【Hello Hater】@鬼才做音樂 2021 Ghosician
《Hello Hater》Youtube 高清版MV: https://youtu.be/xyos93gW5e4
The Making Of《Hello Hater》幕後花絮 Youtube高清版: https://youtu.be/RCV8qTt4ktY
《Hello Hater》數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:https://lnk.to/HelloHater
Lyric Version《Hello Hater》動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://bit.ly/3hSHUio
Uhh Hello Hater
啊 哈嘍 黑特
Uhh Mother Fxcker
啊 馬德法克
我又來了 (我又來了)
I am here again (I am here again)
我又來了 (我又來了)
I am here again (I am here again)
I am here again, again!
我就是教壞囜仔大細 (幹)
I am the bad influencer to the multitudes (Fxck)
袂爽來找恁爸 (來)
If you are upset, come to me (Come)
假的帳號 到處留言
Using fake accounts to leave comments around
面對面陰莖縮進裡面 (咻)
Dick recoils while face to face (Aahs)
我教壞囜仔大細 (吶)
I will influence the multitudes negatively (Nah)
袂爽來找恁爸 (來)
If you are upset, come to me (Come)
確診陽痿 存一支嘴
Impotency leaves you with only a mouth to talk
Fxck You, come and face me directly
踹! 呸!
Show up your face!
Your brain is filled up with semen
Everything looks black in foul eyes
天生雞雞太小 薪水太少
Born with tiny dick, drawing a little salary
Orgasm only via keyboard
As my view is different from yours
Therefore I attain greater success than you
看到社會不公 袂爽就講
I would voice up against injustice
You can only truckle and flatter
才不鳥限流被黃標 (想唱啥就唱啥我驕傲)
Never be bothered with restricted flow or yellow tag (I am proud to sing whatever I like)
還開了抖音微博帳號 (有空就麻煩快點舉報)
Registered TikTok and Weibo accounts in addition (Please report when you are available)
整天斷章取義 亂貼標籤
Always misinterpret and label me as you like
根本噁心犯賤 他媽嘴臉
Absolutely disgusting and cheap ugly face
快來黑我 訂閱 分享
Twisted my initial meaning, then subscribe & share my video
害我 每天在賺大錢
Making me tons of money
看見我執迷不悟 刀槍不入
How stubborn and invulnerable I am
Take off your three briefs
我就是全身的酷 看別人吐
I am damn cool, yet you threw up
Such an outlandish way of gesture
Bought bullets cost thirty thousand Pew Pew Pew
買了個銃子 三萬塊嘟嘟嘟嘟
Talkative non-stop, I'll shoot your house
I just need trap but not protection
我只要陷阱 不需要別人的護
Fxck your busybody noisy pig
I am not afraid, I choose to do only serious task
我沒在怕的 我只幹大的
Go to hell bastard, I wanna rebuke till you can't refute
去你的Sucker 壓著你罵的
Consistent tactics similar reply in comments, damn
一貫的伎倆 留言我操
Shut up when you have finished, I deal with big cases
罵完了閉嘴 老子搞大的
I am a sinner never give a shit about moral
我是個罪人 沒在管道德
場子可燥了 沒啥可套的
The place is so boring, nothing is interesting
我只要錢 我不要命
I am willing to risk for money
快給我Shit 而且要Free
Give me shit and it must be free of charge
女兒長大 學床叫
Daughter grown up mature begin to moan
臭婊子幹完 還要
After done first round, initiate another round
小孩照三餐 打掉
Repeated abortion non stop
懶得聽廢話 I’m Bounce
Fed up with the rubbish, goodbye
哈哈 (哈)
Haha (Ha)
幹妳的Bitch啪啪 (蛤?)
Fxck you bitch (Alright?)
媽媽生的臭俗辣 (臭俗辣)
Born to be a coward (Coward)
爸爸生的破麻 (Fxcked up)
Born to be a whore (Fxcked up)
All these comments left by the pigs are senseless
但是就是為了能在網路上面To The Top
Just to catch attention online
需要的是共鳴 才能發現
Demand for support, debunk the myth
Salute your courage of simply fooling around
按你讚 快給我笑 (給我笑)
Give you Like, smile to me please (Smile to me)
討論度還在堆高 (長高)
Discussion is getting more intense (Growing)
把你爸媽Shut Down
Shut down your mom and dad
緬甸街中和Town (栗子)
Myanmar Street in Chunghe Town (Chestnut)
聽我的歌 每天看我的影片
Listen to my songs and watch my videos every day
像吞我的洨 然後吃我的大便
Like drink my semen and eat my poo
媒體就愛 報導轉貼
Media loves broadcast and re-post
你恨死恁爸 一直打臉
You hate me to death but slap in your own face
Hey Hater Loser Keyboard Warrior
嘿 黑特 魯蛇 键盘侠
You Mother Fxcker Come and Lick My Shit
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#Namewee #黃明志 #HelloHater
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過283萬的網紅bubzbeauty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hey everyone, This is a very different type of video. I recently took up painting again and some of you requested a Speed Painting video so here it i...
