根據《自然》雜誌公布的最新資料,全球十大研究機構有九所位於美國。你任職或就讀的機構是否名列其中?一起來看看:https://goo.gl/Zar5PS #GEW2017 #Innovation #IEW2017 #EducationUSATaiwan #studyabroad
Nine of the top 10 innovative institutions are located in the United States, according to new data published in Nature, a leading science journal. Is your workplace or university on the list? Read more: https://goo.gl/Zar5PS
iew2017 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
今天的「My U.S. Experience我的美國經驗」由正在美國西雅圖華盛頓大學攻讀亞洲語文博士的傅爾布萊特獎學金得主周盈秀,與我們分享Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會與EducationUSA Taiwan如何幫助她通過留學申請,並獲得全額獎學金到美國就讀。語言交換、師長和朋友在學校與生活中的支持,與融入哈士奇大家庭都讓盈秀感到很幸運。一起來看看吧 ---> https://goo.gl/VDUAaw #IEW2017 #EducationUSATaiwan #studyabroad
Today’s “#MyUSExperience” features Chou Ying-Hsiu, a #Fulbright grantee who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Asian Languages & Literature at the University of Washington in Seattle. Ying-Hsiu discusses how Fulbright and EducationUSA helped her get a full scholarship to the University of Washington. She also discusses language exchange opportunities, the support she has received from her peers and professors, and her inclusion in the “Huskies” family. https://goo.gl/VDUAaw
iew2017 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
傅爾布萊特獎學金( Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會)是美國政府的旗艦獎學金,很多優秀的台灣學者當年都拿到傅爾布萊特獎學金去美國攻讀博士學位或當訪問學者。今天影片的主角是學術交流基金會執行長李沃奇博士,他在影片中介紹了傅爾布萊特獎學金,以及位於基金會三樓的EducationUSA Taiwan學美國諮詢中心。有興趣到美國留學的朋友,歡迎你到諮詢中心來看看!如果你在2017國際教育週期間(11月13日-17日),到留學美國諮詢中心(http://www.educationusa.tw/) 進行一對一諮詢或參加講座,我們將會送你一個可愛的EducationUSA行李吊牌!我們等你喔!
#Fulbright is the flagship U.S. government international scholarship program. Many famous Taiwan scholars were granted Fulbright awards to pursue their Ph.D. degrees or conduct research in the United States. Today, Fulbright Executive Director Dr. William Vocke will introduce the #Fulbright program and the #EducationUSA Taiwan Advising Center (https://www.facebook.com/educationusatw/) located on the third floor of the Fulbright office. If you are interested in studying in the United States, FSE is definitely worth a visit! During International Education Week, from November 13-17, students who visit the EducationUSA Advising Center (http://www.educationusa.tw/) for one-on-one advising or informational sessions will receive an EducationUSA luggage tag! Come visit us!
#IEW2017 #studyabroad