爾的繼任者拉捨特(Armin Laschet)仍未承認敗選,尚有大量郵寄選票未計算,但保守黨基民盟卻出現了歷史上最糟糕的表現。
社民黨SPD的領導人蕭茲 (Olaf Scholz) 表示,他的政黨有明確的治理國家任務。
German elections: Centre left take narrow lead in tight vote https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58698806
* 德國大選初步結果中左翼社會民主黨SPD略領先,但差距如此之小,因此沒人能確定下一任總理是誰,下一屆政府會是什麼樣子。
* 美國多名議員認為,華為公司副董事長孟晚舟獲釋,讓人質疑美國總統拜登應對來自華為公司和中國威脅的能力,這筆交易更多的是向中國投降。分析認為,美國滿足了中國的一項關鍵要求,為改善關係鋪平道路,但也付出一定代價。
據路透社報道,美國參議員盧比奧(Marco Rubio)就認為,拜登政府應就這個問題緊急向國會通報情況。
曾任美國駐日本大使的參議員哈格蒂(Bill Hagerty)也批評說:「我擔心這看起來更像是拜登政府的綏靖政策,更像是投降。華為是一家咄咄逼人的掠奪性公司,得到中國共產黨的支持。美國在這一天放棄了影響力。」
美國國務卿布林肯避免對孟晚舟獲釋置評,僅對中國釋放加拿大前外交官康明凱(Michael Kovrig)和商人斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)的決定,表示歡迎。—新加坡聯合早報
美多名議員指責拜登對中國軟弱 https://www.zaobao.com/news/china/story20210927-1197583?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
自 1 月英國完成脫歐最後階段後,雇主無法自由招聘歐洲工人。新冠病毒大流行,更加劇了因英國卡車司機長期短缺而導致的危機。
英國交通部在一份聲明中表示,在聖誕節前夕,將允許 5,000 名油罐車和食品卡車司機在該國工作三個月,這項商業運輸業政府還會提供短期救濟措施。凡在英國持有執照但目前沒有工作的歐洲卡車司機,皆會收到英國政府發送的信函,呼籲他們返回英國。聲明補充短時期內英國還會為 5,500 名家禽工人提供簽證,以減輕食品行業的壓力。—NYT
* 深陷債務危機的中國恆大集團旗下的恆大汽車股價,在公司警告自身面臨資金嚴重短缺問題,並且放棄在上海科創板掛牌的計劃後,今天(27日)開市便直線下跌,早盤曾重挫超過20%。—新加坡聯合早報
恆大汽車資金嚴重短缺且放棄赴科創板上市 股價曾挫逾20% https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20210927-1197672?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 太平洋島國萬那杜共和國將向國際法庭 (ICJ) 提出仲裁,向全球各大工業排碳國求償,保護其居民及國家降低氣候變遷海平面上升的致命影響,保護該國可能失去家園甚至大多數國土的生存權利。—CNN
Vanuatu will seek International Court of Justice opinion on climate protection https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/26/asia/vanuatu-climate-change-protection-rights-intl/index.html
international court of justice 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🐘 If it’s the ONE THING you do today, make a pledge to NEVER ride an elephant or buy ivory again. Please. 🙏🏻
Speaking at the Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum this morning on what one person can really do in terms of inspiring change, maximizing reach, mobilizing support, and sustaining movements in order to tackle wildlife trafficking and preserve our environment.
Extremely honoured to share the panel with Venerable Maha Sompong Talaputto, Buddhist Dharma Teacher, Justice Michael Wilson from the Hawaii Supreme Court, Le Thi Thu Thuy from the Vietnam chamber of commerce and industry, and John Roberts, Conservation Director of Minor Hotel Group.
✨ Main takeaways ✨
- influencers, celebrities and content creators have power to influence and inspire change through their platforms and personal choices by making responsible choices and leading by example.
- religious leaders can be powerful influencers to dispel myths that wild animal parts have magical or spiritual powers.
- businesses and tourism sector can do more to promote sustainable activities and environmentally friendly holidays for the public in order to raise awareness and promote conservation efforts.
- the rule of law is still a powerful vehicular for change and should be used more effectively in order to bring about climate justice and action.
- real and decisive action needs a collaborative effort from all sectors, private, public and government.
*Don’t limit yourself to a label or put yourself in a box before you take action. Everyone has the power to make a difference.
USAID - US Agency for International Development ASEAN WWF United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
#counterwildlifetrafficking #wildlifetrafficking #elephantconservation #beautifulwithoutivory
international court of justice 在 International Court of Justice - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the ... ... <看更多>