gesture meaning 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【疫情下互助的光輝照耀台斯兩國 ✨✨】
今年,斯國不僅通過決議案支持台灣參與WHA展現友台立場,這次更主動透過「歐盟公民保護機制」, #將捐贈台灣1萬劑疫苗!對斯洛伐克的真誠友誼及善意,外交部表達由衷感謝!我們會與斯洛伐克政府保持密切聯繫,確認疫苗種類及運送時程等細節。
台斯兩國在各領域都是理念相近的密切合作夥伴,雖然還無法來個斯洛伐克報答之旅,請大家先把斯洛伐克語的「謝謝」Ďakujem 學起來吧!
MOFA would like to thank our friends in #Slovakia after the country announced its intention to donate 10,000 vaccines to Taiwan through the European Civil Protection Mechanism.
The government and private sector of Taiwan previously donated 700,000 masks to the country during the height of the pandemic and returning the gesture is greatly appreciated at a time when solidarity is of the utmost importance in the battle to #EndThisPandemic. Slovakia’s National Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee also passed a resolution in support of #Taiwan’s participation in the #WorldHealthAssembly earlier this year and Taiwan is on the country’s green list, meaning travelers from Taiwan do not have to undergo quarantine on entering the country.
We’ll continue to cooperate closely with the country across a range of fields.
gesture meaning 在 2how Facebook 的最佳貼文
Poche, pochissime erano le foto in casa di Henri Cartier-Bresson; una, forse due. Una, per cui il grande fotografo aveva una vera e propria ammirazione, era “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika” di Martin Munkácsi. Tre ragazzini immortalati di spalle che sprigionano un’incontenibile vitalità mentre corrono verso le acque del lago. Perché Cartier-Bresson amava quella fotografia? Perché, come ha detto lui stesso: “Ho capito improvvisamente che la fotografia può fissare l’eternità in un momento”. Osservando la fotografia “Flying Boys” di Dimpy Bhalotia, e con la quale si è aggiudicato il Female in Focus Award 2020 del British Journal of Photography, sembra che i tre ragazzini di Munkácsi siano tornati dopo un viaggio lungo novant’anni. Di più, pare che siano tornati per spiccare il volo e catturati nel preciso momento in cui occhio, cuore e mente del fotografo sono perfettamente allineati come una costellazione lontana. C’è, nelle fotografie della giovane indiana di Londra, qualcosa che arriva da una precisa tradizione fotografica e che àncora saldamente la composizione a quelle tre fondamentali componenti cui si faceva cenno, orientandola verso la ricerca del momento in cui un episodio umano – e non solo – ha la capacità di espletare il suo senso. Irripetibilmente. I riferimenti non mancano, e sono segno di una solida cultura visiva. Quanto guardiamo nelle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia sembra fuoriuscire da un racconto riscritto con nuove parole, nuovi cenni ma fermamente determinato a essere interpretato attraverso un lessico che costringe a sostare nello spazio citazionista giusto il tempo che occorre prima di assumere una vita propria. E questa sottile e aggraziata visione delle cose che plana sugli avvenimenti, ha quel respiro che sta dentro in una visione poetica della vita, perché per scattare fotografie che sappiano restituire la bellezza d’un gesto occorre amare la vita e i suoi interpreti. Ecco che uomini e animali, colti singolarmente o al crocevia della reciproca interazione, ci appaiono come soggetti appena involontariamente dialoganti ma che, a ben guardare, sono catturati nell’esatto momento di un dialogo segreto. La forza delle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia viene da lontano e dunque è ben strutturata. E si vede soprattutto nell’azzardo di forme, nella scommessa formale giocata sul corpo dei soggetti animali, da cui, in altre circostanze, cogliamo una felice traccia surrealista, un terreno ideale nel quale risolvere talune spericolatezze compositive. Il lavoro di Dimpy Bhalotia sosta alla confluenza di due differenti correnti fotografiche: l’umanesimo e il surrealismo (lo stesso Cartier-Bresson sperimentò un delicatissimo surrealismo prima di fondare la Magnum), maneggiati entrambi con disinvoltura e sicurezza. La sua è una voce limpidissima, minimale. Le composizioni obbediscono al comandamento d’essere rigidamente impostate su un registro essenziale, al limite del calligrafico, ma la sobrietà ci convince del risultato. Il solco della tradizione è tracciato, ma seguirne il percorso senza aggiungere le proprie impronte è come non averci camminato. La fotografia è un libro che non finisce mai di essere scritto, a patto d’avere qualcosa da dire. Come in questo caso.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
foto Dimpy Bhalotia
