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Winnie Lee, COO and Co-founder of Appier , shared the expertise in AI-driven technologies to empower exhibitors to achieve business goals, particularly in terms of precision marketing and customer engagement.
協助COMPUTEX 2021智慧展覽平台實現精準行銷與顧客互動的幕後推手── Appier 營運長暨共同創辦人李婉菱表示:「Appier很榮幸成為COMPUTEX 2021的策略技術夥伴,為全球科技廠商帶來不同以往的展覽體驗。
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Mr. David Reinsel, Senior Vice President of IDC IDC Taiwan 國際數據資訊 , shared the 2021 technology trends at the press conference, "Today, companies must accelerate the pace of digitalization and integrated marketing. AI can help companies understand customer on-site and off-site behaviors, predict customer needs, and recommend suitable products and services, enhancing customer interaction and improving the potential for business cooperation."
在COMPUTEX線上記者會中,IDC IDC Taiwan 國際數據資訊 資深研究副總裁David Reinsel表示:「儘管新冠疫情對我們的生活造成影響,但遊戲、物聯網與資安等新興科技的崛起,將在幾年內為已投入數位轉型的企業創造可觀的商機。」
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“From now on, we need to stay digital ready! I believe the COMPUTEX 2021 new online solution will make us bound together by shared values and visions" Watch Dr. 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen shared the #TaiwanModel at COMPUTEX 2021 Online Press Conference.
中央研究院院士 陳建仁 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 表示:「臺灣之所以能成為全球防疫模範生,其中關鍵因素之一是在疫情爆發初期,政府迅速地透過大數據及新科技運用,有效掌握確診與隔離者動態,盼望透過COMPUTEX展會,與全世界交流分享科技運用的成功模式。」