On 27 April 2020, the US State Department approved a possible Foreign Military Sale of Boeing AH-64E Apaches to Morocco
The contract is not signed yet, but the USD 4,25 billion contract will contains 24 AH-64E Guardians and related equipment. Within the possible contract, the Moroccan government takes option on another twelve AH-64Es.
Scramble Facebook News (SFN) already reported (as one of the first) back in July 2018 about the first rumours of this purchase *. At that time the Alkowat al malakiya al jawiya (Royal Morocco Air Force) also showed interest in the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T-129 Atak helicopter, but as TAI was not allowed to use US engines, the T-129 could not be exported. In August 2019, SFN reported again about the possible purchase, when the Morrocan government requested 24 new Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters **.
The AH-64E Guardians each will be equipped with two General Electric T700-GE-701D engines and the RMAF plans to take six spare-engines. The advanced helicopters further will get Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/ Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors (M-TADS/PNVS); eighteen, and eighteen helicopters will be equipped with a Fire Control Radars (FCR) with Radar Electronic Units (REU) on top of the rotor. Among other equipment, the RMAF Guardians will get Embedded Global Positioning Systems with Inertial Navigation, Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS), radar signal and laser detecting sets, all kind of modern communication suits, including Link-16, Improved Countermeasure Dispensing System, automatic direction finders, Tactical Air Navigation, Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range/Instrument Landing Systems (VOR/ILS).
The proposed armament involves 551x AGM-114R Hellfire missiles, 60x AGM-114L Hellfire missiles; 72x Hellfire Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM), 588x Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) kits, 200 AIM-92H air-to-air Stinger missiles and launchers, M230E1 + M139 AWS automatic gun with 65,500x 30mm rounds (with an option on another 27,500x 30mm), M261 and M299 rocket launchers with 3,896x 2.75-inch rockets (with an option on another 1,320 2.75").
The proposed contract also involves flight simulators, spare parts, support equipment, training and logistic support.
*) SFN 2 July 2018 https://www.facebook.com/Scramblemagazine/posts/2276377202388801
**) https://www.facebook.com/Scramblemagazine/posts/2951234524903062
The Apache Guardians sale will improve Morocco’s capability to meet current and future threats, and will enhance interoperability with its allies. The RMAF does not have any dedicated attack helicopters on strength and does rely on light armed types like the SA342L Gazelle, based at Rabat/Salé/ 1 Air Base.