Few, very few were the photos in Henri Cartier-Bresson's house; one, maybe two. One, for which the great photographer had a real admiration, was Martin Munkácsi's “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika”. Three kids immortalized from behind who release an irrepressible vitality as they run towards the waters of the lake. Why did Cartier-Bresson love that photograph? Because, as he himself said: "I suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment". Looking at Dimpy Bhalotia's “Flying Boys” photograph, and with which she won the British Journal of Photography's Female in Focus Award 2020, it seems that the three kids from Munkácsi are back after a 90-year journey. What's more, they seem to have returned to take flight and captured at the precise moment when the photographer's eye, heart and mind are perfectly aligned like a distant constellation. There is, in the photographs of the young Indian woman based in London, something that comes from a precise photographic tradition and that firmly anchors the composition to those three fundamental components mentioned, orienting it towards the search for the moment in which a human episode - and not alone - has the ability to carry out its meaning. Unrepeatable. There’s no shortage of references, and they are a sign of a solid visual culture. What we look at in Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs seems to come out of a story rewritten with new words, new hints but firmly determined to be interpreted through a lexicon that forces us to pause in the quotationist space just the time it takes before taking on a life of its own. And this subtle and graceful vision of things that hovers over events, has that breath that lies within a poetic vision of life, because to take photographs that are able to restore the beauty of a gesture, you need to love life and its interpreters. Here men and animals, caught individually or at the crossroads of mutual interaction, appear to us as subjects that are barely involuntary in dialogue but who, on closer inspection, are captured in the exact moment of a secret dialogue. The strength of Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs comes from afar and therefore is well structured. And it is seen above all in the balancing of forms, in the formal bet played on the body of animal subjects, from which, in other circumstances, we grasp a happy surrealist trace, an ideal terrain in which to resolve certain compositional recklessness. Dimpy Bhalotia's work stops at the confluence of two different photographic currents: humanism and surrealism (Cartier-Bresson himself experienced a very delicate surrealism before founding Magnum), both handled with ease and confidence. Her is a very clear, minimal voice. The compositions obey the commandment to be rigidly set on an essential register, bordering on calligraphic, but the sobriety convinces us of the result. The groove of tradition is traced, but following its path without adding one's footprints is like not having walked through it. Photography is a book that never stops being written, as long as you have something to say. As in this case.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
ph. Dimpy Bhalotia
gesture meaning 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hey everyone,
This is a very different type of video. I recently took up painting again and some of you requested a Speed Painting video so here it is. Sit back, enjoy the music and paint with little Bubz.
This is my 3rd painting lesson with Tim Gagnon. He is a fellow Youtuber and amazing artist. I found him a week ago and have been OBSESSED with his painting techniques. His passion inspires me so much and I'm learning so much from him right now.
I'm currently taking the Misty Forests lessons from his website http://www.timgagnonstudio.com/lessons
You guys can check out his Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Gagnonstudio
I'm sharing his channel and website because I'm learning so much from him and sharing the joy. I'm not paid by this or anything. I just think he's great and deserves to be known more. I know a lot of you guys are aspiring artists out there and I know Tim would teach amazing things to you all like I did.
For 2012, I decided to take up painting for one of my resolutions. I loved painting as a child. I was obsessed with art because I can go anywhere through my drawings. It freed me because it allowed me to escape from the busy World.
As I get older, I really realize that the simplest things make me happiest. Sometimes, I feel like the World moves too fast for me. Almost 8 years after High School, I plucked up courage to paint again. Painting somehow slows down time for me because it allows me to be 100% focused on the painting.
You guys can read my diary post
for my painting story. I hope it also inspires you guys to go back to your passions. I know we can become occupied with life but really, this has given me back lots of meaning in my life again. I don't think people realize how short life really is so do all the things you want to do that inspires you while you can. Make the most out of it.
I'm still learning from Tim right now (You guys should see his original painting of the one I did lol, it's like...breathtaking!!!). It will be a while for me to be as skillful (or if not, half as skillful) as he is. But one day, I would love to give away one of my paintings to you guys as a gesture. If I ever hit 1 million subscribers- that would be such a special thing to do.
Some of you mentioned I can auction a painting and put the money to charity. That's a great idea but it makes me nervous. It'll be a fun and good cause and I'll work hard practicing for that day.
Ps. Music "Path of Wind" orchestra version from my fav Studio Ghibli anime "Totoro". Nostalgic!! and also "From the Inside out" instrumental from Hillsong.
Have a great day,
Much love, Bubz xx
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