{Favourite Female Characters} 我這個page多數在po男神, 今天突然興起想分享喜歡這女角們~ 劇集Lucifer 裏面的Chloe Decker <3
喜歡她謹慎丶做事小心認真的個性~ 一直努力地盡量不要行差踏錯, 為家人付出, 專注工作丶對朋友亦相當有耐性。是一個希望自己可以當聖人的角色(?) 可是堅強背後會偷偷想去中學舞會跳舞丶發酒瘋丶追八卦小說丶很在意人際關係丶什至顯得有點笨拙。超級反差的設定, 好可愛~~~~
Suddenly wanna share this. I know I rarely share female characters on the page. Here is one of my favourite, Chloe Decker from Lucifer <3
I like that she is bright, she is loyal and put 100% effort in her job, family and friends 👊 She tries very hard to be strong,not to show emotion and be as rational as possible, even feel ashamed to show weakness, because she scared people would not take her serious. Given she made a horrible movie and people made fun of that. She had to work extra hard.
But in certain times, could be vulnerable, which made the character relatable, especially when she struggle to handle social life and love life. The time when she was obsessed with the high school gossip novel and prom night was just super cute 😭
#ChloeDecker #Lucifer #favourite_female_characters
chloedecker 在 猴子的動漫部屋 Monkey's Comics Facebook 的最佳貼文
{Favourite Female Characters} 我這個page多數在po男神, 今天突然興起想分享喜歡這女角們~ 劇集Lucifer 裏面的Chloe Decker <3
喜歡她謹慎丶做事小心認真的個性~ 一直努力地盡量不要行差踏錯, 為家人付出, 專注工作丶對朋友亦相當有耐性。是一個希望自己可以當聖人的角色(?) 可是堅強背後會偷偷想去中學舞會跳舞丶發酒瘋丶追八卦小說丶很在意人際關係丶什至顯得有點笨拙。超級反差的設定, 好可愛~~~~
Suddenly wanna share this. I know I rarely share female characters on the page. Here is one of my favourite, Chloe Decker from Lucifer <3
I like that she is bright, she is loyal and put 100% effort in her job, family and friends 👊 She tries very hard to be strong,not to show emotion and be as rational as possible, even feel ashamed to show weakness, because she scared people would not take her serious. Given she made a horrible movie and people made fun of that. She had to work extra hard.
But in certain times, could be vulnerable, which made the character relatable, especially when she struggle to handle social life and love life. The time when she was obsessed with the high school gossip novel and prom night was just super cute 😭
#ChloeDecker #Lucifer #favourite_female_characters