#RMAF #Apache #AH64E #ApacheGuardian #T129Atak #H64 #TAI #Boeing #helicopters #attackhelicopter #aviation #Morocco #RoyalMoroccanAirForce #RMAF #militaryaviation #militaryaviationnews #armyaviation #attackhelicopter #avgeek #avgeeks #avaddict Avgeekery.com Avgeek's Avgeek's Page ah-64 AH-64 Apache Helicopter FI AeroWeb AH-64 Apache AH-64 Apache Keep the AH-64 Apache in the National Guard 301redskinsquadron
Photo credit: Instagram Stephan_debruijn (AH-64Es of the Qatar Emiri Air Force)
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◾️6架VH-92 VIP直升機-9億美元
◾️兩艘維珍尼亞級Block V快速攻擊核潛艇-74億美元
◾️3艘柏克級Flight III神盾驅逐艦-60億美元
◾️建造一艘企業號核動力航空母艦(PCU Enterprise CVN-80)的先導採購資金(Advance Procurement Funding)-18億美元
◾️一艘遠征浮動基地(Expeditionary Base Mobile)
◾️5,113輛聯合輕型戰術載具(Joint Light Tactical Vehicles)-20億美元
◾️5枚演化版消耗性發射載具(Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle)-20億美元
◾️全球定位系統Block III-15億美元
◾️43枚反彈道標準飛彈(37枚SM-3 Block IB及6枚SM-3 Block IIA)-17億美元
◾️43,594枚聯合直接攻擊彈藥(Joint Direct Attack Munitions)一12億美元
◾️9,733枚導引火箭系統(Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System)一12億美元
◾️6,826枚小直徑炸彈(Small Diameter Bomb)-3億美元
◾️1,260枚小直徑炸彈二型(Small Diameter Bomb II) 4億美元
▪7,045枚地獄火飛彈(Hellfire Missiles) -6億美元
▪360枚增程版聯合空對地距外攻擊飛彈(Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range)-6億美元
▪1,121枚聯合空對地飛彈(Joint Air-to-Ground Missiles)-6億美元
hellfire missile 在 觀念座標 Facebook 的最佳解答
※ 2015.09.09 英國 ※
二十一歲的瑞亞德‧汗(Reyaad Khan)來自威爾斯的加地夫(Cardiff),本來打算在今年夏天二次世界大戰終戰七十週年紀念日,也是女王預定參與的公開活動中,發動攻擊。與他共謀的另一名英國藉聖戰士久南‧胡珊(Junaid Hussain),他是來自伯明罕的電腦駭客,三天後被美國的無人駕駛飛機殺死。
卡梅隆先生表示,此次無人駕駛飛機的攻擊行動,是從林肯郡的空軍基地進行遙控,發生在八月二十一日。他表示,他並不需要國會的許可對敍利亞境內的 Isis 大本營進行攻擊,因為瑞亞德‧汗已對英國國安構成直接威脅,這使得英國具有自衛的法律權力。
瑞亞德以及他的朋友,二十六歲的盧乎‧阿敏(Ruhul Amin),出身蘇格蘭的亞伯丁,他們被地獄火導彈(Hellfire missile)擊中,因為他們倆搭乘同一輛車子。與他們同車的第三名聖戰士,身份不明,也在攻擊中死亡。
卡梅隆告訴下院,英國準備打擊更多敍利亞的聖戰士。據信,在倫敦長大、在錄影帶中梟首多名人質的的穆罕默德‧恩瓦濟(Mohammed Emwazi,又名聖戰士約翰),是英國政府的頭號攻擊目標之一。
英國檢查總長傑若米‧萊特(Jeremy Wright)認定此次空襲行動合法。國家安全議會也充份了解瑞亞德‧汗對英國本土構成威脅,同意如果有殺死他的機會,英軍就應該採取行動。下達最後同意令的是國防大臣麥可‧法倫(Michael Fallon)。英國政府亦致函聯合國安全理事會主席,解釋英國本次的行動。
另一方面,國防觀察家認為此次的行動,對英國來說,屬於非比尋常,因為英國政府曾經立誓在沒有國會的許可下,不在敍利亞採取軍事行動。人權團體也對於此事的發展表達憂心,因為英國的空軍,包括戰鬥機以及無人駕駛飛機在內,只在伊拉克境內攻擊 Isis——只有經過國會議員的表決後,才能把攻擊的範圍擴大至敍利亞境內。
批評者要求卡梅隆先生公布本次攻擊令的法律見解,警告此次行動亦可被視為法外行刑(extra-judicial execution)。
瑞亞德‧汗、以及阿敏在英國的家人已經由政府通知他們親人在敍利亞的命運。前檢查總長多明尼克‧葛利夫(Dominic Grieve)表示,他認為瑞亞德‧汗的家人可能會採取法律行動。他表示:「歐洲人權公約、人權法案賦予生命權,聯合王國不應該輕易地加以干涉。」
hellfire missile 在 HELLFIRE Family of Missiles - USAASC - U.S. Army ... 的相關結果
HELLFIRE II is a precision strike, Semi-Active Laser (SAL)-guided missile and is the principal air-to-ground weapon for the Army AH-64 Apache, OH-58 Kiowa ... ... <看更多>
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Hellfire is an air-to-ground, laser guided, subsonic missile with significant anti-tank capacity. It can also be used as an air-to-air weapon against ... ... <看更多>
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The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon for the armed forces of the United States and many other nations. It ... ... <看更多>